
1.The Comparative Research between High-kv X-ray Sternum and HRCT on 0、0~+、I Silicosis Small Shadow;高仟伏X线与高分辨率CT(HRCT)对0、0~+、I矽肺小阴影影像学的比较研究
2.Morphological Study of Small Opacities and Hilus Pulmonis and Pulmonary Markings of Different Type Cement Workers' Pneumoconiosis on High-thousand-volt Chest X-ray不同工种水泥作业工人尘肺高仟伏X线胸片小阴影及肺门、肺纹理形态学研究
3.Springleaf is a variable to a hardworking one, but a constant to a lazy one.对于勤奋者,仟叶是一个变量;对于懒惰者,仟叶是一个恒量。
4.Guangzhou Kingwell Biotechnology Company Ltd.广州市仟壹生物技术有限公司
5.It is time now, my lord, to confess to holy God, not your son.是时候向天父仟悔了,而不是向令郎
6.Proper Explanation for the Word Qianbai;“亡农夫之苦,有仟伯之得”中“仟伯”正解——兼谈诸大型语文辞书中有关词条之误
7.In the western world, these stories have been passed down for more than two thousand years.在西方世界,这些故事已经相传了两仟多年。
8.The Creditor agreed to give the Debtor a loan in the amount of Four Hundred and Seventy-Eight Thousand Dollars Only.贷方同意一次仅贷给借方肆拾柒万捌仟美元整
9.Contributins of $5, 000 before the drive began gave the charity fund a runningstart.筹募开始前就有五仟元的捐献,是慈善基金会好的开始。
10.Many Christians regularly confess their guilty actions and thoughts to a priest.许多基督教徒都按时向神父仟悔他们的罪行和罪恶思想。
11.Special tailor/ high value garment( worth rmb1000.00 or above), kindly inform our staff for a different price set.特别精致,高级衣物(值人民币一仟元或以上)请通知营业员做‘质精洗’。
12.The act of prostrating oneself.平伏使自己平伏的行为
13.To rise and fall in turn, as waves.起伏如海浪般上下起伏
14.She quietly and dreamily lowered herself into his arms.她悠悠忽忽、伏伏贴贴地伏在他的怀里。。
15.To lie in wait, as in ambush.潜伏如在伏击时潜伏等待
16.Savez Vojvodjannskih Madzara伏伊伏丁那匈牙利人联盟(伏匈人联盟)
17.As she had been taught to do, Kay struck her breast lightly with her clenched hand, the stroke of repentance.恺按照人家教给她的办法,右手握起拳头,轻轻地捶击自己的胸口,这就是仟悔的表示。
18.but if I was you and thought myself so badly, I would go to my prayers, like a Christian man.'不过,如果我是你,而且已经不行了,我会像个基督徒那样好好仟悔一番。”

KVA (Kilovolt Ampere)仟伏安
3)KVAH (Kilovolt Ampere Hour)仟伏安时
4)high kV chest radiograph高仟伏胸片
5)high kV photograph高仟伏摄影
6)middle voltage photographying中仟伏摄影
