1.Achieving control of CAI courseware audio in Authorware;在Authorware中实现对CAI课件音频的控制
2.Adaptive threshold method for real-time audio segmentation;一种阈值自适应调整的实时音频分割方法

1.The acoustics of ultrasonic sound.超音频声音的音响学
2.audio-frequency amplifier声频放大器音频放大器
3.bandwidth of one voice channel一个语音频道的频宽
4.FSK tone detector移频键控音频检波器
5.audiorecord ferrograph音频录音综合测试仪
6.Display playlists, audio, video, or radio presets显示播放列表、音频、视频或收音机预置
7.speech plus duplex FMFV telegraph equipment语音加双工调频音频电报设备
8.a recording of both the video and audio components.由视频和音频组成的录音带。
9.Audio language is %1, no more audio tracks音频语言为 %1,没有其他音频曲目
10.Captures video and audio using the Video Capture Wizard.使用“视频捕获向导”捕获视频和音频
11.digital audio Broadcasting数字音频广播,[港]数码音频广播,数字音讯广播
12.an audio-system that can reproduce and amplify signals to produce sound.能复制、放大声音形成声音的音频系统。
13.Computer Musical Fabricated Timbre & Digital Audio Frequency Technology;计算机音乐虚拟音色与数字音频技术
14.The interface to an audio stream player passing audio data from specified buffers to the audio hardware.接口至音频流播放通过音频数据来自指定缓冲器的音频硬件.
15.Compact disc digital audio systemGB/T17576-1998CD数字音频系统
16.high-fidelity audio equipment and system高保真音频设备及系统
17.audio AD-DA convertor音频模数-数模转换器
18.voice-frequency carrier teletype音频载波电传打字机

Audio frequency音频
1.Implementing audio frequency collection and play using WaveX;使用低级音频函数实现音频采集与播放
2.Inter-Dependence Between Stable & Transient In the Measurement for Audio Frequency Signal;音频测量的稳态与瞬态互译
3.Besides those functions based on frames in MPEG1 and MPEG2, MPEG4 features content-based operation, access and transmission for data, and audio frequency technology.除了对MPEG4中具有MPEG1和MPEG2标准的基于"帧"的功能描述以外,还对数据采用基于内容的操作、存取、传输及MPEG4中的音频技术进行了较为全面系统的剖析。
1.The file of audio-frequency in Authorware is widely used.Authorware课件中音频文件的使用非常广泛,本文介绍了音频文件的采集、压缩、加载和媒体间同步控制的方法,对WAV、MIDI、MP3文件在Authorware中用函数加载的方法给出了详细的介绍。
2.In this paper, it discussed the designing technologic process about the composition of multi-media including multi-media audio-frequency data, image processing and video-frequency processing.讨论了多媒体各方面 ,如多媒体音频数据、图象处理以及视频处理等所包含的内容和制作的技术处理 ,最后通过一实例来说明对多媒体软件进行制行的全过程 ,并达到了满意的效
