1.The Development and Exploration of China's Planetarium中国天文馆的发展与探索
2.Based on the review of Beijing planetarium,this paper reviews the development of planetariums of China.本文以北京天文馆的发展历程为线索,对中国天文馆事业的发展历程进行了回顾和梳理,总结了发展中存在的问题,并提出相关建议。
3.The article brings forward the question about paying attention to teac hing benefit of high-class equipment,and analyses and researches the concrete ex ample of building planetarium at a middle school.提出了应该重视发挥一流装备的教学效益问题,并以中学建造天文馆的具体事例进行了调研剖析。

1.Katsushika City Museum is the museum of local history and astronomy.葛饰区乡土天文馆是一所地方历史博物馆和天文馆
2.A building or room containing a planetarium, with seats for an audience.天文馆,天象放映馆装设天象仪并为观众准备椅子的建筑物或房间
3.he visits the deserted planetarium;他参观空寂无人的天文馆
4.On his days off he takes them to the Museum of Natural History or the Planetarium.他休假的日子,就带他们去自然历史博物馆或是天文馆
5.Explore constellations and the nighttime sky under our planetarium dome.请于我们的天文馆圆顶下探索星宿与夜空。
6.It is the the largest planetarium in the city and a wonderland for budding Neil Armstrongs.那是本城最大的天文馆,也是小尼尔阿姆斯特朗们的基地。
7.Under a bland, equinoctial sky, the morning light lay evenly over the white concrete outside the entrance to the planetarium.在温和、昼夜平分时的天空下,晨曦淡然地照耀在天文馆人口处外面的白色混凝土上。
8.Taipei Astronomical Museum台北市立天文科学教育馆
9.Comparative Studies on Debates Respectively Regarding the Setup of the Astronomy-and-Arithmetic Department at Capital Tongwen Hall and English Teaching at Missionary Schools;京师同文馆增设天文算学馆与教会学校英语教学争论之比较研究
10.On Thought of Integration of Nature and Man and Construction of Library Culture;传统“天人合一”思想与构建和谐图书馆人文文化
11.A Countermeasure Study on Developing the Resources of Cultural Exhibition Hall in Tianjin;天津市文化展馆旅游资源开发对策研究
12.Discussion on the Establishment of Document Delivery Consortium System of University Libraries in Tianjin City论天津市高校图书馆文献传递联盟系统的建立
13.The stadium lights polluted the sky around the oBservatory.体育馆的灯光使得天文台周围的天空不那么宜于观测了
14.The two cases, that the civil place reformation in 3rd year of TianCong and catching Zhang Chun in 5th year of TianCong, thoroughly changed the views of Huang Taiji to the Han nationality scholar.天聪三年文馆的改制,天聪五年俘获张春,这两件事彻底地改变了皇太极对汉族文人的看法。
15.well, he would go to the free library the first thing in the morning and try to get hold of some of Swinburne's stuff.对,明天早上第一件事就是去免费图书馆借点史文朋的东西读。
16.She's giving a paper on archeology at the National Museum this afternoon.今天下午她将在国家博物馆宣读一篇关于考古学的论文。
17.For this reason, Mount Li can literally be called a museum of history with its brilliant assemblage of places of historical interest.这里名胜古迹荟萃,不啻是一座露天的文化史博物馆。
18.The astronaut, an astronomy fan, is astonished at the gymnastics show in the gymnasium.宇航员(一位天文学迷)对体育馆里的体操表演感到惊骇.

3)Beijing Planetarium北京天文馆
5)BeijingPlanetarium new building北京天文新馆
6)Institute for the Glorification of Literature文馆
1.In mid-and-late Tang dynasty,following the radical changes in politics,the organizing structures,functions and activities of Institute for the Glorification of Literature also changed a lot,which had an impact over the development of literature.中晚唐时期,由于唐代政治的巨变,文馆的组织机构、职责功能、活动内容都发生了很大的变化,从而影响到此间文学的发展。
