1.The Exploitation Strategy of Kanas Tuvin Tribalism in Xinjiang;新疆喀纳斯图瓦部落文化的开发策略

1.Tribes and tribal customs that died out centuries ago.部落和部落文化在几个世纪前就消灭了
2.The Culture Transformation of Cherokee: 1791-1838;切罗基部落文化转变研究:1791—1838年
3.The Exploitation Strategy of Kanas Tuvin Tribalism in Xinjiang;新疆喀纳斯图瓦部落文化的开发策略
4.Wizard is the ruler of the original tribe culture and the fountainhead of the wizard wield activities.巫是原始部落文化的执掌者 ,巫的祭祀活动是艺术的源头。
5.The organization, culture, or beliefs of a tribe.部落主义部落的组织、文化或信仰
6.primitive culture, customs, tribes原始文化、 习俗、 部落
7.cause members of a tribe to lose their cultural identity.使部落成员失去他们的文化特征。
8.Positioning of the Bashu Culture from the Theory of Cultural Tribes;从文化群落理论为巴蜀文化定位——巴蜀文化研究与西部开发(之一)
9.Schools will help to civilize the wild tribes there.学校将有助于使那儿的野蛮部落文明化。
10.Physical education in the western regions lags behind that in the east,which mainly is a destitution of an innovation of sports culture.我国西部体育落后于东部地区,从根本上说,是缺乏体育文化创新。
11.Either of two basic units in cultural anthropology that make up a tribe on the basis of unilateral descent.一个分支在文化人类学中,在单系血统基础上构成一个部落的两个基本的部落分支的任意一个
12.Members of the modern Yankton Sioux will provide many special events that show their tribe's culture and arts.现代杨克顿苏部落的成员们将举办各种特别活动来展示他们部落的文化和艺术,
13.The cultural background of Beowulf is tribal life in ancient Denmark and Sweden.此诗的文化背景是古代丹麦和瑞典的氏族部落生活。
14.The origin of the culture of the nationality of Ukraine can be dated back to the period of East Slav tribe.乌克兰民族文化的起源可以追溯到东斯拉夫部落时期。
15.Internal Game Rules and Cultural Heritage of Traditional Countryside Community--Citing Jiuxi Village as an Example;传统村落社区的内部博弈与文化传承——以“屯堡第一村寨”九溪村为例
16.On Prehistoric Intertribal Conflicts in Multi-culture Areas in Light of the Excavation of the Gujiapo Cemetery;从顾家坡墓地的发掘看史前时代文化交叉地带的部落冲突
17.Globalization in My Eyes and China s West Literature;我眼中的全球化与中国西部文学——兼评《尘埃落定》及其它
18.The old civilization may fall into decay.古代的文化可能衰落。

3)village culture村落文化
1.Female Role in Transforming Village Culture;变迁村落文化中的女性角色
2.Relationship between village sports and village culture and mechanism村落农民体育与村落文化的关系及其作用机制
3.It reminds people of paying due attention to village culture so as to build the new type of villages with mnore distinguishing features.指出"文化丧失"的缘由和现实思考,提醒人们重视村落文化,从而创建更加富有特色的新型村落。
4)carrying out culture落实文化
1.On the carrying out culture in enterprise management;浅谈企业管理中的落实文化
5)cultural community文化群落
6)settlement-based culture聚落文化
