主体思维,subjective thinking
1)subjective thinking主体思维
1.In this paper,this difference in thinking modes in the two languages is analyzed on the basis of the comparison of various aspects in the two languages,namely,parataxis and hypotaxis,topic-prominent and subject-prominent, subjective thinking and objective thinking,and integral thinking and divisible thinking.本文通过意合和形合、主题显著和主语显著、主体思维和客体思维、整合思维和拆分思维四个方面的比较,对复合句零主语的指代所反映的汉英语言思维特点上的差异进行了分析。
2.The functions of subjective thinking includ e the influence sensed by the author and the restriction of the language in mind to be used.主体思维的主要特征有直观性、连续性和概括性;主体思维对散文创作的重要功能有:对作者感受的影响,对构思的语言限定;创作主体的抽象思维功用是:指导作家对材料的选择,约束作品叙事情节的发展,制约对自然景物的描写,影响作家内心情感的抒发。

1.Dialogue: a New Teaching Spirit--From Subject Thinking to Relation Thinking;对话:一种新的教学精神——从“主体思维”到“关系思维”
2.On the Transition of the Thinking Mode of Main Body of Ideological and Political Elducation in Cybertimes;论网络时代思想政治教育主体思维方式的转变
3.Inquiring the Theory of Subjectivity from the Change of Thinking Way;从思维方式的转换观主体能动性思想
4.Popularization: the Subject Dimension of the Sinicization of Marxism大众化:马克思主义中国化的主体维度
5.The idiosyncratic thought includes the formatting thought, the transpositional thought, the macroscopical thought and the particular innovative thought.这种思维方式主要有格式化思维、位式思维、体性思维以及具有自身鲜明特点的创新性思维。
6.On the Triggering-off Mechanism of Transtors’ Initiative: A Cognitive Approach to Teaching of Translating;翻译教学中的预设思维训练——兼论译者主体主观能动性的思维动因
7.On Literary Reception in the Respective of Intersubjective Thinking;论交互主体性思维视域下的文学接受
8.Multi-dimension Interpretation of Integrated Research on Marxism;马克思主义整体性研究的多维度阐释
9.Discussion and analysis on editor s innovative thinking of journal of higher vocational education;高职学报编辑主体的创造性思维探析
10.On the Value Dimension of John Dewey Ideas of “ Democratic Community”;论杜威“民主共同体”思想的价值维度
11.Intersubjectivity and Correlative Thinking in Ancient China;中国古代的关联性思维与主体的责任
12.The Subjective Criticism in Cultivating Talents;论人才培养中的主体批判性思维原则
13.Three-dimensional Thinking of Basic Principle of Socialism Education;社会主义基本原则教学中的立体思维
14.Character, Mode and Personal Qualification of Scientific Creationary Thought;科学创造性思维:特征、方式、主体条件
15.The Subject s──The Translator s Thinking Process in the Process of Translation;翻译过程中翻译主体的思维活动过程
16.A Triple Meaning of Wittgenstein s Subject of Limits:A Probing into His Concept;维特根斯坦界限主体的三重意蕴——维特根斯坦的主体思想探析
17.On the Integral Grasp of Theoretical Basis and Way of Thinking of Marxism论整体把握马克思主义的理论依据和思维方式
18.Main Difference between English and Chinese Ways of Thinking and the Main Language Expression;英汉思维方式的主要差异及其主要语言体现

thinking subject思维主体
1.Then it puts stress on discussion of the definition,the evolution mechamism and the great significance of creativity thinking as well as the problems of raising overall synthetical diathesis of the thinking subject.文章首先阐明了创新与创造的联系与区别 ,然后重点论述了创造性思维的界定、创造性思维的运演机制、创造性思维的重大意义以及全面提高思维主体综合素质等问题。
2.The thinking subject of official document writing is the compound of individual writers and the wills of legal organs, and its major way of thinking is practical thinking.公文的思维主体是公文撰写者个体和体现法定机关意志的复合体;公文写作的主要思维方式是实性思维;公文写作是创造活动,公文格式的规定,不妨碍公文写作的创造性,不影响公文撰写者创造性的发挥,公文写作的创造性充满公文写作过程。
3)subject-oriented thinking mode主体型思维
4)thought on human being'intellectuality主体性思维
5)Introspective Thinking to the Entity主体反思性思维
6)thinking of inter-subjectivity主体间性思维
