1.Objective To compare the analgesic effects of varying regimens of butorphanol on patient-controlled intravenous analgesia.目的探讨布托啡诺在骨科手术后患者自控静脉镇痛(PCIA)中合理使用方法。
2.Objective To study the analgesic effect and motor block of ropivacaine with bupivacaine in laboring parturient using patient-controlled epidural analgesia(PCEA).目的研究产程活跃期患者自控硬膜外分娩镇痛(patient-controlled epidural analgesia,PCEA)的应用效果及对母儿结局的影响。

1.Comparison of patient-controlled sedation using either propofol or propofol-remifentail for ophthalmic operation患者自控镇静用于眼底手术的临床研究
2.Evaluation of the accuracy of patient controlled-target controlled infusion system with sufentanil患者自控-靶控输注系统输注舒芬太尼的准确性评价
3.A Comparison of Patient-Controlled Sedation Using Either Propofol or Propofol-Remifentanil for Ophthalmic Operation;异丙酚瑞芬太尼患者自控镇静用于眼底手术的临床研究
4.Clinical Investigation of the Effect of Patient-controlled Analgesia with Lornoxicam in Patients Undergoing Orthopaedics Surgery氯诺昔康在骨科手术后患者自控镇痛效果的临床观察
5.Postoperative patient-controlled intravenous analgesia with butorphanol and fentanyl in patients underwent hysterectomy布托啡诺和芬太尼用于妇科术后患者自控静脉镇痛
6.Evaluation of patient-controlled analgesia through intravenous or epidural infusion of fentanyl静脉与硬膜外泵注芬太尼患者自控镇痛的临床应用
7.A study of the effect of dexamethasone in preventing untoward response from cesarean women caused by using patient self-controlled epidural analgesia地塞米松预防剖宫产患者自控镇痛不良反应的临床研究
8.Efficacy and safety of ramosetron for preventing nausea and vomiting during postoperative patient controlled intravenous analgesia雷莫司琼预防术后患者自控镇痛恶心呕吐的效果及安全性
9.The impact of early whole course patient controlled epidural analgesia on the fetus and neonate早期全程患者自控硬膜外镇痛对胎儿及新生儿的影响
10.Sufentanil in PCIA in Patients of Old Ages老年患者舒芬太尼术后静脉自控镇痛
11.A study on PCA education program to manage postoperative pain.疼痛教育对自控镇痛患者疼痛控制的影响
12.A study on self-efficacy and quality in evaluating diabetes control for diabetes patients自我效能感与糖尿病患者血糖控制情况的研究
13.The Application of Patient Plasma on Automatic Coagulation Analyzer as Quality Control Material患者血浆作为质控物在全自动血凝仪上的运用
14.The Study of Safety and Efficacy of Patient Controlled Analgesia-target Controlled Infusion of Sufentanil in the Elderly Patients自控—靶控镇痛用于老年患者术后镇痛的安全性和有效性研究
15.Conclusions Establishing of an new artificial reflex arc may effective for controlled micturition in conical SCI.结论建立新的人工反射弧能恢复sci患者排尿功能,实现自控性排尿。
16.Conclusions Self controlling analgesia infusion pump can alleviate incision ach, reduce complications.结论病人自控镇痛泵可适时减轻患者术后切口痛,减少并发症。
17.During the later stage of filariasis surveillance, self protection of health and treatment measure should be strengthened so as to control the onset of the illness and to abate the symptoms and signs.后期监测患者应加强自身保健治疗 ,控制发病 ,减轻症状和体征。
18.The impact of startup time of patient controlled intravenous analgesia on the analgesia efficacy in aged patients after thoracotomy老年患者开胸术后自控镇痛泵开启时间对镇痛效果的影响

Patient controlled analgesia患者自控镇痛
3)Patient-controlled analgesia患者自控镇痛
1.Efficacy evaluation of patient-controlled analgesia with intravenous or epidural sufentanil;静脉与硬膜外泵注舒芬太尼患者自控镇痛的疗效
2.Patient-controlled analgesia (PC A) provided satisfactory analgesia in patients with pain in recent ten years.患者自控镇痛在疼痛治疗过程中取得了满意的效果。
3.Objective:To compare the efficacy and safety of lornoxicam with morphine used in patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) for post-hysterectomy.目的:评价非甾体抗炎药氯诺昔康用于妇科全子宫切除术后患者自控镇痛(PCA)的疗效及安全性。
4)Patient-controlled sedation患者自控镇静
1.Patient-controlled sedation can increase patient satisfaction scores in basic combined sedation.目的:探讨并比较丙泊酚和瑞芬太尼不同给药方式及剂量在妇科门诊宫腔镜检查术清醒镇静及患者自控镇静中的临床应用。
6)Patiant controlled analgesia(PCA)患者自控镇痛术
