1.Isolation and Identification of a Lipopeptide;脂肽的分离纯化与结构研究
2.Study of characteristics of lipopeptide-biosurfactant produced by bacteria;一种脂肽类生物表面活性剂的产生及特性研究
3.The effect of lipopeptide from Bacillus subtilis fmbJ on Eimeria tenella in chickens;枯草芽孢杆菌fmbJ株产生的脂肽抗球虫作用研究

1.Progress and Clinical Evaluation of Glycopeptides and Cyclic Lipopeptide Antibiotics糖肽和环脂肽抗生素的进展与临床评价
2.Studies on the Screening of a Lipopeptide Biosurfactant Producing Bacterium and Properties of the Lipopeptide一株脂肽生物表面活性剂产生菌筛选及其脂肽性质研究
3.Mixed Monolayers of a Microbial Lipopeptide and the Phospholipid DMPC微生物脂肽与磷脂的混合单分子膜性质
4.Isolation, Purification and Identification of a Lipopeptide Produced by Brevibacillus brevis HOB1Brevibacillus brevis HOB1所产脂肽的分离纯化和鉴定
5.Molecular Behavior of Microbial Lipopeptides at the Air/Water Interface微生物脂肽在气/液界面的分子形态
6.Chemical structure of cyclic lipopeptides and their bioactivity环状脂肽类化学结构及其生物学活性
7.Antimicrobial Effect and Safety of Lipopeptide Produced by Bacillus Subtilis fmbJ;Bacillus subtilis fmbJ产生的脂肽抗微生物效果及安全性评价
8.The Study of Copper Removal from Sediment by a Lipopeptide Biosurfactant;脂肽生物表面活性剂对沉积物中铜的去除研究
9.Isolation and Characterization of Microbes Producing Lipopeptide Surfactant脂肽类生物表面活性剂微生物合成菌的筛选
10.Raw Material with Patent: Various kind of peptide raw materials, for example to lower cholesterol, blood pressure, fat and many more.专利原料:拥有降血脂胜肽、血压胜肽、体脂肪胜肽、胱胺酸胜肽、春痘消除之活性蛋白专利原料。
11.Preparation and Evaluation of Hybrid Bilayer Vesicles Formed with a Biological Phospholipid and a Synthetic Peptide Lipid;合成肽脂与天然磷脂混合囊泡的制备及表征
12.Overview of protein and peptide in lipids and their effects on the quality of lipids脂质中的蛋白质与多肽及其对脂质品质的影响
13.Substantial amounts of dialysable "phosphatido-peptides" have also been found.还发现大量的可透析的“磷脂--肽”。
14.Studies on the Relation between C-peptide, Blood Fat and Diabetic Foot;C肽、血脂水平与糖尿病足关系的研究
15.Effects of carnosine on color stability and lipid oxidation of beef patties肌肽对牛肉糜肉色及脂肪氧化的影响
16.Expression of the Gene of Pro-and Mature Rhizopus chinensis Lipases and Associated Characteristics华根霉前导肽和成熟肽脂肪酶基因的克隆表达及性质研究
17.Intervention Effects of Aerobic Exercise and Soy Polypeptide on Formation of High-Fat-Diet-Induced Fatty Liver in Rats;有氧运动和大豆多肽对高脂饮食大鼠脂肪肝形成的干预作用研究
18.Effects of Caseinomacropeptide on Proliferation and Differentiation of Preadipocytes from Rats乳源酪蛋白巨肽对大鼠前脂肪细胞增殖与脂肪积聚的影响

1.Isolation and idenfication of lipopeptides from Bacillus subtilis fmbJ was carried out in this paper.对BacillussubtilisfmbJ脂肽类抗菌物质的分离和鉴定进行了系统研究。
2.Strains of Bacillus can produce variety of antimicrobial lipopeptides that mainly include three families.芽孢杆菌属的细菌能够产生多种脂肽类抗菌物质,包括表面活性素、伊枯草菌素和芬荠素三大类,具有抗细菌、真菌、病毒和支原体的功能,在生物医药方面具有重要的应用价值。
3.The antifungal compounds were purified and identified as lipopeptides fengycins.以上特性说明枯草芽胞杆菌菌株B6-1所产的拮抗物质应该属于脂肽类抗生素。
3)peptide resin肽树脂
4)peptide lipid肽脂质
1.Methods of recrystallization were used in preparation of the peptide lipid(N~+C_5Gly2C_(16)) instead of column chromatography completely.针对肽脂质(N+C5G ly2C16)的合成中分离纯化过程复杂,产率太低的问题,对它的合成过程尤其是产物纯化方法进行了改进。
2.The lecithin(cholesterin) liposome encapsulating VB_(12) were studied through adding synthetic lipids including monoglyceride,diglyceride and peptide lipid(N~(+)C_(5)Gly2C_(16)) with reverse-phase evaporation techniques in order to increase its encapsulation rate and to decrease its leakage rate.以反相蒸发法制备VB12脂质体,通过加入合成脂质化合物,包括单脂酰甘油、二脂酰甘油、肽脂质(N+C5Gly2C16),改进卵磷脂(胆固醇)脂质体对VB12的包封作用。
5)lipopeptide vaccine脂肽疫苗
1.Lipidic component in the lipopeptide vaccine could improve the immunogenicity of Peptide-based vaccines and generate effectually humoral and cellular immunity responses, without the use of adjuvants.脂肽疫苗中的脂质部分能够提高肽苗的免疫原性,在无佐剂的条件下即能有效地激发体内抗原特异性的体液和细胞免疫反应。
6)Cyclic lipopeptide环脂肽
1.Cyclic lipopeptide is a kind of biosurfactant synthesized by microorganisms.环脂肽是由微生物产生的一类生物表面活性剂,由亲水的肽环和亲油的脂肪烃链两部分组成,具有独特的化学结构和生理功能。
2.Objective:To establish an effective Tricine-SDS-PAGE system to separate cyclic lipopeptide with 1kDa molecular weight.目的:建立一种有效分离1kDa分子量环脂肽的电泳方法。

普鲁脂芬 ,苯酰降脂丙酯 ,立平脂药物名称:力平脂英文名:Lipanthgl别名: 力平脂;美利普特 ,非诺贝特,苯酸降脂丙酯;降脂异丙酯;普鲁脂芬 ,苯酰降脂丙酯 ,立平脂外文名:Fenofibrate, Lipanthyl药理作用:本品有显著降低血清甘油三酯和极低密度脂蛋白、胆固醇、低密度脂蛋白和载脂蛋白-B的浓度,并使高密脂蛋白、载脂蛋白-A1及载脂蛋白-A与载脂蛋白-B的比值升高,较氯贝丁酯作用为强。 体内过程: 口服后胃肠道吸收快,4-6小时达峰值,肝内代谢,24小时内大部分以代谢物、少量以原形随尿及粪便排出,半衰期约为22-26小时。 成分: 非诺贝特 适应症: 成人饮食控制疗法不理想的高胆固醇血症和/或高甘油三酯血症。 用量用法:⑴ 微粒化胶囊:200mg qd,进餐时服用。标准化胶囊:100 mg tid或300 mg qd。维持剂量为100 mg bid或微粒化胶囊 200mg ,qd。 ⑵口服:每日300mg,可早餐后100mg,晚餐后200mg,或晚餐后300mg顿服。一般服药10日左右有明显疗效,2周左右(严重者4周左右)血脂恢复正常水平。此后,在饮食及运动配合下,维持量为每日100~200mg。儿童每公斤5mg。 禁忌: 有肝或肾功能损害者,儿童及妊娠妇女。 不良反应: 胃肠不适,如消化不良;皮肤过敏反应;一过性转氨酶水平升高及肌肉疼痛(偶尔伴肌酶水平增高)。 注意事项: 本药不能作为饮食控制的替代疗法;需定期进行常规血液及肝功能检查。 (注意事项 1.本品毒性甚低,少数病人可见肝功能障碍、停药后2~4周恢复正常。 2.曾有血尿素氮增高。 3.偶有口干、食欲不振、大便次数增多、皮疹、腹胀和白细胞减少等。 4.孕妇禁用;肝、肾功能不全者慎用。 )药物相互作用: 慎与其它降胆固醇药(其它贝特类,他汀类)同服。服用抗凝剂时慎用本药。 规格: 胶囊 标准化力平脂 100 mg x 25粒。300mg x 10粒。胶囊 微粒化力平脂 200 mg x 10粒。 类别:调节血脂及抗动脉硬化药