1.In addition, the feminine and charmin.此外,济慈抒情诗总的特点与《诗品》中光大的老庄虚静说和阴柔美相一致,但不简单等同于女性美,而这些都只有通过中式诗评方法才能彰显出来。
2.The men was feminine,whereas the women was masculine.从《世说新语》中可以发现,魏晋男女角色出现审美错位:男性展现阴柔美,女性表现出阳刚美。
3.Ancient Chinese dance has four aesthetic characteristics: beauty of flow,feminine,flowing grace,rhythm.中国古代舞蹈腾蛟起凤般的动作,拧、曲、圆、倾的造型与细腰构成的舞姿,以修袖、长裾为特征的服饰,以及通于音乐和书法的节奏等方面都表现出线性意识和线性特性,其具有四个方面的审美特性,即流美、阴柔、飘逸、韵律。

1.He is utterly free from the least suspicion of effeminacy.他丝毫没有阴柔之气。
2.Mao Dun s Gentle Temperament and the Female Groups in His Works;茅盾的“阴柔”气质与作品中的女性群体
3.The quality you most like in a man? Feminine charm.男人身上你最喜欢什么特质?具有阴柔的魅力。
4.Essay about YuDafu s Feminization Tendency and Its Performence in His Works;论郁达夫的阴柔倾向及其在作品中的表现
5.On Masculine and Gentle Integration--Comments on the Art of Calligraphy of Zhu Xi and Zhang Jizhi;阳刚与阴柔的交响——朱熹与张即之书法艺术评介
6.On forming of the Yinrou Style in Chinese Ancient literature;试论中国古代文学阴柔审美的历史生成
7.The spirit of "water"--Discussion on the gentleness group of Chinese modern novelists;“水”的精灵——略论中国现代小说家中的阴柔
8.Looking for the Balanced Point of Dance on the Weighing Scales-- Talking about from the historical evaluation of ZHANG Ai-ling and XIAO Hongs novels;从冰心和丁玲的作品看女性创作的阴柔
9.The Unification of Masculinity and Femininity in The Lives of Girls and Women;《姑娘与女士的生活》中女主人公的阳刚与阴柔
10.The unity of masculine and femininity--To Comprehend Li Qingzhao s Two Characters from Her Creation of Poetry and Ci;阳刚与阴柔的统——从李清照诗词创作解读其双重性格
11.Horses neigh with the wind and Swallows dance with breezee--On Masculine Beauty and Feminine Beauty of Song poem;马鸣风萧萧 微风燕子斜——浅论宋词的阳刚美与阴柔
12.Spiritual Relations between Feminine Beauty of Li Shangyin s Poetry and the Kiss Theology of Christianity;李商隐诗歌的阴柔美与基督教亲吻神学的精神联系(下)
13.Spiritual Relations between the Feminine Beauty of Li Shangyin’s Poetry and the Kiss Theology of Christianity;李商隐诗歌的阴柔美与基督教亲吻神学的精神联系(上)
14.On the Effeminacy of Song Yu s Ode ‘Jiu Bian’ and the Influence upon Chinese Sentimental Literature;论宋玉《九辩》的阴柔美及其对中国感伤主义文学的影响
15.Diffused light source: Any light source which produces indistinct and relatively light shadows with a soft outline .扩散光源:造成朦胧,边缘柔和浅色阴影的光源。
16.126 Cases of Cholelithiasis of Qi and Yin Deficiency Pattern Treated by the Method to益气柔肝法治疗气阴不足型胆石病126例
17.Yin Yang Hardness Softness,Myriad Things Foster and Chinese Art Life Spirit;“阴阳刚柔”、“万物化生”与中国艺术的生命精神
18.On the implications of Qian-Kun, yin-yang, hardness-softness as well as civiland military affairs in chapter Yi zhi yi of the silk manuscript of Zhouyi;帛书《易之义》键川、阴阳、刚柔、文武思想合论

Nourish yin to calm liver养阴柔肝
3)feminine or masculine阴柔阳刚
4)graceful and mellow温婉阴柔
5)tender beauty阴柔美
6)feminized culture阴柔文化
1.The spirit of the custom is purity and simplicity,which manifests common customs of feminized culture.其总体精神是“淳和质朴”,是阴柔文化的世俗化。
