电子传媒,electronic media
1)electronic media电子传媒
1.Freedom and Control-The Study on the Aesthetic Culture of the Electronic Media Age;自由与控制—电子传媒时代的审美文化研究
2.Electronic Media Time Opera Existence and Its Trend;电子传媒时代的戏曲存在及其趋向
3.This article introduces the basic aesthetic principles and scientific and rational objective laws should be followed by design,and discusses modern design methods from the operation of mass media,the popularization of electronic media and the shock of network,in order to make the design to serve the market and to comfort the market requirement.介绍了设计应遵循的基本设计美准则以及科学合理的客观规律,从大众传播媒介的经营、电子传媒的普及、网络的冲击多方面论述了现代设计方法,以使设计服务于市场,适应市场需要。

1.On the Model of Literary and Artistic Communication in the Electronics Media Context;电子传媒语境中的文艺传播模式研究
2.The Telecommunication Act of 1996 and Changes on Electronic Media s Regulation in U.S;1996电信法与电子传媒管制的制度演进
3.Freedom and Control-The Study on the Aesthetic Culture of the Electronic Media Age;自由与控制—电子传媒时代的审美文化研究
4.Worriment and Breakthrough;焦虑与突围——新诗在电子传媒时代如何生存
5.The development of the modes of transportation and the emergence of the electronic media resulted in more rapid transmission of information.交通工具的发展和电子传媒的出现,使得信息传递加速。
6.In addition to the print and electronic media, forums online provide effective ways to make one's voice heard.传统的报章和电子传媒外,网上论坛也是有效途径。
7.It will facilitate dissemination of transport information to the public via established distribution channels such as variable message panels and electronic mass media.利用这系统,运输资讯可通过路旁的可变信息屏幕或电子传媒发放。
8.Two Revolutions of Literary Activity Paradigm;文学活动范式的两次革命——电子传媒时代文学理论范式研究之一
9.Theoretical Transfer of Space and the Diffusion of Literature:on the Literary Studies in the Age of Electronic Media;空间的理论转向与文学的流散——电子传媒时代的文学研究
10.The Rise and Fall of Neo-liberalism and the Changes of Regulations on American Electronic Media新自由主义经济思潮的沉浮与美国电子传媒管制政策的变迁
11.Numerous channels for public opinion are available now in the 21st century. In addition to the print and electronic media, forums online provide effective ways to make one's voice heard.现在已是21世纪,表达民意渠道多不胜数,传统的报章和电子传媒外,网上论坛也是有效途径。
12.The appearance of electronic media brings about the resolution of traditional literary boundary,the creation of cyber space and the rise of the age of mass carnival.电子传媒的出现导致传统文学边界的消解、赛博空间的生成和大众狂欢时代的崛起。
13.The Propagation Property of Electromagnetic Waves in Photonic Crystals and Chiral Media;电磁波在光子晶体和手征媒质中的传输特性
14.Mosquitoes are carriers of malaria.蚊子是疟疾的传播媒介.
15.How Can TV Media Face the Challenge of Audio-Visual New Media电视传媒如何应对视听新媒体的挑战
16.Seemingly harmless technologies such as telecommunications also have their dark side.表面看似无害的科技,诸如电子传播媒体,同样也有其黑暗的一面。
17.Upto-date information delivery through the electronic media is becoming important to all segments of the agricultural community.通过电子媒介的现代情报的传递,对农业界的所有部门越来越重要。
18.How Electronic Media Affect the Social Behavior?:A Review of Meyrowitz s Theory;电子媒介如何影响社会行为——梅罗维茨传播理论述评

electrial propagate medium电子传播媒介
3)the age of electronic media电子传媒时代
4)Electronic media context电子传媒语境
5)electronic media culture电子传媒文化
6)Television media电视传媒
1.On the Subject Positions of Femininity in the Television Media论电视传媒中女性气质的主体地位——几种示例分析
2.Analysis of the welfare effects of television media platform merger in two-sided markets双边市场下电视传媒平台兼并的福利效应分析
3.The paper expounds several social functions of television media, and introduces the things should be improved in constructing harmonious society.综述了电视传媒的几大社会功能,并就其发挥好构建和谐社会作用需改进的内容进行了叙述。

传媒纠纷传媒纠纷    传播媒体或称“传媒”、“媒体”或“媒介”,指传播信息资讯的载体,可以是私人机构,也可以是官方机构。传播管道有纸类(新闻纸,杂志)、声类(电台广播)、视频(电视、电影)还有现代的网络类(电脑视频),现在已成为各种传播工具的总称。 第一类传媒,即人们面对面传递信息的媒介,主要指人类的口语,也包括表情,动作,眼神等身体语言。口语与体语实现了人与人之间最早的信息交流。 第二类传媒,包括绘画,文字,印刷和摄影等。在这种信息交流方式中,信息的接受者人绕要靠感官接受信息,信息的发出者则开始使用一定的传播设施。 第三类传媒,无论是信息的发出者还是接受者,都必须借助传播设施。这类传媒包括电话,唱片,电影,广播,电视,计算机通讯,等等。 大众传媒视之为普通大众所使用的传媒。 现今有人喻手机视频将成为第四类传媒。 而自从计算机的普及化,网上媒体在计算机网络中亦成为一种新形式的传播媒体.纯正的广告设计公司并不能算是传媒机构,只因有些广告公司也拥有自己的传播管道,所以也成为传媒公司。在资讯传播过程中,传媒之间因著作权产生的争议、传媒与报道对象之间因名誉权、肖像权、隐私权等产生的侵权争议都属于传媒纠纷。