1.DDoS traceback based on router traffic analysis;基于路由器流量分析的DDoS反向追踪
2.Discussion on the Similarities and Differences of the Hub,Switchboard and Router;浅谈集线器、交换机、路由器及其异同
3.The fiber optics router apply to the control system of HIRFL-CSR;应用于HIRFL-CSR控制系统中的光纤通信路由器

1.In order for a router to route data, what must that router determine?(路由器路由数据的顺序,路由器必须描述什么?)
2.To configure a route from an ISP router into a corporate network.关于ISP路由器上使用静态路由的问题!
3.Research and Implementation of Routing Mechanism for ForCES Router;ForCES路由器中路由机制的研究与实现
4.On Router and the Application of Windows 2000 s Route;浅谈路由器及Win2000路由的应用方法
5.Security requirements for router路由器安全技术要求
6.The Development of BACnet Router Based on Linux;基于Linux的BACnet路由器开发
7.The Research of the Router Base on ARM-LINUX;基于ARM-LINUX的路由器研究
8.The Upgrade of Router Mainbord Based on MPC8347基于MPC8347路由器主板升级
9.Double-Chain Deduction with Router Cisco 2621;用Cisco2621路由器实现双链路冗余
10.Research on Multi-Path Finding Algorithms in Reconfigurable Router可重构路由器中多路径查找方法研究
11.Switch Where You Can, Route Where You Must能用交换处用交换机、必须用路由处用路由器
12.Which command will configure a default route on a router?在路由器上配置缺省路由的指令是哪个?
13.Implementation and Optimization of the Routing Lookup Sub-system on Router System;路由器中路由查找子系统的实现和优化
14.The Study of Routing Algorithm in Terabit Router s Switching Fabrics;T比特路由器高速交换网络中的路由算法研究
15."Network, share, router, hub, connection"网络,共享,路由器,集线器,连接
16.A Wireless Access Router Based on IXP425 Network Processor;基于IXP425网络处理器的无线接入路由器
17.An Access Router Based on IXP425 Network Processor;基于IXP425网络处理器的接入路由器
18."You made changes to the router configuration that require the router to be restarted. Do you want to restart now?"您已改变路由器配置,需要重新启动路由器。要重新开始吗?

1.A distributed real time operating system is the kernel controlling high performance distributed routers.分布式实时操作系统是高性能分布式路由器的控制核心。
2.In this paper,we analyze the function of bridges and routers and gateways.本文详尽分析了网络中网桥、路由器和网关的功能和关系 ,论述了信息通过网桥、路由器和网关的传递过
3.This article talks briefly about the principle, functions and deficiencies of the hubs, switches, routers, and also compares their functions and the roles in network.浅析了集线器、交换机、路由器的工作原理、功能以及存在的不足,并对三者的功能和在网络中的作用进行了详细比较。
1.HOW to Utilize NT Server as Route;让NT服务器充当路由器
2.The basic characteristics and function requirements of IPv6 flow label are discussed and the mechanism of router in processing flow label is analyzed.阐述了IPv6流标号的基本特征和功能要求,分析了路由器处理流标号的机制。
3.The router and switch are the two main devices in the current network.路由器及交换机是当前网络系统的主要设备,也是网络安全的前沿关口。
4)CISCO routerCISCO路由器
1.The configuration of Cisco router s remote access server;Cisco路由器的RAS的配置
2.Realization of campus network security management system based on packet filter through Cisco router;用Cisco路由器实现校园网中基于数据包过滤的安全管理机制
3.Based on Cisco router configuration to prevent DDoS attacks;基于Cisco路由器配置阻止DDoS攻击
5)IPv6 routerIPv6路由器
1.A Fulfillment of BGP on IPv6 router;边界网关协议BGP在IPv6路由器中的实现
2.Design of network drivers for high performance IPv6 router;高性能IPv6路由器网络驱动设计
3.This paper introduces the principle of hardware and software in IPv6 router.介绍了IPv6路由器的硬件和软件组成原理 ,说明了如何在Linux操作系统下 ,利用Zebra路由软件实现IPv6路由器
6)soft router软路由器

多路分配器多路分配器demultiplexer duoju fenPel口{多路分配器(demultiplexer)根据输人控制信号的不同状态,将需要传送的信号送到选定的输出端去的组合逻辑电路。这里控制信号又称地址信号。多路分配器广泛用于计算机及控制电路中。 图示是一个四线多路分配器的逻辑图,其中A:、A。是输入控制端,S是数据输人端,Y3、YZ、Y,、Y。是四个输出端。从电路的功能表(见表)可见,通过给定Al、A。的不同状态,即可把S端的输入数据送到选定的一根输出线上去。Y3叭YI叽%26l!%26!l%26日%26四线多路分配器的逻辑图图中电路的功能表┌───┬──────┐│Al Ao │Y3 YZ Yl Yo │├───┼──────┤│00 │0 0 05 │├───┼──────┤│01 │0 0 50 │├───┼──────┤│1O │0 500 │├───┼──────┤│11 │5 0 00 │└───┴──────┘ 如果把S端作为附加控制端使用,并令S~1,则Y3一Y。将只取决于Al、A。的状态,这个电路也就是一个带附加控制端的2线一4线译码器(见译码器)。因此,也把带附加控制端的译码器叫作多路分配器。