化脓性肉芽肿,pyogenic granuloma
1)pyogenic granuloma化脓性肉芽肿
1.Therapeutic effects of Nd:YAG laser in treatment of pyogenic granuloma;Nd:YAG激光治疗化脓性肉芽肿56例疗效观察
2.Clinical analysis of patients with pyogenic granuloma treated with microwave;微波治疗化脓性肉芽肿临床观察
3.Objective: To observe the effect of Ho:YAG laser in treatment of pyogenic granuloma.目的:探讨Ho:YAG激光治疗化脓性肉芽肿的疗效和特点。
2)pyogenic granuloma脓性肉芽肿
1.Analysis of the causes of pyogenic granuloma in hydroxyapatite orbital implants;HA眼台植入后脓性肉芽肿形成的原因分析
2.Causes of pyogenic granuloma after hydroxyapatite orbital implantation.;义眼台植入术后脓性肉芽肿形成原因的探讨
3.Analysis of the causes of pyogenic granuloma after hydroxyapatite orbital implants羟基磷灰石义眼台眶内植入术后结膜脓性肉芽肿形成的原因分析(英文)

1.Analysis of the causes of pyogenic granuloma after hydroxyapatite orbital implants羟基磷灰石义眼台眶内植入术后结膜脓性肉芽肿形成的原因分析(英文)
2.Churg-Strauss vasculitis变应性肉芽肿性血管炎
3.The wall of an abscess that is organizing has granulation tissue, seen here at the left.图左侧可见正在机化的脓肿壁中有肉芽组织。
4.donovania granulomatis肉芽肿性多代裂殖菌
5.foreign body granuloma of subcutaneous tissue皮下组织异物性肉芽肿
6.embolic abscess插子性脓肿, 栓性脓肿
7.Granulomatous disease can become quite extensive. Here are numerous confluent granulomas in a case of pulmonary tuberculosis.肉芽肿性疾病是十分常见的。图示:肺结核病大量融合性肉芽肿。
8.High-frenquency ultrasonographic imaging of chronic granulomatous mastitis慢性肉芽肿性乳腺炎的高频超声表现
9.tuberculous granuloma of brain颅内结核性肉芽肿切除术
10.Radiological Diagnosis of Xanthogranulomatous Pyelonephritis黄色肉芽肿性肾盂肾炎的放射学诊断
11.Wegener's granulomatosis is a necrotizing vasculitis.韦格纳氏肉芽肿是一种坏死性血管炎。
12.Experience of the treatment of intracranial pseudotumor type inflammatory granuloma颅内假瘤型炎性肉芽肿5例诊治体会
13.Mammography Findings of Granulomatous Mastitis肉芽肿性乳腺炎的数字钼靶X线表现
14.MRI Diagnosis Value of Spine Eosinophilic Granuloma脊柱嗜酸性肉芽肿的MRI诊断价值
15.CT misdiagnosis of abdominal cavity iatrogenic foreign-body granuloma:case reportCT误诊医源性腹腔异物肉芽肿1例
16.Aberrant larvae may lodge in the liver, producing granulomatous lesions and hepatomegaly.蛔蚴可误入肝门,引起肉芽肿性损害及肝肿大。
17.Churg-Strauss Syndrome-Case Report and a Review of the Literature变应性肉芽肿性血管炎—病例报道并文献复习
18.Retrospective analysis of diagnosis and treatment for xanthogranulomatous cholecystitis in 59 cases59例黄色肉芽肿性胆囊炎诊治的回顾性分析

pyogenic granuloma脓性肉芽肿
1.Analysis of the causes of pyogenic granuloma in hydroxyapatite orbital implants;HA眼台植入后脓性肉芽肿形成的原因分析
2.Causes of pyogenic granuloma after hydroxyapatite orbital implantation.;义眼台植入术后脓性肉芽肿形成原因的探讨
3.Analysis of the causes of pyogenic granuloma after hydroxyapatite orbital implants羟基磷灰石义眼台眶内植入术后结膜脓性肉芽肿形成的原因分析(英文)
1.The clinical report of 15 nonspceific granulomatous prostatitis cases;15例非特异性肉芽肿性前列腺炎临床报告
2.A case of granulomatous slack skin (GSS) is reported.报告1例肉芽肿性皮肤松弛症。
4)pyogenic granuloma生脓性肉芽瘤
5)Malignant granuloma恶性肉芽肿
6)Granulomatous inflammation肉芽肿性炎
