学科体制,disciplinary system
1)disciplinary system学科体制
1.The reasons why interdisciplinary research in literary theories appears include internal factors of disciplinary system and academic development, but also external ones, that is, foreign trend of thought which affects native academic development.文艺学跨学科研究的出现,既有学科体制的内在原因,更有学科自身发展的学理原因,还有国外学术文化思潮对我国学术发展产生影响的国际原因。

1.Philosophers and Philosophical Issues under Modern Disciplinary Institution;现代学科体制下的哲学家、哲学问题
2.Starting from the Reform of Disciplinary Structures to Implement the Disciplinary Construction Project;从学科体制改革入手 实施学科建设工程
3.The Remolding of Epigraphy in the Modern Academic Discipline and Institution;“金石学”在现代学科体制下的重塑
4.Students Studying Abroad and System Forming of Aesthetics Course in Modern China;留学生与近代中国美学学科的体制化
5.Experience in Making Multimedia CAI Courseware for Plastic Surgery;整形外科学多媒体CAI课件制作的体会
6.Making and Applying Media CAI in PE Subject;体育学科多媒体CAI课件的制作与运用
7.Rethinking Autonomy of Science from the Perspective of Scientific System;关于科学体制与科学自主性的若干思考
8.Contemporary model of the big-science view & vision on the big-science manage system当代的大科学观模型与大科学管理体制的构想
9.The Academic Freedom and the Reform of Chinese University Bureaucratic System;学术自由与我国大学科层体制的改革
10.The Returned Students and the Systemization of the Psychology in Modern China;留学生与近代中国心理学科的体制化
11.Explorations and Analysis of Constructing Scientifically Academic Management System and Operation Mechanism in Universities;构建科学的大学学术管理体制和运行机制探析
12.To Study the Marrow of the Concept of Scientific Development and Work Hard to Build a System Conducive to Scientific Development深入学习实践科学发展观 着力构建有利于科学发展的体制机制
13.Value of Big Science and the Choice for the Scientific Research System;自由而负责任的科学——大科学的价值和当代中国科研体制的选择
14.Deepen scientific research system reform and fasten agricultural undertaking development;深化科研体制改革 加快农业科学事业发展
15.Reform of Systems,Regulations and Mechanisms in Monopoly Industries Based on the Scientific Outlook on Development基于科学发展观的垄断行业体制、制度、机制改革
16.Musicology System Evolvement from Disciplinary Vision--Also on China Musicology Cross-disciplinary Developing Mechanism;学科视界下的音乐学体系演变——兼论我国音乐学的跨学科发展机制
17.administrative system for scientific and technicalarchives management in China中国科学技术档案工作管理体制
18.Practice and Experience of Tutorial System for Undergraduate in Forensic Biology Teaching;法医物证学试行本科生导师制的体会

scientific system科学体制
1.As modern science acts as a kind of social organization system,scientific system becomes the generic prerequisite and the control of automony of science.当代科学作为一种社会建制,科学体制既是科学自主运行的基本前提,同时又构成了对它的控制。
3)institute of science科学体制化
4)structural reforms of courses学科体制改革
6)university's science and technology system大学科技体制

《标准化是一门新学科》《标准化是一门新学科》Standardization-a New Discipline  B心卫hunhua Shi Yimen XinxLJek6《标准化是一门新学科》(%26翔叨阮心必以蜘一aN‘JD改动红配)首次较系统地论述标准化是一门学科的著作。印度囚C.魏尔曼著,1盯2年发表。由苏锡田、张玉麟等译成中文,科学技术文献出版社于1980年出版。全书共26章。主要内容包括:标准化的目的和作用,标准化的领域和内容,企业、行业、国家、地区和国际各级标准化的组织和工作程序,标准的计划、编制和贯彻执行,计量制度和单位,质量认证标志与说明性标签,标准化教育与训练,标准化的经济效果,标准化的数理手段,发展中国家和消费者标准化问题等。同时,对未来标准化工作的发展也作了展望。 (赵全仁崔华)