1.Objective During the pandemic period of SARS in early 2003, a large group of students had fever in a middle school in Guangzhou.目的2003年初SARS流行期间,广州市某中学出现学生群体发热现象,为摸清发病原因,迅速排查SARS,我们对该学校进行了详细的流行病学调查。
2)trop-subtropical population热带群体
3)cohort issue群体热点

1.Discussion About Sound Interaction between Intergroup Development of Scientific Research Team and Self-development Scientific Research Workers;科研队伍群体开发与科研工作者个体自我开发的良性互动分析
2.Integration Development of the Development Zones in Urban Agglomeration of Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xi-angtan;试论长株潭城市群开发区群体一体化发展
3.IV. The Aid-the-Poor Program for the Special Groups Among the Impoverished四、 特殊贫困群体的扶贫开发
4.Study on Develop of EST-SSR Primer and Genetic Structure of Tamarix Chinensis;柽柳SSR标记开发及群体遗传结构分析
5.On Teachers Collective Deliberation in Kindergarten Curriculum Development;浅论课程开发中的教师群体审议制度
6.The Development and Management of the Human Resource of the Weak Group from the countryside;农村弱势群体的人力资源开发与管理
7.Aerobics can not develop without the promoting of the mass sports and the society.它的发展是离不开群众体育的发展,更离不开社会的发展。
8.Continuous efforts should be made to promote development-oriented poverty relief and show concern to urban low-income groups.要继续搞好扶贫开发,关心城市低收入群体。
9.University students are group most with latent energy of creativity.大学生是一个最具创造潜力开发的群体。
10.On design and development of group decision support system in staff evaluation;人员测评群体决策支持系统的开发与设计
11.Develop a Statistics Analysis Software in Population Genetics Using VBA Language;用VBA语言开发群体遗传学统计分析软件
12.Orientation of Aim Client in Real Estate Development Based on EXCEL;基于EXCEL的房地产开发项目客户群体定位
13.On Chinese Mass Sport Resources and Countermeasure;我国群众体育资源开发与配置对策研究
14.A Thought on the Gradual Progress in Mass Sports of China Since China′s Reform and Opening;改革开放以来我国群众体育的发展演进与思考
15.Studying on the Motivation from Participation Stakeholders Perspective During Participatory Technology Innovation Process;利益群体视角下参与式技术开发的动机研究
16.The Development of Sports Tourism Resources in Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan Agglomeration长株潭城市群的体育旅游资源开发研究
17.The state develops physical culture and promotes mass sports activities to improve the people's physical fitness.国家发展体育事业,开展群众性的体育活动,增强人民体质。
18.Research on the humanization development of new volleyball item in university teaching;大学体育教学中排球新体育项群的人性化开发研究

trop-subtropical population热带群体
3)cohort issue群体热点
5)spontaneous group自发群体
6)Population development群体发育
1.Ganxin688 was studied for its characteristics of nitrogen absorbability and their impact on the population development and yield formation.通过不同氮肥运筹方式,探讨淦鑫688的吸氮特性及其对群体发育和产量形成的影响。
2.Using two super hybrid rice combinations Luliangyou 996(early rice) and Ganxin 688(late rice) as the materials,the effects of different transplanting densities(D1~D4 for early rice and M1~M4 for late rice) on the population development and grain yield of double cropping super rice were studied.选择超级杂交早、晚稻组合陆两优996和淦鑫688为材料,研究种植密度对双季超级稻群体发育和产量的影响。

内群体与外群体  依照人们的归属感对社会群体所作的一种划分。内群体是指一个人经常参与的或在其间生活、或在其间工作、或在其间进行其他活动的群体。内群体又称我们群体,简称我群。外群体是相对于内群体而言的,泛指内群体以外的所有群体。外群体又称他们群体,简称他群。    内群体与外群体这一对概念最早是由美国社会学家W.G.萨姆纳在《民俗论》(1906)一书里提出来的。作者试图用这对概念描述一个人的群体归属、群众意识以及群众对于个人的影响。    内群体和外群体的概念,明确地区分了我们和他们的界限。这种内外有别的观念不仅内化在群体成员的心里,而且有时通过外在的形式加以突出和强调,如一个群体有自己的名称、符号标志,或特殊的服饰、礼仪或习俗等等。社会学文献使用内群体和外群体概念时,主要用来说明个人对于内群体的肯定和忠诚、对于外群体的排斥和疏远的态度。    内群体和外群体的性质和范围是不断变化的。比如,在原始社会里,内群体和外群体的数目极为有限,性质单纯。一个人所在的家庭、氏族或部落属于内群体,其他的氏族或部落则属于外群体。随着社会的发展,人们活动范围不断扩大,一个人参与的内群体的数量随之增多,性质不完全局限于血缘的联系或地域的联系,而是逐步扩展到工作、社交、文化娱乐和体育运动各个领域,从而形成业缘、社交、文体等多种类型的内群体。内群体和外群体的界限不是一成不变的,随着个人的加入或退出,外群体和内群体不时发生相互转换的现象。