1.Analysis of juvenile gymnastics players osteoepiphysis chronic injuries from training;少儿体操运动员骨骺慢性损伤的训练学分析
2.The Origin of Gymnastics and the Research on Body Exercise Function;体操运动的起源及健身功能研究

1.used by women gymnasts.女体操运动员使用的。
2.A Research on Guangxi Eurhythmics and Gymnastics Athletes Athletic Wound;广西艺术体操及体操运动员运动损伤调查分析
3.On the comparison between artistic gymnastics and body-building exercises;对健美操与艺术体操运动项目的比较
4.The Developing Trend of Our Gymnastic Through the 9~(th) National Games;从九运会体操比赛看我国体操运动发展态势
5.Gymnastics disciplines that have developed internationally are:体操运动已经发展成为国际性的运动:
6.Research on the Sports Injuries of Gymnastics Players;体操运动员常见运动损伤的调查分析
7.Research on Gymnastics Elements Named by Overseas and Chinese Gymnasts;以中外体操运动员人名命名的体操动作研究
8.Discussion on Special Movement Style of Gymnasts from Svetlana Khorkina;从霍尔金娜体操动作特点谈体操运动风格
9.The Development of Gymnastics From the Changes of The New Rules;从体操新规则的变化谈体操运动的发展
10.Try to expound the influence of the body character to athletic level of gymnastics athletes;体操运动员专项身体素质对运动水平的影响
11.The gymnast swung on the parallel bars.体操运动员在双 上摆动身子.
12.The gymnasts rolled and jumped.这位体操运动员转动后又跳跃。
13.The gymnasts' physical qualities must be excellent.体操运动员的身体素质一定很好。
14.the lithe grace of a gymnast体操运动员轻盈而优美的体态.
15.a tumbler who is a member of a turnverein.做体育协会成员的体操运动员。
16.She has the lithe grace of a gymnast.她有体操运动员轻盈而优美的体态。
17.Research on province gymnastics of Amateur Sport in Jiangsu江苏省业余体校体操运动员调查研究
18.Investigation on Choking Experience and Attribution of Chinese Gynmasts我国体操运动员“Choking”体验及归因的调查

1.On the basic methods for biohythm of gymnast s athletic sports ability;浅谈生物节律与体操运动员的运动能力
2.Study About the Time Perception of Gymnast;试论体操运动员的时间知觉
3.An experimental Study on the Physiological and Biochemical Targets of Male Gymnasts in the Later Stage of Intermediate Level after Large Load Training;对中级后期男子体操运动员大运动量训练生理生化指标的实验研究
1.On the Training Links and Link Training of gymnasts;论体操运动员的训练环节与环节训练
2.With the increase of the difficulty of the gymnastic motions, which require more stronger special fitness of strength for gymnasts.随着体操技术动作难度要求越来越高,对体操运动员的专项力量素质也提出了更高的要求,本文主要是关于体操专项力量训练的内涵、原则和所应注意的事项进行论述,并为教练员和运动员提供理论参考。
3.According to the feature of the psychological diathesis of female gymnasts and the psychology before a match, it is a long process to train the psychological diathesis and we should lay stress on the training of psychological diathesis in the initial training.根据女子体操运动员心理素质的特点和赛前心理状态,有针对性地对其进行心理素质训练是一个长期的过程,而在启蒙阶段更应注重心理素质训练。
4)Gymnastics athlete体操运动员
1.By using the method of literature studies and experts interview,this paper study on intelligence training of young gymnastics athlete, intelligence train is beneficial to increase to the level of technique and contest ability, analyzed the contents and methods of intelligence training.通过文献资料法和专家访谈法 ,对少儿体操运动员智能训练进行了研究 ,认为重视智能训练有助于提高运动技术水平和提高竞技能力 ,并详细分析了智能训练的内容和方法。
2.The preliminary study of the competitive gymnastics athletes’ compensatory effect of the unbalanced structure of competitive abilities is to study the phenomenon of certain undeveloped component or ability in the structure of competitive abilities compensated by other over-developed components to a certain range, which makes the total levels of competitive abilities maitain at a certain level.研究表明:体操运动员的非衡补偿主要适用于中级后期训练阶段、高级训练阶段及延长运动寿命阶段,尤其是高级训练阶段。
5)gymnastic athlete体操运动员
1.In order to examine the relationship between sport perfectionism and eating disorder,sport motivation,pre-competition emotion,112 gymnastic athletes were investigated with questionnaires.以112名大学体操运动员(男68,女44)为调查对象,采用问卷调查法与数理统计法检验运动领域完美主义与饮食障碍、运动动机及赛前情绪的关系。
6)artistic gymnastics athlete艺术体操运动员
1.Elite artistic gymnastics athlete s lumbar spine injury in China;艺术体操运动员脊柱腰段损伤现状及规律
