1.ELAN Model 250 inductively coupled plasama Mass Spectrometer(ICP/MS) System optimization;ELAN250型电感偶合等离子体质谱仪(ICP/MS)的系统最佳化方法
2.Optimization of matrix correction coefficients for EDXRF analysis;能散X射线能谱数据分析中的基体修正系数最佳化
3.An analysis to the optimization of a passively Q switched laser with a slow recovery saturable absorber;慢恢复SA被动调Q激光器最佳化分析

1.It won five 68-second Oscar awards for best picture, best director, best cinematography, best music, best make up .这部电影荣获第68届奥斯卡最佳影片、最佳导演、最佳摄影、最佳音乐、最佳化装五项大奖。
2.structural weight optimization program结构加权最佳化程序
3.He maximized his role.他使他的角色最佳化
4.self-optimizing control system自动最佳化控制系统
5.However, none of the existing models considered an integrated production-inventory model with partial backordering.本文应用古典最佳化理论求出最佳的原料采购数量、最佳的成品生产策略使总成本达到最低。
6.information system design and optimization system信息系统设计和最佳化系统
7.Keywords: genetic algorithms, structural optimization, penalty techniques.关键词:遗传演算法、构最佳化、罚技术。
8.linear programming/mathematics optimization subroutine线性规划/数学最佳化子程序系统
9.We should emphasize that the optimization process must take into account the fact.我们要强调指出,最佳化过程应考虑到这种事实。
10.Illustration about Best reception polarization and Best restrain polarization关于最佳接收极化和最佳抑制极化的说明
11.Foreignization:the Best Way to Deal with Cultural Difference in Translation异化:翻译中处理文化差异的最佳方法
12.Optimization of Extraction Conditions for Superoxide Dismutase from Martianus dermestoides洋虫超氧化物歧化酶的最佳提取条件
13.The optimal technique parameter mensuration of sodium fluoride adsorb hydrogen fluoride氟化钠吸附氟化氢最佳工艺参数测定
14.including Best Actress, Best Director and Best Screenplay.包括最佳女主角、最佳导演和最佳剧本。
15.The best condition of preparation for nanometer magnesium hydroxide are gotten.得出了制备纳米氢氧化镁的最佳条件。
16.The optimal conditions for the anaerobic digestion are the following.厌气消化的最佳条件如下。
17.The optimum composition ratio of oxidant/ANI was 1∶1 in this experiment.氧化剂与苯胺的最佳配比为 1∶1。
18.An optimized algorithm of improving the speed of seeking best node in Scribe;Scribe最佳节点查找速度优化算法

1.The optimum of contemporary waster paper treatment technology and method当代废纸处理技术、方法的最佳化
5)optimum polarization最佳极化
6)optimum automization最佳雾化
1.The regulation principle of fuel/air rate,self-close two stage nozzle,methods of using fixed pressure to ensure optimum automization and using the stage combustion to regulate boiler load are described in detail.并对机-液联动的燃料/风量配比控制器、自闭式二段喷嘴、用定压控制方法保证最佳雾化及用段式燃烧调节锅炉负荷等作了较详细的介绍。

公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)axiomatical method  gongllbuafangfa公理化方法化和形式化。(axiomatieal method)见公理