
1.the General American(美)普通美语,美国普通
2.Of or relating to a common noun.普通名词的普通名词的或有关普通名词的
3.vulgar fraction普通分数, 简分数
4.preferred stock and common stock.即优先股、普通股,
5.135-size photographic films for general use普通135规格胶片
6.Laboratory Physics普通物理实验(B)
7.people of weak [average] mentality智力低 [普通] 的人
8."maid of honor,Bride's maid, best man, groomsman ""主伴娘,普通伴娘,主伴郎,普通伴郎"
9.general classification test普通入级检验船舶普通入级检验
10.He is not particularly brilliant; just run-of-the-mill.他并不是特别有才能,只是普普通通。
11.Army General Classification Test陆军普通分类测验军队普通分类试
12.At first it looks quite ordinary, but there is nothing ordinary about it.乍一看它很普通,其实它不普通
13.You are glorifying a rather mediocre building.你正在美化一栋普普通通的建筑。
14.GCE O-level/A-level普通级[高级]普通教育证书.
15.Use line and plane for measuring or locating.普通线、普通面,一般用来测量、定位。
16.View on Chinese Teaching from Chinese Proficiency Test;从普通话水平测试看高职普通话教学
17.On Intonation of Mandarin Chinese in PSC;“普通话水平测试”中的普通话语调刍议
18.On Summary Trial for Ordinary Procedure and Ordinary Trial for Summary Procedure;论普通程序简易审与简易程序普通

1.Researches in Assessment of Teaching Level in Ordinary Institution of Higher Learning;普通高等学校本科教学工作水平评估研究
2.Block B125 in Gucheng oilfield is ordinary heavy oil reservoirs of type 12 with the characteristics of shallow depth, small thickness and serious lateral and vertical heterogeneity.河南古城油田B1 2 5区为Ⅰ2 类普通稠油油藏 ,具有埋藏浅、厚度薄 ,平面、纵向上非均质性严重等特点。
3.Speed standard solution-making taking the place of ordinary method of standard solution-making is able to reduce re-calculation greatly,and it can simple the calculating formula,making the standard solution-making rapider,accurater, and simpler.用快速标液配制法取代普通的标液配制方法,能够大大减少重复计算,简化计算公式,从而使标液配制更快速、更准确、更简单,具有一目了然的效果,即使是傻瓜也能很快掌握并使用它,故又称傻瓜配药法。
1.the ventilation and temperature reducing schemes in the common and demagnetizing work pattern for the generator room of practical engineering are studied as example in this paper.本文以实际工程为例研究了发电机组普通和消磁工作模式下机房内的通风降温方案,计算得到了各种工作模式下机房内引入的室外新风量、冷风量和喷雾量,为发电机房的通风降温方案设计提供了一定的理论和实践基础。
1.Some examples of normal and intelligent diabetic socks are given,about their functions,mechanisms and related innovative fiber materials and the textile technologies.列举了几种新型的普通糖尿病足患防治袜和智能型糖尿病足患防治袜的功效、作用机理以及所涉及的新型纤维材料和纺织新技术,为我国科研工作者进一步开发新型糖尿病足患防治袜提供参考。
2.Some examples of normal and intelligent diabetic socks are given, about their functions, mechanisms and related innovative fiber materials and the textile technologies.列举了几种新型的普通糖尿病袜子和智能型糖尿病袜子的功效、作用机理以及所涉及的新型纤维材料和纺织新技术,为我国科研工作者进一步开发新型糖尿病袜子提供参考。
1.Problems and difficulties are doomed to arise for an adult higher educational institution to transform into a regular voca- tional school.成人高等院校在转制创办普通高职院校的发展过程中。
6)Buteo buteo;common buzzard普通

普通putongkuang普通Buteo buteo;common buzzard 鹰科属的1种。又名土豹,鸡鹞。有11个亚种。分布于欧亚大陆、非洲西部和东南亚。在南欧、非洲东部和南部、 亚洲南部温暖地带越冬。中国有3个亚种,分布全国各地,在长江以南地区越冬。 体型中等,体长510~590毫米。嘴稍细羽,在蜡膜处钩曲;鼻孔与嘴裂平行;体羽蓬松;善于空中翱翔;翅形稍长而宽阔,雌鸟翅长约440毫米,雄鸟翅长不到400毫米;尾羽稍短,尾端呈圆形,褐色,具4~5条隐约的暗色横斑;胫比跗长得多,两者相差超过后爪的长度;跗不被羽,至趾基长在75毫米以下,后缘被盾状鳞;趾稍短,内趾短于外趾。体羽色变异很大,通常可划分为浅淡型、棕色型和暗色型。 通常单只翱翔于旷野上空,窥伺猎物。主要取食各种小型啮齿类。春秋两季迁徙的途中,亦捕食蛙类、小鸟和昆虫。繁殖期间,在林缘高大树干的顶端营巢。5~6月间产卵,每窝2~3枚。孵化期33~35天。双亲轮流孵卵。幼雏留巢40~45天。 大量捕食鼠类,对农牧业生产极为有益。                 蔡其侃