1.In tertns of psychological experience, Lu Xun s "Madman s Joumals" is the self-discovery, self-repen-tance and self-betrayal of a nation.从心理体验的角度来看,鲁迅的《狂人日记》其实是一个民族的自我发现、自我忏悔和对自身的反叛。
2.As both a woman poet and the wife of a poet, her poems are marked with distinctive female experiences -- "imitation", "protest", and "self-discovery".作为女诗人以及诗人的妻子,她的诗作有着独特的女性经验的印记——“模仿”、“反抗”“自我发现”。

1.On the Theme of Self Discovery and Self Transcendence in 19th Century American Literature;美国19世纪文学中“自我发现、自我超越主题”初探
2.often leading to moments of extraordinary self-discovery,往往达到不寻常自我发现的境界,
3.I felt such a fool when I realized I'd got on the wrong bus.我发现自己搭错公共汽车时直发呆。
4.My son went to Berkeley to find himself.我的儿子去伯克里发现自我价值去了。
5.I find myself in the same boat.我发现我自己也处于同样的境遇。
6.Self-realization and Self-finding:On Jane Austen s Pride and Prejudice;认识自我和发现自我——评简·奥斯汀的《傲慢与偏见》
7.self produced consequences自我实现 自我实现
8.With the team, I feel that I can inspire myself!和团队在一起,我发现我能激励我自己了!
9.I have noticed that courting is begun by the young couple themselves,我发现求爱由年轻人自己提出来,
10.I was discovering that I could not escape the ghetto after all.我发现自己归根到底无法摆脱黑人区。
11.we often found ourselves making money mistakes,我们经常发现自己在花钱时犯错误,
12.When I woke up, I found myself in a castle.醒来时,我发现自己在一座城堡里。
13.I discovered that I have a really sharp palate.有天我发现自己真的有敏锐的味觉。
14.I found myself (to be) in a dark forest.我发现自己在黑暗的森林里。
15.You have more energy and an increased sense of well being.您会发现更有精力,自我感觉也更加好。
16.I found myself one too many among people.我发现自己在人群中是个多余的人。
17.I was soon disillusioned.很快我就发现自己估计错了。
18.I discovered that all human beings were not mean.我发现并不是所有的人都平庸自私。

1.Through an analysis of the characters in the context of both static self-realization and dynamic self-finding processes, it is obvious that Austen actually studies human spiritual experience with great sincerity and to a profoundly deep level.如果将人物性格的发展作为一个自我认识的过程,特别是对发现自我的动态过程进行分析,会使读者更清晰地认识到奧斯汀对人的精神的剖析是严肃而深刻的。
3)How to Discover Cancer Through Self Examination怎样自我发现癌症
4)A Hard Journey Toward Self-Identification通往自我发现之路
5)From Imitation to Self-discovery从模仿到自我发现
1.Difficult journey of self-fulfillment——critical analysis of female reification phenomenon in Their Eyes Were Watching God艰难的自我实现之旅——评《他们眼望上苍》中的女性物化现象
2.Every success Ba Jin made can be considered to be a journey of self-fulfillment.巴金的每一次成功的创作都是一次自我实现的历程。
3.Because of the traits of virtuality,mutuality and spirit factuality, the techonology of virtual reality brings about double-edged influence to human’s self-fulfillment when it is applied to human’s practical activities.由于虚拟现实技术所具有的虚拟性、超时空性、交互性和精神实在性等特征,使得它在人类实践活动的应用中,对主体的自我实现产生了主体精神因虚拟现实技术而得以解放和使现代人与自身相异化的两重影响。

"发现者"号卫星  美国综合性军用试验卫星系列。自1959年2月到1962年 2月共发射38颗卫星。36颗主要是试验性的返回型照相侦察卫星,其中12颗未入轨,12颗回收失败,12颗回收成功(8颗空中回收,4颗海面打捞);另外2颗为导弹预警试验卫星。"发现者"号卫星的主要任务是进行空间照相侦察,其次是进行生物辐照、空间环境探测、导弹预警试验和电子侦察试验。卫星和运载火箭末级"阿金纳"号在轨道上连成带有锥顶的圆柱形组合体。用"阿金纳"A为末级的"发现者"1~15号全长为 5.8米;用"阿金纳"B为末级的"发现者"16~38号全长为7.6米。组合体直径为 1.5米,总重为 590~1150公斤,卫星重111~200公斤。专用系统为45.4公斤重的一架16毫米相机和88.5公斤重的胶卷密封舱。"发现者"号卫星系列在航天技术方面取得世界第一的成果有:1959年4月13日"发现者"2号进入近圆形极轨道,同时实现了三轴姿态控制。"发现者"13号于 1960年8月11日在轨道上接收地面指令控制,弹射出一个再入密封舱并在海上回收。