1)PDA[英][,pi: di: 'e?][美]['pi 'di 'e]掌上电脑
1.USE of PDA Base on Infrastructure WLANs in Hospital Information System;以掌上电脑为终端的非独立式无线局域网络在医院信息系统中的应用
2.The Study on Vector Based Raster Data Structure for PDA;一种适合掌上电脑GIS矢量的栅格存储数据结构的研究

2.Recharge your palmOne™; handheld from just about anywhere.在任何地方为你的掌上电脑充电。
3.Design and Realization of Pocket PC on PXA270;基于PXA270平台的掌上电脑设计与实现
4.Research and Implementation of Secure Digital Interface on Personal Digital Assistant;掌上电脑SD卡接口技术的研究与实现
5.The Development of GPS Data Collector Based on Palm-size PC;基于掌上电脑的GPS数据采集器的开发
6.Notebook and Tablet PC batteries are usually the Smart Lithium-Ion type.笔记本及掌上电脑的电池通常属于智能电池。
7.Power Frequency Electric Quantity Test System Based on the Operation of Pocket PC基于掌上电脑操作的工频电量测试系统
8.from organizers such as the Palm VII to two-way pagers,如从掌上电脑第七代这类管理器到双向寻呼机,
9.The Research on Field Information Collection System Based on Palm-Sized PC;基于掌上电脑的农田信息采集系统的研究
10.Portable Ambulance Blood Pressure Monitoring System Based on Hand-held Personal Computer;基于掌上电脑的便携式动态血压监测系统
11.The characteristic analysis of program development under windows CE operating system embedded in pocket PC;掌上电脑操作系统Windows CE程序开发特点分析
12.Application of Pocket PC to Forest Resources Investigation in China掌上电脑在我国森林资源调查中的应用
13.Some application functions of PDA in the second class investigation of forest resource掌上电脑在二类调查应用中的几种功能
14.Research、Design and Realize on the Embedded Electronic Map Based on Handheld PC;基于掌上电脑的嵌入式电子地图系统研究、设计与实现
15.The teacher said he thought the devices increased the youngsters' motivation to write and revise their work.这位教师认为掌上电脑激发了孩子们写作业和改作业的兴趣。
16.This paper has a brief introduction of the application of the new technology (such as the wireless network and HPC) in the library.简介了无线网络及掌上电脑等新技术在图书馆中的应用。
17.In this paper,research on groundwater auto-monitoring system software based on Pocket PC is introduced.本文介绍了一种基于掌上电脑的地下水自动监测系统软件的研究。
18.Development of a HPC-based multiple physiological parameter monitoring network system基于掌上电脑的多生理参数监护网络系统的研制

Pocket PC掌上电脑
1.Management information terminal at construction jobsites based on pocket PC;基于掌上电脑的施工现场管理信息终端
2.Research on Groundwater Auto-monitoring System Software Based on Pocket PC;基于掌上电脑的地下水自动监测系统软件的研究
3.Research on Industrial Wireless Video Surveillance Technology based on Pocket PC;基于掌上电脑的工业现场无线视频监控技术研究
3)personal digital assistant掌上电脑
1.The development and application of personal digital assistant based nursing quality appraisal system;基于掌上电脑的护理质量评价系统的开发与应用
2.This paper discusses a kind of voltage monitoring instrument data collection system,the voltage monitoring instrument is designed based on the ETR100 embedded module,and the system collects data through personal digital assistant.设计了一种电压监测仪的抄表系统,其中电压监测仪是基于ETR 100嵌入式模块设计的,抄表系统采用掌上电脑的抄表方式。
3.A new method integrated mobile geographic information system(GIS),global(positioning) system(GPS) and remote sensing(RS) is studied on the basis of personal digital assistant(PDA).在掌上电脑硬件平台下,对地理信息系统(GIS)数据模型进行了研究。
4)palmtop computer掌上电脑
1.A standardized task management system based on GPS and palmtop computer is designed,which is composed of the standardized task information management platform,palmtop computer and information transmission adapter.开发了基于全球定位系统与掌上电脑相结合的标准化作业管理系统。
2.This paper introduces the 3S technique using palmtop computer to improve traditional working mode to save cost and improve efficiency.本项研究主要是利用掌上电脑把“3S”技术融为一体,用现代化的科技手段改进了传统的作业模式,节约了成本,提高了工作效率。
3.The hardware & software resources, function module and software development of Penbex OS palmtop computer-based patrol instrument for the transformation equipment are introduced.介绍了基于Penbex OS掌上电脑的变电设备巡检器的软硬件资源支持、功能模块及软件开发。
5)handheld PC掌上电脑
1.Compact and flexible handheld PC,high quality and efficient GPS location,realtime and accessible GPRS wireless network bring a new mode for field data collection,can be applied in many situations like road construction survey and map path renewal.掌上电脑的小巧灵活、GPS定位的优质高效和GPRS无线网络的实时便捷为野外数据采集带来了新的模式,可应用于道路施工测量、地图道路更新等多种场合。
2.The problem of query optimization of electronic maps in embedded GIS based on handheld PC is studied.对基于掌上电脑的嵌入式电子地图系统中查询优化问题进行研究,构造基于掌上电脑平台环境下多尺度数字地图的数据模型,建立一种适用于嵌入式GIS系统的四叉树空间索引,以提高空间查询的效率;提出了一种优化嵌入式GIS系统中的数据访问方法。
3.Currently, handheld embedded devices, such as mobile telephone, digital camera, MP3, handheld PC, become more and more popular, so, more and more developers in embedded domain are dedicated to researching these products.目前,手机、数码相机、MP3播放机、掌上电脑等手持式嵌入设备在日常生活中应用得越来越广泛,因此,嵌入式领域越来越多的开发者开始投入这些产品的研发。
6)palm computer掌上电脑
1.We usually call it as “Palm Computer” Recently the technology about PDA has been developing rapidly.PDA是Personal Digital Assistant的缩写,字面意思是“个人数字助理”,即通常所说的掌上电脑

掌上电脑 掌上电脑即PDA是Personal Digital Assistant的缩写,中文意思是“个人数字助理”。它的主要用途是移动中进行个人数据处理。这种手持设备集中了存储、办公、电话、传真和网络等多种功能。它不仅可用来管理个人信息(如通讯录,计划等),而且还可以上网浏览页面,收发Email,甚至还可以当作手机来用。最为重要的是,这些功能都可以通过无线方式实现。当然,并不是任何PDA都具备以上所有功能。即使具备,也可能由于缺乏相应的服务而不能实现。但可以预见,PDA发展的趋势和潮流就是计算、通信、网络、存储、娱乐、电子商务等多功能的融合。 从现在的市场情况来看,PDA的生产和销售并不是很火热的那种。但是随着人们生活水平的进一步提高,相信对PDA的需要将会越来越大。另外,PDA的技术也在不断地发展,一个小巧的机器里可以集成蓝牙、数码相机、手机、个人信息管理等等功能,更高分辨率的显示屏、更快的处理速度、微型硬盘支持、无线等等,功能更强大,性能更强大将会是掌上电脑的发展趋势。