篮球裁判员,basketball referee
1)basketball referee篮球裁判员
1.On the basketball referee s control of a match;论临场篮球裁判员对比赛的控制
2.View on the basketball referee being on site ability;对篮球裁判员临场能力的几点思考
3.In order to understand the basketball referees on-the-spot psychological activity,this paper developed Basketball Referee s Psychological Activity Questionnaire and provided some reference for improving the training and the adjustment of the basketball referees psychology.为了准确掌握了解篮球裁判员临场执哨时的心理活动状态,为篮球裁判员心理调节与训练提供依据。

1.Pressure Analysis of the Referee's Spot Sanctions in Liangshan Basketball Game凉山州篮球裁判员临场执裁压力分析
2.Analysis of Basketball Judges Mental Condition in Judging;篮球裁判员临场判罚时心理状态探析
3.A Study of Stress Sources for Basketball Referees with Different Age;不同年龄篮球裁判员裁判压力来源的研究
4.The psychologic factor that influence the correct judgement rate of basketball referees;论篮球裁判员正判率在心理因素方面的影判
5.On approach ability of basketball judges and its training试论篮球裁判员的临场能力及其培养
6.Status quo and strategies of college basketball judges in Xi an City;西安市高校篮球裁判员的现状与对策
7.The Influence of Referee s Mood On Umpirage;情绪对篮球裁判员临场“执法”的影响
8.Design of Character Table about Competency of Basketball Judgewents in China我国篮球裁判员胜任特征量表的研制
9.Discussion of the Main Factor of Having Effect on the Standard of Basketball Referees;影响篮球裁判员执裁水平的主要因素分析
10.Problems to be heeded to for basketball judges in judging;基层篮球裁判员在执裁过程中应注意的问题
11.How for Basketball Referee to Keep Psychological Steady on the Spot;篮球裁判员如何在临场执裁中保持心理稳定
12.Research on Factors of Excellent Basketball Referees Wrongly Judge or Missjudge in Competition;试析高水平篮球裁判员执法中错漏判形成因素
13.The Referees Infraction Violation Judge Measurement of China in Basketball Should Be In Accordance to International Current Standard;我国篮球裁判员判罚尺度应尽快与国际接轨
14.The Relation between Notice Quality and Basketball Referee s Penalty Accuracy;注意品质与篮球裁判员判罚准确性的关系
15.Analysis of "Instant Mistaken Judgment" Phenomena Among Basketball Referees and Correction Approaches;篮球裁判员“瞬时误判”现象分析及矫正方法研究
16.The Research into the Impact of Psychological Factors on the Rate of Right Judgments Basketball Referees;论心理因素对篮球裁判员正确判罚率的影响
17.Major Factors Affecting the Value of Basketball Referees Right Judgment;影响篮球裁判员正确判罚值的主要因素
18.The Basketball Judges Apply the "Favourable or Unfavourble" Principles on the Field--Discusss the executive technique of the judges;论篮球裁判员在场上对“有利无利”原则的应用——谈裁判员的执法技巧

basketball referees篮球裁判员
1.Taking the basketball referees above the national first level as the research object,the author made a elaboration and analysis on some factors influencing the psychological quality of the basketball referees during the matches.以国家一级以上篮球裁判员作为研究对象,对比赛中可以影响篮球裁判员心理素质的诸多方面进行深入阐述、分析,研究他们的注意品质、情绪、气质类型等对裁判员执法时产生的影响。
2.This paper analyzes the "instantaneous erroneous judgement" of the basketball referees during the games psychologically, physiologically and from the experience.对篮球裁判员在临场过程中出现“瞬时误判”的现象,从心理、生理、经验等方面进行了分析,认为克服心理障碍、熟悉攻守技战术、提高判断预见力、注意合理放松、达到与同伴的协调、提高有限注意容量的训练,是解决“瞬时误判”的有效矫正方法。
3.By using the methods of documentary materials and comparative analysis, the article makes an analysis on the documentary materials about psychological study on basketball referees from 1994 to 2003, and search for the psychological fiber that referees ought to have as well as the psychological state and mood adjusting when they are on duty.运用文献资料、分析比较等方法对 1994至 2 0 0 3年之间篮球裁判员心理研究的部分文献资料进行了分析研究 ,探讨篮球裁判员应具备的心理素质及临场执法时的心理状态和心理调控技能 ,并对篮球裁判员心理素质的提高提出建议。
3)basketball judges篮球裁判员
1.Various mental conditions may occur to basketball judges in judging.篮球裁判员在临场判罚时存在着许多不同的心理状态,本文结合篮球运动的竞赛特点、篮球竞赛规则和裁判法,对黑龙江省40名篮球裁判员进行调查分析,提出了篮球裁判员在临场判罚时应具备的动机、气质、性格和情绪等心理素质。
2.The essay discusses the essential approach ability as a basketball judges and explores the ways how to train this abltity in accordance with the characteristics and the tendency of modern basketball games.根据现代篮球运动的特点和发展趋势,论述了篮球裁判员应该具备的临场能力,并探讨培养这种能力的途径和方法。
4)student basketball referee学生篮球裁判员
1.By the methods of documentation,investigation and interview,the author analyzes student basketball referees causes of formation of mental pressure in Capital PE Institute in the process of on spot enforcing umpire.采用文献资料、调查访谈等研究方法对首都体院学生篮球裁判员初学者在临场执法过程中产生心理压力的成因作出分析,进而使学生裁判员在能力和自信心上得到进一步提高,执裁时排除外界干扰,保持心理稳定,充分发挥执裁水平,为今后裁判工作打下坚实的基础。
5)Talented Basketball Referees优秀篮球裁判员
1.A Study on Developmental Stage Characteristics and Contributory Factors of Talented Basketball Referees in China;我国优秀篮球裁判员成才的阶段特征及其促进因素
6)ranked basketball judegs篮球等级裁判员
