1)Rebound[英]['ri:'ba?nd, r?-][美]['ri'ba?nd, r?-]篮板球
1.On the Teaching and Training of Seizing the Rebound Skill;浅析抢篮板球技术的教学与训练
2.On the role of rebound in the basketball match;论篮球比赛中篮板球的作用
3.Vying For the Rebounds in Modern Baskt-ball Sports;现代篮球运动中篮板球的争夺

1.The act or an instance of taking possession of a rebounding ball.抢夺篮板球抢夺篮板球的行为或事件
2.The Basketball Sport inside Continues to Rise Function that Jump to a Cricket;篮球运动中连续起跳对篮板球的作用
3.He always controlled the rebounds.他总是控制篮板球
4.This is a transparent backboard.这是透明的篮板球
5.Rebound Regularity and Offensive Rebound Recovery;篮板球的反弹规律与进攻篮板球的拼抢
6.Shoot! You will have a chance to develop and improve your basketball skills, such as shooting, passing, dribbling, rebounding, defense and team play.投球!来一起学篮球的技巧-投篮,传球,运球,篮板球,防守,和团队合作。
7.A usually one-handed, banked shot made close to the basket after driving in.篮板球突破后在篮板附近的打板进篮筐,尤指用单手
8.The fundamental of basketball includes shooting, passing and catching, rebounding, etc.篮球运动中最基本的东西包括投篮,传接球,篮板球等。
9.Analysis on the Tactics of Improving the Ability of Controling the Rebounds for Chinese National Basketball Team;提高我国男子篮球篮板球拼抢能力的策略分析
10.The principle of ankle joint and its prevention of basketball athlete in university;篮球运动员拼抢篮板球的技术及训练方法
11.A Tentative Analysis of How to Improve the Ability forInside Man in Strugling for the Rebounds;论如何提高篮球内线队员拼抢篮板球的能力
12.On tactics of snatching a rebound in basketball training;浅谈在篮球教学训练中拼抢篮板球的技巧
13.Try on Theory Influence Basketball Athlete Spell Backboard Recovery Factor of Ability;试论影响篮球运动员拼抢篮板球能力的因素
14.On Study of Rebounds Bouncing Laws and Fighting Action;篮球篮板球反弹规律及拼抢行为的研究
15.Investigation and Analysis on Rebounds of Chinese National Basketball Team;中国男子篮球队抢篮板球现状的调查与分析
16.A Study on Training College Basketball Players to Obtain Attacking Rebounds;高校篮球运动员拼抢进攻篮板球技术训练初探
17.Analysis on Improving the Ability for Inside Man in Strugling for the Rebounds试论篮球内线队员拼抢篮板球能力的提高
18.To retrieve and gain possession of the ball as it bounces off the backboard or rim after an unsuccessful shot.抢得篮板球在球没有入篮而是从篮板或篮框弹出来之后重新获得球的控制权

2.Factors under controlling rebounds and the research on rising the ability of controlling rebounds;影响篮板球控制能力的因素及对策
3.The ability of striving for and controling the offensive rebounds is an important standard to measure "air mastery"of the players as well as the whole team.进攻篮板球的拼抢和控制能力是评价一个运动员争夺“制空权”能力的重要指标,也是反映一个球队整体“制空权”对抗实力的标志。
3)basketball backboard篮球板
1.Large SMC basketball backboards have been prepared and produced.本文研制与生产了平面尺寸为1829×1067mm,重量达36kg 的 SMC 模压篮球板。
4)rebound antagonism篮板球对抗
5)basketball rebounding篮板球控制
1.The results indicate that the CBA players did make certain progress in basketball rebounding.采用数理统计法,比较分析法,对2004年-2005年度的CBA和NBA球赛录像作了统计分析,特别对CBA和NBA队员对篮板球控制这一技术指标进行了对比和分析,发现中国CBA队员对篮板球控制这一指标有所提升,但仍存在冲抢人数少,挑拨抢球能力弱,堵位意识差,缺乏堵位技术与力量训练,外围队员篮板球训练不足等问题,同时,也显示出中国CBA选手在篮板球控制这一技术与美国NBA选手存在的明显差距,为尽快使中国篮球汇入国际潮流,应借鉴美国NBA队员篮板球控制的先进技术与经验。
6)backboard ability篮板球能力
