身份认证,identity authentication
1)identity authentication身份认证
1.Experiment platform managing system based on USB Key for identity authentication;基于USB Key身份认证的实验平台管理系统
2.Security identity authentication and access control based on Smart card and TSRG;基于智能卡和TSRG的安全身份认证和访问控制
3.Application research on identity authentication and RBAC technology in MIS;身份认证及RBAC技术在MIS中的应用研究

1.Research on Identity-Based Identification and Its Application基于身份的身份认证技术研究及应用
2.Face authentication system using the Chinese second generation identity card使用第2代身份证的人脸识别身份认证系统
3.Certificate based identity authentication in remote login linux system基于数字证书的linux远程登录身份认证
4.Implementation of user authentication system based on PKCS#12 digital certification基于PKCS#12证书身份认证系统的实现
5.The Research and Realization of Uniform Identity Authentication System and the Application Model of Identity Authenticaiton;统一身份认证系统以及身份认证应用模型的研究和实现
6.Secure identity authentication protocol is the kernel of authentication system.安全可靠的身份认证协议是认证系统的核心。
7.Identity Authentication in Distance Education based on CA Technology用CA认证技术解决远程教育中的身份认证
8.Identification authentication server provides password authentication and digital certificate authentication.身份认证服务器提供口令认证和数字证书认证两种方式。
9.Authentication Protocol Based on Self-certified Public Key and Zero-knowledge Proof基于自证明公钥和零知识证明的身份认证协议
10.User authentication is the cornerstone of information security.用户身份认证是信息安全的基石。
11.Research and Design of Network Admission Control Based on Certificate Authority基于身份认证的准入控制研究与实现
12.Research of certificate authority system implementation scheme in e-commerce电子商务中身份认证系统的实施方案
13.Design and Development of the Mobile Identity Authentication Service System;移动身份认证服务系统的设计与开发
14.The Research and Design of Unified Authentication for Digital Campus System;数字校园统一身份认证的研究与设计
15.The Research and Implementation of Identity Authentication Based on PKI;基于PKI身份认证系统的研究与实现
16.PKI-Based Identity Authentication and Data Encryption Research;基于PKI的身份认证和数据加密的研究
17.Research on the User Identity Authentication of Campus Network Based on IEEE 802.1x;基于IEEE 802.1x的校园网身份认证研究
18.Enterprise PKI Authentication and Access Control;企业级PKI身份认证和访问控制研究

1.Developing trend comparison of several authentication techniques;几种身份认证技术的比较及其发展方向
2.A new authentication model Based on the SET protocol;基于SET协议的一种身份认证新模型
3.Design of a two-way one-time-password authentication protocol;一种双向一次性口令身份认证方案的设计
1.A Two-Way Identification Scheme Based on the Elliptic Curve;一种基于椭圆曲线的双向身份认证方案
2.Development and Application of Biometric Identification;基于个人特征的身份认证技术的发展与应用
3.On Identification of Business Parties in Electronic Commerce;电子商务中交易当事人身份认证法律探析
4)user authentication身份认证
1.A New Mutual User Authentication Scheme Using Smart Card;一种新的基于智能卡的双向身份认证方案设计
2.Study about distributed user authentication system based on portal of digital campus;基于数字化校园门户的分布式身份认证系统研究
3.Research of User Authentication Mechanism and Its Security Analysis;身份认证机制研究及其安全性分析
5)identity certification身份认证
1.Design of cryptosystem based on fingerprint identity certification;基于指纹身份认证的密钥系统设计
2.Design for iris-based network identity certification system;一种基于虹膜特征的网络身份认证系统的设计
3.VPN identity certification technology based on fingerprint identification基于指纹识别的VPN身份认证研究
6)ID authentication身份认证
1.By using cryptology, ID authentication technique and USB Key technique, it has been improved.针对CHAP协议的安全缺陷,将它进行了改进,结合密码学、身份认证技术以及USB Key技术,设计了一种基于USBKey网络环境下的身份认证协议,即UBAP(USB Key-based Authentication Protocol)协议,它采用软硬件相结合的一次一密的强双因子认证模式,实现了服务器和用户双方可靠的双向身份验证,并对该协议进行非形式化的分析,证明其能够抵御重放攻击、服务器欺骗、网络监听、插入信道攻击、中间人攻击以及暴力攻击。
2.ID authentication is the first protecting line of network security.身份认证机制是网络安全的第一道防线,利用椭圆曲线密钥交换体制,设计了一种新型的身份认证方案,该方案降低了对信道安全性的要求,提供通信双方的相互认证,并能有效地防止重放攻击、冒充攻击、小数攻击,提高了认证系统的安全性。
3.Then one submits method of ID authentication based on proxy ARP after doing some experiments and describes formally it.介绍了常见的园区网用户身份认证方法,并指出它们普遍存在的一个问题:在一个广播域内非法接入难以控制。

自愿性认证(见产品合格认证)自愿性认证(见产品合格认证)voluntary certification: see product conformity certification  Z叨anxing renzheng自愿性认证(volun娜cert讥cation)合格认证。见产品