1.The author has expounded and proved that conscious creation of beauty was one of the distinct features of the literature during the period of Six Dynasties.本文主要论证六朝文学“自觉”于美的创造,经过几百年的积累,取得划时代的成就,表现为文学语言求、文学创作的“缘情”主张成为主旋律、文学发展进程中不断“新变”,文体的区分日益细密等特征。

1.Lily, this is Karen Young.,这是卡伦?杨。
2.Nice to meet you. Mine's Lily.很高兴认识你,我叫
3.Lily, do you have any staples?,你有没有钉书针?
4.Lily's wearing a red dress all day long.整天穿着红裙子。
5.Little Lily and little Nelly are writing letters.小和小奈利在写信,
6.Elizabeth succeeded Mary.伊莎白接替了玛
7.Lily Zhang works in the Marketing Department.张在市场部工作。
8.fall in love with Lily scarf at first sight“”丝巾,一见钟情
9.Marie Brizard Creme de Menthe (W.G.) [France]玛·布莎薄荷酒[法
10.of Cinderella's charm and beauty,仙杜娜的美可爱。
11.No, Lily. Ted has a football.不,。泰德有足球。
12.“Alice,”he cried out. “Alice!?”“爱丝,”他喊道,“爱丝!”
13.She is not more beautiful than Mary.她不比玛--顶多只是和玛一样美。
14.To deck out in fine clothes and ornaments;bedizen.穿着俗以华的衣服和饰品来装饰;穿着俗
15.Dizen:To deck out in fine clothes and ornaments; bedizen.穿着俗:以华的衣服和饰品来装饰;穿着俗.
16.Tastelessly showy or bright;garish.俗的无品味地炫耀的或艳的;华而俗气的
17.Good, had to go to meet Li Li, next time again will recount this beautiful mood.好了,要去接了,下次再述说这美的心情吧。
18.Calliphora latifrons Hough and Calliphora vicina Robineau-Desvoidy,two introduced blowflies to Guangzhou两种入侵广州的蝇——宽额蝇与红头

1.On the "Li(Beauty)" Category of Chinese classical Aesthetics in the Tang-Song dynasty;唐宋时期古典美学“”范畴论
2.On the "Li" Category of Chinese Classical Aesthetics in the Qin-Han Dynasty;先秦两汉时期古典美学“”范畴论
3.On the "Li" Category of the Chinese Classical Aesthetics;中国古典美学“”范畴论
1.CO Pollution in Urban Area in Ruili;瑞城区一氧化碳污染的现状
2.Population dynamics of Bactrocera dorsalis(Diptera:Tephritidae) along with analysis on the factors influencing the population in Ruili,Yunnan Province;云南瑞桔小实蝇成虫种群数量变动及其影响因子分析
1.Develop Thermal Underwear Yarn Blended with Richcel/Australian Wool/Combed Cotton;赛/PTT/澳毛/精梳棉保暖内衣纱的研制
2.Development of the Tencel/Richcel/breathing fiber fabric;天丝/赛/吸湿排汗纤维混纺面料的开发
3.Research on Richcel Fiber and Its Yarn Products;赛纤维及其纱线产品研究
5)Lishui city丽水
1.Some Counter-measures on Cultural Industry in Lishui City;水文化产业发展的对策
2.Lishui City lies in the southwest of Zhejiang Province,China.水市位于浙江西南部,是浙江木本植物最丰富的地区之一,共有木本植物95科338属1 128种。
1.The working principle,in cluding threading-up preparing,th reading-up and automatic ac-tion change,of Toray winder are intr oduced,and then the relationship between action sequence and time is described.介绍日本东TW713/6卷绕机的生头准备、生头、自动切换等各种动作的工作原理及各执行元器件动作的先后顺序与时间的关系。
