1.Photoelectronic length measuring system for steel pipe and error analysis;钢管光电测长系统及误差分析
2.Ways of automatic pipe length measurement and its error analysis;钢管自动测长的误差分析及解决
3.Discussion on Tobacco Cut Width Error of RC4 Cutter;RC4切丝机切丝宽度误差分析

1.alignment error安装误差;调准误差;定线误差;校正误差;校直误差
2.accident error,accidental error偶然误差,随机误差
3.fractional error相对误差, 部分误差
4.margin of error最大容许误差;最大允许误差;误差界限;误差
5.parity error奇偶错误,[台]同位误差
6.index error目录错误,指标误差
7.slope error over 10%段的斜率误差10%
8.band of position船位误差带位置线两侧)船位误差
9.The effect of full bit error on the baud rate is also analysed.分析了整位误差对波特率误差的影响。
11.Zernike Moments with Minimum Geometric Error and Numerical Integration Error几何误差和数值误差最小化的Zernike矩
12.Discussions on prospected error of observation s systematic error and comprehensive error;关于观测值系统误差与综合误差的方差的探讨
13.Interval Estimation of Mean Square Error for Linerar Statistic Model;统计模型中误差方差的均方误差的区间估计
14.Variance Component Esti mation with Gross Errors or Systematic Errors含有粗差或系统误差的方差分量估计
15.error analysis and logging facility误差分析和记录设备
16.color tolerance computer颜色容许误差计算机
17.Beam pointing error of a radome天线罩波束指向误差
18.enchanced error detection & correction增量误差的探测和校正

1.Errors Derived from Machine Compliance and Contribution to the Evaluated Values by Indentation Testing;仪器柔度对压入法测试结果的误差影响与校准
2.The Sources of Errors and Solutions in the Numerical Control Process;数控加工中误差的来源及解决方法
3.Calculations of Locating errors in Fixture Design;夹具设计中定位误差的计算
1.An Analysis to Deviation of the Measurement of Copper Content in Jetfuel;喷气燃料中铜含量测定的误差分析
2.This paper specifies the meaningfulness and measurement method of rotating machinery alignment and points out the main deviation factors of dial indicator alignment and its control method.简述了旋转机械对中的意义和测量方法,指出了百分表对中法的主要误差因素及其控制方法。
3.Analyses are made on some major factors affecting twist deviations and the relevant estimations, with measures to narrow twist deviations suggested.分析了几种引起捻度误差的主要因素和其误差估算方法 ,并提出了减小捻度误差的办法。
1.Analysis of tolerance characteristics of imitating arc with an cubic parameter line;三次参数曲线拟合圆弧段的误差特性分析
2.Minish tolerance of thermistor win-speed sensor by instrumentation amplifier仪表放大器对热敏电阻风速传感器的误差改进
3.Introduce a try to grind precision spherical crown, including its principle and method, discuss the possible tolerance and give a formula to control the quality.介绍了为磨削高精度球冠所做的尝试,阐述了所采用的磨削原理、技术方案,讨论了加工误差,推导了控制球面轮廓误差的公式。
5)error margin误差
1.By using the measurement indetermination,a mersurement error margin is used.用测量不确定度来表示测量误差的方法,是科技交流和国际贸易的迫切要求。
2.This text explains to Xutuan coal mine west breeze well and main well a method,error margin for of run-through measuring analysis with anticipate.介绍了许疃煤矿西风井与主井之间的贯通测量的方法、误差分析和预计。
3.Methods99 healthy student acted as volunteers for the test and the height of crutches was estimated with error margin of linear regression.方法选择 99名健康学生为试验对象 ,其中男性 5 0名、女性 49名 ,用分散分析中的误差值预测腋拐长度及扶手高度。
1.During the protess of elecrospark wireelectrode cutting,step motor makes mistakes because of outof synchronism,which will affect accuracy of process directly.电火花切割加工中 ,步进电动机失步产生误差 ,直接影响加工精度。
2.The methods to calculate the actual mistake of tunnels perforation: survey columal method, underground wire control method was introduced in this paper, and then it narrated how to adjust these mistakes.本文介绍了测定隧洞贯通实际误差的方法:测中桩法;地下导线控制法。
