民间意识,folk consciousness
1)folk consciousness民间意识
1.The folk consciousness of Lu Wen-fu’s common cultural novels;陆文夫世俗文化小说的民间意识
2.Shen’s novles are infiltrated with folk conception and thus have a unique feature of folk consciousness.沈从文深厚的民间体验与修养使他自觉从民间肥沃的土壤中吸取艺术营养并进行小说创作,从而使民间理念渗透在小说中,呈现出了鲜明的民间意识

1.Back to Folk Again: The Analysis about Folklism in Net-literature;重回民间:网络文学的民间意识分析
2.Take the Folk as the Flag--The Folk Awareness in Moyan s Novels;以民间为旗——论莫言小说创作的民间意识
3.Comments on the Folk Consciousness and Enlightenment in Shen Cong-wen's Western Hunan Novel沈从文湘西小说的民间意识及其启示
4.Folk Direction of Literature --On the Folk Consciousness of the Literary Creative Subject in and after the Period of "Seeking for Root;民间的走向——论“寻根”及其以后创作主体的“民间意识
5.On A Journey to The West and Social Consciousness of Folk Religion of the Ming Dynasty;《西游记》与明代民间宗教的社会意识
6.Analysis of Minority Folk Beliefs of Gender Awareness;浅析新疆少数民族民间信仰中的性别意识
7.Study On Environmental Awareness of Oirat Mongolians Folk Beliefs;论卫拉特蒙古民间信仰习俗中环境保护意识
8.On the Tragical Ideas and Their Causes of the Four most Famous Folk Legends;略论民间四大传说的悲剧意识及其成因
9.Female Consciousness Concealed in Bride s Weeping and her Weeping Songs in Folk Custom;隐藏在民间哭嫁与哭嫁歌中的女性意识
10.The Civilization Implication in Middle of Folk Literacy Textbooks Rhyming Verses and Social Cultivation;民间识字课本中的教化意蕴——“杂字”与社会教化
11.On the Formation of XU Run s Enterprising Spirit and National Awareness during His Compradorship;论徐润买办期间创业精神和民族意识的形成
12.Popular Self Consciousness: Wang Zengqis Cultural Consciousness and His Novel Creation;民间的自觉:汪曾祺的文化意识及其小说创作
13.On the "Life Consciousness" of Chinese Folk Art and Its Graphics Performance论中国民间美术中的“生命意识”及其图形表现
14.The folk cultural consciousness of Lao She--Taking Camel Xiangzi as an example论老舍的民间文化意识——以《骆驼祥子》为例
15.On the Development of Early Cultural Consciousness and Popularity of Wang Zengqi汪曾祺早期文化意识及其民间性的孕育与生成
16.Analysis of the Separation of Layered Theory of Traditional Rural Society and Non-governmental Layered Sense during Republic of China;试析民国时期传统乡村社会分层理论与民间分层意识的分离
17.A Study on the Public Awareness Based on the Folk Drama--Take the Taiyuan Yangge as Example;从民间小戏看乡土社会的民众意识——以太原秧歌为例
18.Conrad s Contradiction: Anti-Colonialism and Colonialist Consciousness--Another reading of Heart of Darkness;康拉德的矛盾:在反殖民主义与殖民意识之间徘徊——也读《黑暗的中心》

folk awareness民间意识
1.A preliminary analysis of the folk awareness in Wang Zengqi’s novels;试析汪曾祺小说的民间意识
2.He analyzed some problems from the marginal culture and took the side of the inferior group,all of which showed his folk awareness of writing for common people.执著于表现在苦难的民间大地上,经民间立场和平民视角过滤打捞的众生世相,以民间的价值判断为准绳,以远离主流文化的边缘人角色观察分析问题以及毫不犹豫地站到民间的被侮辱被损害的弱势群体一边的价值选择,无疑都显示出莫言浓厚的为老百姓而写作的民间意识
3)folk ideology民间意识形态
1.More than that,folk ideology contained by folk songs as literary discourse turned into the main current of political discou.不仅如此,民歌所蕴含的丰富的民间意识形态,在以文学话语面貌出现的强大的政治话语面前被主流化。
4)historical consciousness of folklore民间历史意识
5)popular bandit consciousness民间匪性意识
6)Folk humanistic consciousness民间人文意识

《活动 意识 个性》  Α.Н.列昂节夫著。它是作者晚期的理论著作。苏联政治出版社1975年出版。全书仅10余万字,分5章:①马克思主义和心理学;②心理反映;③心理学中的活动问题;④活动与意识;⑤活动与个性。1980年上海译文出版社出版李沂等的中译本。列昂节夫多年研究活动问题,包括物质的感性-对象活动的结构和发生,对个体心理过程形成的作用;心理、意识的产生对生活活动、劳动活动的依从性;根据主导活动形式划分个体心理发展年龄阶段;提出主体的物质活动和精神活动在发生、结构和功能上的联系,彼此相互过渡理论等。他以多年的研究为基础,于1972~1974年的苏联《哲学问题》杂志上连续发表长篇论文:"心理学中的活动问题","活动和意识","活动和个性"。最后改写成此书,出版后获罗蒙诺索夫一等奖。本书是关于心理学方法论问题的专著,书中全面地阐述了作者的活动观点,在苏联心理学界有较大影响。作者在书中谈到,心理学是一门关于对现实的心理反映(它中介着个体的生活)的产生、功能和结构的具体科学。而要建立这样一门科学的完整体系,最重要的是 3个范畴:对象活动、人的意识、个性。因而,他写这本书的任务不是阐述一些具体的心理学观点和理论,而是根据历史唯物主义关于人的本性、人的活动、意识、个性的学说去寻求获取这些具体的观点和理论的方法与途径。