1.Dragon and Phoenix Totems in Chinese Traditional Interior Decoration;中国传统建筑室内装饰中的龙凤图腾
2.The Phoenix-Like Model of Chu and the Manifestation of the Chu Totem;楚“凤”造型与“楚”文化图腾表现

1.On the Discrimination and Reflection about China Ancestors Totem;狼图腾,还是熊图腾——关于中华祖先图腾的辨析与反思
2.The dragon is a totem of the Chinese nation.龙,本是华夏族的图腾
3.Sentry Totem: Can no longer be used for its innumerable exploits.岗哨图腾:....不太清楚...岗哨图腾?有用吗?跳崖?
4."Civilized Shape" view of "wolf Totem" "Wolf Totem" Interpretation of from the cultural angle of view;《狼图腾》的“文明形态”观——从文化视角解读《狼图腾
5.The Implications of Totem--Reading The Present Totem System by Levi Strauss;图腾的意义——读列维-斯特劳斯《今日图腾制度》
6.The Evolution of Pig Totem Myth and the Variation of Totemism Concept猪图腾神话的演变与图腾崇拜观念的变异
7.On the Inevitability of Totem Origin and the Probability of Totem Individual Choices论图腾产生的必然性与图腾个体选择的或然性
8.A representation of such an object.图腾形象这样一种物体的图像
9.A belief in totems or in kinship through common affiliation to a totem.图腾崇拜对图腾的信仰或因与某一图腾所共有的紧密联系对血亲关系的信仰
10.Totems: Totems that grant only friendly beneficial effects will no longer trigger attacks from neutral city guards.图腾:对友方增益的图腾不会引起中立城市守卫的攻击。
11.Totemic beliefs and ethnic identification --Taking the frog totemic beliefs Zhuang nationality in GuangXi province for example图腾信仰与族群认同——以广西壮族族群蛙图腾信仰为例
12.A social system based on affiliations to totems.图腾制度基于图腾的紧密联系之上的一种社会制度
13.Grounding Totem: This totem will no longer absorb multiple effects from Entrapment in a 10 second period.根基图腾:这个图腾不会10秒内吸收多个诱捕的效果。
14.On Characteristics and Effects of Totem Worship--and on Evolution from Totem Worship to Ancestor Worship;浅论图腾崇拜的特点及影响——兼论图腾崇拜向祖先崇拜的演变
15.The Beauty and Sadness of Primitive Prairie --The Shake and Shock of "Wolf Totem";原始草原的美丽与哀愁——《狼图腾》的图腾震撼与冲击
16.Totem pole at Jasper, Alberta, Canada.位于加拿大亚伯达省杰士伯的图腾柱.
17.The North American Indians used to make totem poles.北美印第安人过去常建造图腾柱。
18.Totems are often carved and painted on poles.图腾像常常是在柱子上雕刻着色。

pattern & totem图腾图案
3)totem worship图腾崇拜
1.Soul Analysis and Introspection Facing the Spiritual Totem——On totem worship and cultural expounding of works;面对精神图腾的灵魂剖析与自我反省——论图腾崇拜与作品的文化阐释
2.The author mainly discusses the influence from four aspects: nature worship,ancestor worship,totem worship and man-made religions.本文着重论述了原始宗教中的自然崇拜、图腾崇拜、祖先崇拜以及人为宗教对我国一些少数民族服饰的影响,主要表现在对服饰的色彩、款式和图案等几个方面。
4)totem adoration图腾崇拜
1.Totem adoration was one of the oldest religion conceptions.图腾崇拜是最古老的宗教观念之一,这种观念源于原始氏族社会。
2.The essence of totem adoration is that primitive men pray and go out this happy life, and treasure or stick up for their own traditional clan force.本文就图腾一词的由来、含义、图腾起源、图腾崇拜的本质、图腾与禁忌的关系等方面的内容作概括性分析,说明图腾既非古代神话也非现代预言,而是人类赖以生存的大自然神力的象征,是人与大自然和谐共处的必然产物。
5)green totem绿色图腾
1.This article talks about nebulous ecological culture reflected by green totem at multiple levels.本文从多层面论述绿色图腾折射出的朦胧生态文化。
1.Cultivation Of Totemism On Human Aesthetic Psychology;图腾崇拜对人类审美心理的培育
2.According to his point of view,the origin of religion can date back to Totemism.根据弗氏的观点,宗教的起源可以追溯到原始人的图腾崇拜,而这些又是人类潜意识中"俄狄浦斯情结"的产物。
3.Nationalities in Yunnan still preserve the habit of a tail attaching to clothing or a tail preserving on the sheepskin coat due to the totemism influence.图腾崇拜是古今民族相对独立的一种历史积淀,凝固于人们的深层意识。

图腾图腾totem  图腾(t。tem)一种动物、植物(或它们其中的一部分)、自然物或自然现象的象征。它标志着同一社会中的一个人类群体或其他类似群体的不同特征。图腾制度是指这种社会分类体现方法的发生和社会运用。图腾一词源出于阿尔贡基恩族的土语(美洲印第安人),于1791年由J.朗在《一个印第安译员的航程与游记》中引入英语。但是成为世界性公认性的用语却是到了1867年J.F麦克伦南的论文(《图腾制度》,载于《钱伯斯百科全书》)后才被认可。 (林乘赞撰沈德灿审)