1.On the Typology of "Christ and Culture" of Richard Niebuhr;试析理查德·尼布尔的“基督与文化”关系类型
2.The shape of “Idiot”,the embodiment of christ;“白痴”的形态,基督的化身

1.the Christian Church, faith, religion基督教教堂、 基督教的信仰、 基督
2.To convert(another) to Christianity; make Christian.使成基督徒转变(他人)而信基督;变成基督
3.ermon on the Mount(基督的) 山上宝训
4.SSD (Sacrae Scripturae Doctor)基督教《圣经》博士
5.the Christian [ Buddhist, Moslem, Mohammedan ] religion基督[佛、伊斯兰]教
6.the Saviour,Our Saviour Jesus Christ救世主(耶稣基督).
7.For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ.你们受洗归入基督的,都是披戴基督了。
8.becoming to or like a Christian.配称为基督徒或者像基督徒。
9.not becoming to or like a Christian.不配称基督徒或者不像基督徒。
10.The state or fact of being a Christian.基督徒成为基督徒的状态或事实
11.Most Christians believe in the Second Coming.大多数的基督教徒相信基督再临。
12.Haitian National Christian Party海地全国基督教党(基督教党)
13.International Council of Christian Churches国际基督教会理事会(基督教会理事会)
14.The Making of the Christian Era System and Christian Historiography基督纪元体系的形成与基督教史学
15.Movimiento Autentico Cristiano正统基督教运动(基督教运动)
16.Christians celebrate the resurrection of Christ from the death.基督教徒们庆祝耶稣基督的复活。
17.World Student Christian Federation世界基督教学生联合会(基督教学联)
18.The estableshment of Christianity involved recognition by the State of the organization.确立基督教,表明国家承认基督教组织。

1.Beicun was converted to Christianity in 1992.北村1992年皈依基督教后,便以一个基督徒的眼光关注世界、进行创作。
2.The colonialism in Robinson Crusoe is presented on the basis of a careful analysis of the complex relations between colonialists and colonies, slaveholders and slaves, the white and the color, central culture and marginal culture, civilization and savagery, Christianity and cannibalism, Robinson and Friday, difference and multiplicit主要分析《鲁滨孙飘流记》中殖民者与殖民地、奴隶主与奴隶、白种人与有色人、中心文化与边缘文化、文明与野蛮、基督教与食人肉、鲁滨孙与星期五、差异性与多重性之间及其相互间的复杂关系 ,从而揭示出蕴涵在作品中的殖民主义主
3)Christ and Antichrist《基督与反基督》
1.Latent as the trace of the exploration was, it could still be seen from one of his famous novels, the trilogy Christ and Antichrist.这种探索的轨迹虽然潜在但非常显豁地见之于他的代表作之一,长篇小说《基督与反基督》三部曲中。
1.On the Cognitive Values of Christianity Theology for the Chinese Harmonious Culture;论基督教神学对中华和合文化的认知价值
2.Christianity s Influences on Marriage-Law Making in the Roman Empire;基督教对罗马帝国婚姻立法的影响
3.Religious Cultural Dialogue: The Enlightenment Of Christianity Encountering Ming-Qing Dynasty;宗教性文化对话:明清基督教入华的启示
1.Oscillatory Church——Design Experience of Dancheng Church,Xiangshan;“摇摆”的教堂——象山丹城基督教堂设计札记
1.Christianism at Neoteric North-Korea in Jilin Province;基督教在近代吉林朝鲜族中的传播
2.The East-spreading of Christianism——One of the Sources of Modern Chinese Literature;作为现代白话文学源头之一的基督教东传
3.Christianism Mission Feminine School in 1920s;20年代的基督教会女校

基督基督教称救世主。参看〖救世主 〗。[希腊christos]