人生体验,life experience
1)life experience人生体验
1.Through reading between the lines of Mao Zedong s autobiographic documents,we have found that he felt greatly constrained in his life experience.透过毛泽东的自述性文字,我们发现,毛泽东最强烈的人生体验莫过于沉重的压抑感。
2.Literature is just on the life of person,expressing writer s life experience.文学是作家人生体验的表述。
3.By means of realistic expression, these poems deeply probe into the all kinds of complicated life experience and reflections upon life in the particular send-off situation.杜甫的送别诗多是写极具个性的离别,采取写实的手法,深刻地表现了具体的离别情境所蕴含和牵连的种种复杂的人生体验和人生感悟,具有超越传统离别主题更深广的思想与审美意蕴,这是杜甫在送别诗写法上的新变。

1.Wise Refinements of Living Experience--A Brief Discourse of Fortress Besieged by Qian Zhongshu;人生体验的智慧凝结——略论钱钟书《围城》
2.HAN Yus Experience of Life and Poetry Writing after Being Banished to Chaozhou;韩愈贬谪潮州的人生体验与诗文创作
3.The Special Experience in Life-Chi Li s viewpoints of life and love;化蛹为蝶的人生体验——论池莉的生活观与爱情观
4.On Product of Individual Experience of Life;个体人生体验的积淀——抗战时期大后方太平天国历史剧发生论
5.Experiments in Human Anatomy Physiology人体解剖生理学实验
6.On TANG Jun-yi s Outlook on Life;论唐君毅的人生观——读《人生之体验》
7.By means of experience and experiences in former lives human being improves.在藉由体验改善前人类生命的经验。
8.Exchange of Experience from Mltimedia Teaching of Medical Parasitology《人体寄生虫学》多媒体教学经验交流
9.Rediscussing on Tang Jun-yi s outlook on life--Review on The Sequel of the Experience of Life;再论唐君毅的人生观——读《人生之体验续篇》
10.Anthropometrics and Biomechanics Lab人体测量和生物力学实验室
11.Nearly everyone must endure at least once in a lifetime.几乎每个人一生中至少要体验一次。
12.On the Reclusive Taste and Pleasure in the Tang and Song Dynasty Ci Lyrics--Briefly Interpreting the "Seclusion Interest" in "Tang Ci and Song Ci";潇洒地体验人生——试论唐宋词中的“逸趣”
13.Enigma of Life and Beauty of Transcendent Experience A Dream of Red Mansions;人生之谜和超验之美——体悟《红楼梦》
14.Tourist Action and the Vital Experiences of the Scholars in Ancient China;旅游行为与中国古代文人的生命体验
15.Firsthand experience preparing a Human Parasitology lab course人体寄生虫学实验准备工作的几点体会
16.He that can genuinely feel the happiness of life who truly knows the value of it.只有懂得生命价值的人才能体验到生活的幸福。
17.Predicament of surviving--Talk about Song pronoun latent ease of people survive and experience;生存的困境——论宋代词人的隐逸生存体验
18.The Ecological Structure of Man s Multilayer Existence and the Aesthetic Experience of Literature and Arts and Ecology;人多重存在的生态结构与文艺生态审美体验

human body physiology experiment teing人体生理学实验
3)physiological heat reaction人体生理反应实验
4)human parasitology laboratory人体寄生虫学实验
5)manned-test for air regenerator空气再生装置人体试验
6)life experience人生经验

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