1.comparison of general anesthesia maintained by propofol or enflurane during thyroidectomy;甲状腺次全切除术应用异丙酚与安氟醚进行全麻维持的比较
2.Enflurane on Ca~(2+)-ATPase activity change in rats;安氟醚麻醉大鼠不同时期脑Ca~(2+)-ATP酶活性变化
3.The effect of shortly inhaled isoflurane or enflurane on c-fos gene expression of limbic system in rat;短时吸入安氟醚、异氟醚对大鼠边缘系统c-fos基因表达的影响

1.A Clinical Comparation between Sevoflurane and Enflurane Anesthesia with a Closed-Loop Anesthesia System;七氟醚与安氟醚闭环靶控麻醉的临床比较
2.The Effect of Sevoflurane, Isoflurane and Enflurane on HepG2 Cells Cultured in Vitro七氟醚、异氟醚、安氟醚对体外培养HepG2细胞增值率和分泌甲胎蛋白的影响
3.A nonflammable liquid, C3H2ClF5O, used as an anesthetic.安氟醚一种不易燃的液体,C3H2ClF5O,用于麻醉剂
4.Closed-Loop of Anesthesia with Enflurane in Patients Open-Chest Surgery: A Clinical Investiations;开胸手术安氟醚闭环靶控麻醉的临床研究
5.Anesthesia was maintained with inhalation of enflurane( groupⅠ) or intravenou infusion of propofol( groupⅡ).Ⅰ组吸入安氟醚维持麻醉;Ⅱ用微量泵持续输入异丙酚维持麻醉。
6.Closed-Loop Control with Enflurane Under Generaland Regional Anesthesia: A Clinical Investiations;安氟醚闭环靶控麻醉复合硬膜外阻滞的临床研究
7.Study on Anesthesia of Electro-Acupuncture Combined with Enflurane on Effects Physiological and Biochemical Values in Goats电针复合安氟醚麻醉对山羊生理生化的影响研究
8.Effects of Gynecology Laparoscopy Together with Enflurane or Midazolam, and Adjunct Fentany1 Anesthesia on Cerebral Circulation and Metabolism;安氟醚或咪唑安定复合芬太尼麻醉和妇科腹腔镜手术对脑循环、代谢的影响
9.Effect of Remifentanil in Different Whole Blood Concentrations on the Minimum Alveolar Concentration of Enflurane;全麻下不同血药浓度的瑞芬太尼对安氟醚最低肺泡有效浓度(MAC)的影响
10.Midazolam and Fentanyl Interactions with Emulsified Isoflurane;乳化异氟醚与咪唑安定和芬太尼的相互作用
11.Anesthetic interaction of emulsified isoflurane with midazolam乳化异氟醚同咪唑安定的麻醉相互作用
12.Safety of Fluoroglycofen-ethyl to Mungbean and Ricebean in Greenhouse乙羧氟草醚对红小豆和绿豆的室内安全性研究
13.Midazolam-Fentanyl-Emulsified Isofluran Hypnotic Synergism in Rats;咪唑安定、芬太尼和乳化异氟醚三种药物对大鼠的催眠协同作用
14.ethylether-boron trifluoride complex乙醚-三氟化硼络合物
15.The Influence of Sevoflurane and Isoflurane on Pharmacodynamics of Rocuronium;七氟醚和异氟醚对罗库溴铵药效学的影响
16.Synthesis of Sevoflurane in Ionic Liquids by Halogen-exchange Fluorination离子液体中卤素交换氟化合成七氟醚
17.Influence of combination of isoflurane and propofol or midazolam on cardiac troponin Ⅰ during myocardial ischemic reperfusion in patients undergoing open heart surgery异氟醚与咪唑安定或丙泊酚联合应用对心肌缺血-再灌注期心肌肌钙蛋白Ⅰ的影响
18.Protective effects of combination of desflurane and propofol or midazol-am against myocardial injury in patients undergoing open heart surgery地氟醚与咪唑安定或异丙酚联合应用对心肺转流心内直视手术心肌损伤的保护作用

1.Comparison of effects of isoflurane and ethrane on the residual curarization following atracurium administration;异氟醚.安氟醚对阿曲库铵残余肌松作用影响
2.By using inhalational anesthetic ethrane to make sheep inhale low discharge anethic, we detected the influence of ethrane to the function and variation of heart level, brain waves,respiration and blood circulation, during the anesthetic experiment.应用吸入麻醉药安氟醚 ,对绵羊进行低流量吸入麻醉 ,试验通过监测其对心、脑、呼吸及循环等功能的影响及变化 ,结果在麻醉试验中 ,经临床各项反射、痛觉监测 ,证明安氟醚肺泡有效浓度达 2 。
1.Three novel hydrofluoroethers were prepared by reacting 2,2,3,3-tetrafluoro-1-propanol with alkyl halides in diethylene glycol dimethyl ether.以四氟丙醇和卤代烃为原料,合成了三种新型氟醚。
5)Sevoflurane Isoflurane七氟醚及异氟醚
6)fluorine-containing ether chain含氟醚链
