1.GcChord:enhanced DHT networks based on group and cache;GcChord:基于和缓存的改进型DHT网络
2.Research and Design PoC Service s Group and Floor Control on IMS Domain of 3G;基于3G网络IMS的PoC业务和发言权研究与设计
3.This paper introduces the Parts Library,mainly studies the function of temporary database(TDB),and gives an implimentation method using group structure which can achieve the function of TDB during mapping of FORTRAN language binding to UG/GRIP program language.对零件库进行了介绍,主要研究了临时数据库(TDB)的功能,提出了在FORTRAN语言联编和UG/GRIP语言映射过程中,运用结构实现TDB的功能,其具体操作是运用链表来实现对临时几何实体的操作,即实现临时几何实体的删除、实体的转化等操作;将符合ISO13584。

1.segregation unit [unit of prisoners]隔离〔犯人别〕
2.medical observation unit [unit of prisoners]健康观察〔犯人别〕
3.Organisation meteorologique internationale国际气象织(气象织)
4.A group of instruments of the same family.乐器同类乐器
5.ECP ComplexAP Cluster ComplexECP 合AP 群集
6.Organisation meteorologique mondiale世界气象织(气象织)
7.World Meteorological Organization(WMO)世界气象织/气象
8.intra attitude organization态度内织 态度内
9.environmental management group环境管理小(环管小)
10.International Maritime Organization(IMO)国际海事织/海事
11.Interdepartmental Working Group on Organizational Nomenclature部门间织名称工作
12.International Jute Organization国际黄麻织(黄麻织)
13.by-pass battery缓冲电池,补偿电池
14.interblock space(信息的)间间隔
15.top of slot belt上层绕区 -双层绕
16.Corporate Services Section/Funds Administration Sectio行政服务/基金管理
17.International Labour Organization(ILO)国际劳工织/劳工
18.Organisation internationale du travail国际劳工织(劳工织)

1.These species were further divided into different subgenera and sections (comprising one new section),and the keys to these confirmed species,subgenera and sections were also provided.同时在各属下划分了亚属和,建立了粉褶蕈1新,形成适合于我国粉褶蕈科的分类系统,编制了我国种类的分类检索表。
2.The results showed that this genus could be divided into 5 sections.结果表明,该属可划分成5(section)。
3)group AA组
1.Cultivation and identification of 44 strains of group A human rotaviruses isolated in Wuhan and its significance;44株人A轮状病毒武汉流行株的培养鉴定及其意义
2.In this study,a reverse transcirptase-polymerase seminested chain reaction (RT-seminested PCR) using digoxigenin(dig)-labeled up-prime and oligoprobes distinctive to group A RV using chemiluminescence has been developed to detect group A RV.A轮状病毒(rotavirus,RV)是导致全世界婴幼儿腹泻的最主要病原,危害巨大。
5)component recombination组分重组
6)combination configuration组合组态
1.The method can seize the key problem and can find quickly J values of combination configuration ( j ) n J by hand calculation.该法能抓住关键通过手算快速求出态〔(j)n〕J的J值。

1450ram热轧宽带钢精轧机组(攀枝花钢铁公司)1450ram热轧宽带钢精轧机组(攀枝花钢铁公司) 枝_:轧宽带钢精轧机组(攀哪