1.Structure of Personal Noun Affix and Its Word Formation;指称人的词缀结构及构词过程
2.Four syllable words and expressions in the latter attaches of Polysyllabic Affix in Heilongjiang dialect;试析黑龙江方言中后附多音节词缀的四音节词语
3.Multidimensional model and research into the affix acquisition order;多元发展模型与词缀习得顺序探究

1.On the Deriving Mechanism of Chinese Affixes and the Similarities and Differences of the Prefixes and Suffixes汉语词缀的衍生机制和前缀后缀的异同
2.of or pertaining to a linguistic affix.词缀的或与之相关的。
3.Semantic Analysis on the Cause Which Brightens Out the Affixation of Xiao and Type of Affixation of Xiao;“小”词缀化原因、词缀化类型的语义学分析
4.A Brief Discussion about the Historical Evolution of Affix in Chinese;汉语词缀历时演化略论——以词缀“老”的形成为例
5.Three Noun Suffixes of Xinyu Dialect in Jiangxi Province;赣语新余方言的小称词缀“的”及其他相关词缀
6.A Comparison of the Affixes between South Korean and Chinese;韩中词缀比较初探——以韩国语汉字词缀为中心
7.Some Consideration of Identifying Modern Chinese Affix and Quasi-affix现代汉语词缀、类词缀确定问题的一些思考
8.Cognitive Interpretation of English Roots Affixes and Vocabulary Learnin英语词根词缀的认知阐释及词汇学习
9.The affixoid is a unit between root and affix in Modern Chinese.现代汉语类词缀是介于词根与词缀之间的一个语言单位。
10.As a state between root and affix, quasi-affixes has large mutation.类词缀是一种词根向词缀过渡的状态,具有很大的变异性。
11.the result of adding an affix to a root word.把词缀加在字或词前后的结果。
12.A derivational or inflectional affix.构词成分派生的或有屈折变化的词缀
13.The Comparison of Morpheme,Affix and Grammatical Ending in English and Chinese英汉两种语言中语素、词缀、词尾的比较
14.Liaoning dialect additional affix adjective form;辽宁方言的两种附加词缀形容词格式
15.Functional Comparison with the Derivation in Chinese, Dong Language and English;词缀在汉语、侗语、英语词中的功能比较
16.Specifications of the morpheme "-men" and Treatment of Orthography;语素“-们(-men)”的词缀性质和正词法处理
17.Consideration on Suffix "-er" in Modern Chinese Dictionary;关于《现代汉语词典》收录词缀“-儿”的思考
18.On the Affix “tou(头)” Co-occurring With Numeral-Classifier in Chinese Dialects;汉语方言中与数量词组合的词缀“头”

1.The Study of Loan Quasi-affixes in Modern Chinese;现代汉语外来类词缀研究
2.The nature and scope of the affixes in the modern Chinese language remain a topic for heated debate.现代汉语词缀的性质、范围一直是语法界争论不休的话题,而词缀范围的确定,关系到构词法体系的确立,也关系到现代汉语类别的判定。
1.Based on the principle of feature symbol,this paper discusses the sexual discrimination and its elimination from two aspects in word building——suffix and compound words,and points out that the effective cooperation between language layout and social reform in language is required to eliminate sexual discrimination.在特征标记理论基础上,从构词法中的词缀和复合词两个方面探讨了英语构词中的性别歧视现象及其消除,同时指出语言性别歧视的消除需要语言规划和社会改革的有效配合。
2."huà"(-ize,-ify) is a suffix of high productivity, huà-suffixed words are abundant in their distinguishing features.“化”是个能产性很强的词缀,化缀词是很有特色的词。
3.Uighur language is a type of agglutinative language, in which words are formed by attaching suffixes to a stem.维语是一种粘性语言,在这一类语言中词是由词根加词缀构成,理论上维语的词汇量是无限的。
1.Comparative Study of English and Mongolian Affixations;英语和蒙古语词缀对比分析(英文)
2.Based on the discussion of word formation, this paper studies the affixation, conversion, blending, shortening, acronyms and compounding.通过探讨英语构词法 ,研究了英语的词缀法 (前缀法、后缀法 )、转化法、紧缩词法、缩略法、字母缩略词法、复合法等几种构词法 ,从而使人们能够在理解的基础上 ,记忆单词 ,达到迅速扩大词汇的目的。
3.This essay,based upon the characteristics of Chinese the trinity of “syllables morphemes characters”,first elucidates the nature of affixation in Chinese.词缀是汉语语言学界颇有争议的问题。
5)affix and etyma词缀词根
6)Etyma and affix词根词缀
