1.Bearing the blame,the poet reflects his own feature through persons and figures of all forms with extremely ambiguous and obscure language so as to manifest his mind which fall into repentance and eager to extrication.诗人怀着一种负罪感,以极为含混和隐晦的语言通过不同的人称和形形色色的人物折射出“我”的形象,昭示着诗人那颗忏悔与渴望解脱的心。
2.The essence of the extrication of Chan sect is the freedom of life.禅宗解脱的实质是生命的自由。
3.The extrication of farmers economical inferiority will depend on the following measures: to provide more opportunities for farmers income increase,optimize the urban and rural industrial structu.欲求得农民经济弱势之解脱,必须做到:优化城乡产业结构,拓宽农民增收空间;矫正收入分配格局,启动以工哺农机制;健全社会支持网络,加大扶持救助力度;增加人力资本投资,提升农民综合素质。

1.She said it over and over under her breath:" free,free,free!她低声地反复说:“解脱了,解脱了,解脱了!”
2.To release from a burden or responsibility.解脱使摆脱重负或责任
3.Expounding ZHUANG Zi s “Being Unable to Explain the `Way " --An Attempted Exposition on ZHUANG Zi s Dilemma and His Way Out;荒谬与解脱——试析庄子的解脱之道
4.Liberation is basically freedom from obsession, freedom from dualism.基本上解脱是指从迷惑中解脱,从二元分别中解脱
5.He is allowed to escape.他获准得到了解脱
6.Death frees us from ills.死亡使我们解脱不幸。
7.inwardly grateful, relieved, etc内心铭感的、 解脱的等
8.A Tale of Possessors Self-Dispossessed附魔者自我解脱的故事
9.free from involvement or entanglement.从琐事、纠缠中解脱
10.Death released him from his sufferings.死神解脱了他的痛苦.
11.To free from a tangle;disentangle.解脱;解开把…从一团纠结的事物中解脱出来;解开…的缠结
12.To release from restraints or bonds; free.释放以约束或束缚中解脱出来,解放
13.Repentance And Extrication--Interpretation of the "Ich" in Trakl Poems;忏悔与解脱——解读特拉克尔诗歌中的“我”
14.We cannot think this very complicated. In fact, enlightenment is very simple and pure. Enlightenment is when you are free from all kinds of delusion.解脱不是一件复杂的事情。就是把你从一切妄想中解脱出来。
15.S3.- IV.10.3.The universe is waiting your release because it is its own.整个宇宙都在等候你的解脱,因为那也是它的解脱
16.To worm one's way into or out of a situation;insinuate or extricate oneself by sly or subtle means.摆脱,逃脱使自己慢慢地进入或摆脱某种状况;用狡诈的或巧妙的方法巧妙取得或解脱
17.Emancipation from ignorance and the extinction of all attachment.解脱从无知中解放出来,并消除了所有的业力
18.Xuanjie and Transcending Problems of Life:a Review of the Annotations of Zhuangzi;“悬解”与人生困境的解脱——以《庄子》注疏为考察对象

1.This paper reflects the course of ancient people from opposing bravely bother, seeking actively disengagement to breking with it eventually.本文以古典诗词为载体,反映了古人勇敢地与烦恼进行抗争,积极地寻求解脱之路,最终得以解脱的历程。
1.Design and application of emergency release mechanism and desertion device in the HOV;载人潜器应急解脱、抛弃装置设计及应用
1.Mazu-Daoyi, the representative of Hongzhou Zen Buddhism, proposes that “Tao is an ordinary state of mind”, and he encourages people to awake in daily life to the nature of Buddha for moksa.洪州禅的代表人物马祖道一提出“平常心是道”的观点,鼓励众生在日常生活中体悟真如佛性,获得解脱

解脱  印度唯心主义哲学派别通用的术语。解脱是对轮回而言。按印度唯心主义哲学,轮回意即六道流转的继续。解脱即烦恼业因的终止,是破除业力的桎梏、结束轮回转生后的一种超验境界。就历史而言,解脱思想的出现似比轮回观念早些。在轮回的观念尚未形成时,人们只是例行地举行祭祀,敬神积福,祈求死后升天,不再降生人间。解脱仅仅意味着肉体消亡,灵魂升天。在《梨俱吠陀》中,已多处表示了这种一般意义的"解脱"。    到奥义书时期,解脱被赋予了哲学的奥义。解脱并不限于死后升天,而且还有现实的意义,即于今生遁迹兰若,断绝尘缘,加持瑜伽。瑜伽是达到解脱的方法,一般有三种:智瑜伽、行瑜伽、信瑜伽。解脱既指死后肉体的消亡,亦指生前精神的升华。佛典有所谓两种涅槃:有余涅槃和无余涅槃。前者谓寿尽前精神升华所得的解脱,后者谓寿尽时肉体消亡所得的解脱。业力-轮回、苦行-解脱,这一套来世论-解脱论,为具有唯物主义思想的学派所否定,但为印度所有唯心主义哲学流派所接受。它在今天的印度意识形态领域中仍有相当大的影响。