1.Appling deletion in scientific research papers;论删节在科技论文中的应用

1.To expurgate(a book, for example)prudishly.删节谦逊地删节(如一本书)
2."bowdlerize:To expurgate (a book, for example) prudishly."删节:谦逊地删节(如一本书)。
3.(of a book,film,etc)not abridged or censored(指书、影片等)未删节的,未删改的
4.The uncut version of the scandalous story.黄色故事的未删节
5.This is an abridged edition of money changers这是《钱商》的删节本。
6.It was abridged from to original work.这是由原本删节的。
7.A written text that has been abridged.删节,节略一篇缩写后的文章
8.All these deletions must be reinserted.所有这些删节文字必须重新进去。
9.an article reprinted in extenso in a later collection.他的文章毫无删节地刊登出来了
10.His article was pubilshed inextenso.他的文章毫无删节地刊登出来了。
11.Did you see it in an uncut version?你看的是未删节版的影片吗?
12.This book may be more readable if it is abridged这本书如经删节,可读性也许会更强些
13.This book might be more readable if it is abridged.这本书如经删节,可读性也许会更强些。
14.This book may is more readable if it is abridged.这本书如经删节, 可读性也许会更强些。
15.Hundreds of words were deleted from my own dispatchs.我本人的许多电讯都遭到大肆删节
16.The editor reserves the right to cut manuscripts received.本编辑保留来稿的删节权。
17.Cannot delete the last field in a grouping section. Delete the grouping section instead.不能删除分组节中最后的字段。请先删除分组节。
18.You can not remove a node when resources are owned by that node.当节点拥有资源时,不得将该节点删除。

1.The Abridgment and Distortion of Chinese Textbooks during Japanese Invasion of China;日本侵略者铁蹄所到之处收缴焚毁一切具有爱国思想及有关中国历史、地理的教科书,同时处心积虑地在中国教科书上动脑筋,做手脚,先是对原先国民政府审定的官方教科书进行删节;其血腥统治稍稍稳固后,即有组织有计划地编写教科书,毒害中国青少年。
4)punctured code删节码
1.This paper introduces a method of hardware implementation in channel decoding,giving an emphasis on the decoding of punctured code and synchronization module following Viterbi decoder.文中提出了信道译码硬件实现的一种方案,解决了其中删节码的解码和V iterbi译码后同步等难题。
5)deleting node节点删除
1.After the factors of an effective importance measurement for a node within a node-weighted network are analyzed,the comprehensive importance measure(CIM) for a node in a node-weighed network based on the approach of deleting node is modeled.在对节点赋权网络中节点重要性构成因素分析的基础上,利用节点删除的研究思想,提出节点赋权网络中节点重要性的综合测度法—CIM法;借助于图的距离矩阵的计算方法设计了CIM法的算法;最后,给出该方法在知识共享网络中的应用。
6)abridgement in antiquarian book古籍删节
