1.Study the effect of Yangge on blood rheology and blood sugar of type Ⅱ diabetes;健身秧歌对Ⅱ型糖尿病患者血液流变性及血糖影响的研究
2.On the Strategy of Promoting Fitness Yangge——A Case of Pudong District,Shanghai;传统体育项目健身秧歌的推广策略研究——以上海浦东新区健身秧歌的开展情况为例

1.Research on the Creation,Development,and Fitness Function of Yangge;论健身秧歌的产生、发展及健身作用
2.Fitness Yangko's Impact on College Students' Body Shape and Physiological Functions健身秧歌对大学生身体形态和生理机能的影响
3.On the Strategy of Promoting Fitness Yangge--A Case of Pudong District,Shanghai;传统体育项目健身秧歌的推广策略研究——以上海浦东新区健身秧歌的开展情况为例
4.Initial exploitation of fitness oriented Yangge dance in P.E teaching in institutes and universities;高校体育课开展健身秧歌运动项目初探
5.Effects of Dance YangKo on Heart Function in Middle and Aged Women;健身秧歌舞对中老年妇女心脏功能的影响
6.A Practice and Reflection on Listing Body-building Yangge in University Physical Education大学体育课开设健身秧歌的实践与思考
7.Study of Effectiveness of Formal Systemized Ways of Third Set of National Fitness Yangge on Mental and Physical Health of Female College Students第三套全国健身秧歌规定套路对女大学生身心健康影响
8.Study the effect of Yangge on blood rheology and blood sugar of type Ⅱ diabetes;健身秧歌对Ⅱ型糖尿病患者血液流变性及血糖影响的研究
9.Research on Routine Arrangement and Practical Effect of Elder People’s Aerobic Yangge Dance;我国中老年健身秧歌规定套路创编与实践效果研究
10.Teaching Methods of Fitness Yang Ge Course in Social Sports Major of Sports Colleges and Departments;体育院系社会体育专业健身秧歌课程的教学方法研究
11.A Study of Yang-ge Dance on Electrocardiogram Exercise Test in Middle and Aged Women;对参加健身秧歌锻炼的中老年妇女心电图运动试验的研究
12.Research on Bodybuilding Effect between HuaGunYangGe and Traditional YangGe;花棍秧歌与传统秧歌健身效果比较研究
13.Problems and countermeasures of Performing Yangge's transformation to Fitness Yangge表演性秧歌向健身性秧歌转变过程中的问题与对策研究
14.Research on functions of Yang-ge dance for aged women s keeping fit;秧歌舞锻炼对老年女性健身作用的实验研究
15.Status and Social Attention of Dongbei Yangge Group in Liaoning Province辽宁省东北秧歌健身群体的现状与社会关注度调查
16.The Effects of Yang-ge Dance on the Figure, Functioning and Physical Qualities of the Middle and Old Aged Female;12周扭秧歌对中老年女性身体形态、机能和身体素质变化的影响
17.On the Moving Hythm Characters of Shanbei Yangge and Northeast Yangge;陕北秧歌与东北秧歌动作风格的异同
18.The Research on Influence of Yanggewu to Body Quality of Middle and Aged Women;秧歌舞对中老年女性部分身体素质指标的影响研究

fitness Yangge健身秧歌
1.In this article,literature review is employed to systematically analyze published articles about fitness Yangge from the year of 2000 to 2008.采用文献资料分析法,对2000-2008年发表在我国中文体育类期刊上的健身秧歌论文进行系统分析,结果表明:研究内容主要集中在健身秧歌的产生发展、健身效果及在高校设置健身秧歌课程可行性分析等方面。
3)A Brief Discuss of the Health-keeping Yangge健身秧歌简论
4)Yang-ge for health健歌秧歌
5)A Cultural Perspective of Healthy Yangge健身秧歌文化管窥
6)Dongbei Yangge group东北秧歌健身群体
1.As research subject,Dongbei Yangge group was investigated by questionnaires,interviews and statistical analysis.以辽宁省东北秧歌健身群体为研究对象,通过问卷调查,访谈和数理统计等方法对其进行研究。
