速度滑冰,Speed Skating
1)Speed Skating速度滑冰
1.Application of procedure teaching methodology to speed skating teaching;程序教学法在速度滑冰教学中的应用
2.Application of videoing - skill to speed skating teaching in P.E majors;录像技术在体育专业速度滑冰课教学中的运用
3.Making and applying CAI to speed skating in physical education of high normal university;高校体育专业速度滑冰课程CAI课件制作与应用

1.On the Difference between Speed Skating and IN-Line Speed Skating Technology浅谈速度滑冰与速度轮滑技术的区别
2.Effect of Speed Roller Skating Training on the Speed Skaters' Ability速度轮滑训练对速度滑冰项目的影响及作用
3."There are three kinds of ice skating events: speed skating, figure skating and roller skating. Chinese athletes have made rapid progress in all these."滑冰运动分三种:速度滑冰,花样滑冰和旱冰。在所有滑冰运动中,中国运动员都有很大进步。
4.The Research of Real-time Wireless Measuring on Speed Skating Pressure;速度滑冰蹬冰力实时无线检测方法的研究
5.On the Technical Elements and Objectives of Modern Speed Skating Rink Management论现代速度滑冰冰场管理技术要素与目标
6.On-Slope Training Method for Short Track Speed Skaters;短跑道速度滑冰运动员坡路训练方法
7.Talk on the Application of CAI in Speed Skating Teaching;浅谈CAI在速度滑冰教学中的应用
8.Problems and Countermeasures on the Chinese Short Track Speed Skating;我国短道速度滑冰存在的问题与对策
9.Short Track Speed Skaters Psychological Preparation before Competition;短道速度滑冰运动员赛前的心理准备
10.My Thoughts on the Technique Innovation in Short Track Skating;对短道速度滑冰项目技术创新的思考
11.The Value of Recreation Events of Speed Skating in Community Sports Activities;趣味性速度滑冰在社区体育中的价值
12.Study On The Coordination Features Of Breath And Moving Action Of Speed-Skating;速度滑冰呼吸与动作配合特点的探索
13.Summarization of the 2006/2007 ISU World Cup Speed Skating Games in Harbin;2006~2007国际滑联速度滑冰世界杯赛(哈尔滨站)综述
14.The Teaching Method of the Curve and Left Outside Blade Skating in the Speed Skating;速度滑冰“弯道左脚外刃滑行”的教学方法
15.Study on the Technical Teaching Method of the Spead Skating on the Straightaway;对速度滑冰直道滑跑技术教学方法的研究
16."But figure skating now gets much more attention than speed skating, and includes men's and women's singles, pairs, and ice dancing."不过现在花样滑冰比速度滑冰更引人注目,它包括男女单人滑,双人滑和冰上舞蹈。
17.My Thoughts on Improving the Technique and Training of Speed Skating by Learning the Speed Roller Skating;速度滑冰与速度轮滑技术及训练相互借鉴的思考
18.Constant Aspirations in Speed Skating Coaching Career--Visiting the Chinese Famous Speed Skating Coach XIE Tian-en;矢志不渝的速滑之路——访我国著名速度滑冰教练员谢天恩

short track skating短道速度滑冰
1.How to develope the technique is the key Factor of achieving perfect result in the short track skating competition.分析短道速度滑冰竞赛制胜的原因,认为取得好成绩的核心问题是技术突破问题:运用最先进的运动技术,或改革已有的运动技术;运动技术的突破有2种机制:依靠自身的创新和依靠学习别人的先进技术;运动技术体系的动态性、开放性和创新性,是短道速度滑冰项目运动成绩进步的基本保证。
3)teaching of speed skating速度滑冰教学
4)speed skater速度滑冰运动员
1.With the methods of documentary information and consulting experts,the article discusses some countermeasures against the speed skaters anxiety before competition as a theoretic reference for them to improve psychological preparation.采用文献资料、专家访谈等方法探究速度滑冰运动员克服赛前状态焦虑的方法,为增强速度滑冰运动员赛前心理准备提供理论依据。
2.It s an ever-present phenomenon of the speed skaters sports fatigue in summertime training.速度滑冰运动员在夏季训练中运动性疲劳的产生是一种正常现象,但运动性疲劳的的长期积累,可导致过渡性疲劳的产生。
3.The great power countries of speed skating attach more importance to the speed skaters strength training which level has already become a vital factor to decide their skating results.世界速滑强国高度重视速度滑冰运动员的力量训练,速度滑冰运动员的力量素质水平已成为决定运动成绩的关键因素之一。
5)speed skating速度滑冰运动
6)the Union Competition of speed skating速度滑冰联赛
