1.Design of broad-band reconnoitering and receiving digital receiver侦察接收一体式宽带数字接收机设计
2.It emphasized on two major parts of this system—the circuit diagram of transmit and receive,and carry out the analysis,calculation,argument and fulfillment.利用300MHz单向数字传输系统可以把相距30 m左右的移动物体上的待传数据传送到固定的接收地点。
3.The extra low electromagnetic wave, wavelet technology, pipe track instrument,DGPS and tracing signal equipment are used to solve the key question of trans-mit-receive and communication.研究信息融合技术在海底管道维修装置与检测装置间的应用,采用超低频电磁波,小波分析等技术与管线跟踪探测仪、DGPS以及示踪信号探测器等设备解决发射、接收、通讯技术中的关键技术点。

1.directional receiver接收定向信号的接收
2.acceptance test验收试验;验收试验;接机考验;接收测试;接收试验
3.The receptionist received a receipt from the receiver.接待员收到一份来自接收者的收据。
4.The ability to receive, hold, or absorb.接受力,吸收力接收、容纳或吸收的能力
5.direct broadcast satellite receiver直接广播卫星接收器(直广接收器)
6.broadcast reception station广播接收台[收音台]
7.Receive Location '{0}' has no receive pipeline. Specify a Receive Pipeline.接收位置“{0}”没有接收管道。请指定一个接收管道。
8.Suitable for being received or accepted, especially as payment.可接收的适合于被接收的或被接收的,尤指报酬
9.Loud and clear, kid. What's up?接收清晰,怎么了?
10.received field strength接收(电)场强(度)
11.blackout effect(接收机) 关闭效应
12.direction finding receiver测向接收机测向仪接收
13.receiving of broadcast signals;efficiency of this(无线电信号的)接收,接收效果
14.To adjust a receiver so as not to receive a particular signal.调出调整接收器以不接收特定的信号
15.Simultaneously, the receiving machine captures and prints the document.同时,接收接收并打印出文件。
16.Receive Port cannot have more than one Primary Receive Location.接收端口不能有多个主接收位置。
17.The Research and VLSI Implementation of the Receive Module in GPS Receiver;GPS接收接收模块的研究与VLSI实现
18.GPS Receiver Front Based on Integrated RF Receiver Module MAX2740基于射频接收模块MAX2740的GPS接收机前端

1.Survey on information sampling, transmission and receiving of Baotou Steel electric network;浅析包钢电网信息的采集、传输与接收
2.Several Considerations of the Content of Research on Electronic Records Receiving and Construction of Electronic Records Center对电子文件接收和电子文件中心建设需求研究内容的若干思考
3.LNG receiving terminal is the major link of LNG industrial chain.液化天然气接收终端是LNG工业链的重要环节,投资庞大,其技术涉及众多领域。
1.In order to make discharging of ship-born pollutants more efficient and protect the ocean environment,efficient means for improving safety control of ships′oil residues reception is presented in this article by full analysis of the long term practice of Ningbo Maritime Safety Administration.通过对宁波海事局多年来船舶残油接收作业的管理实践分析 ,提出了改进船舶残油接收作业监督管理的方法和手
2.It's a common problem to receive and deal with ship-generated waste in ports of China,becaues of insufficient reception facilities and unsuitable reception strategy.船舶废弃物的接收和处理是港口运作中遇到的普遍问题 ,主要表现为接收设施的不足、接收手段的落后上。
3.Taking the satellite reception equipment of the front room of Yongji City,the article introduces the reception of digital satellite TV programs and checking and analyzing methods of faults.文章结合永济市前端机房卫星接收设备,介绍了卫星数字电视节目接收和故障分析排查方法。
1.In order to carry out the takeover and reconstruction of education in Taiwan smoothly,the Government of the Republic of China had begun the preparation before the end of WWⅡ.台湾光复后,国民政府按照既定方针对台湾教育进行了接收与重建。
5)take over接收
1.According to the study of the author, the ancient books stemmed from three ways:purchase, take over and presents.经笔者研究 ,其来源有自购、接收和社会捐赠三条渠道。
1.The essay tries to elaborate the take-over about the alien property of the National Government in Hebei, Beiping,Tianjin area on liberation of the anti-Japanese war, putting emphasis on KaiLuan mine, Shijingshan mill Beizhi organization and so on, in addition to some other manufacturing and mining industries.本文以开滦煤矿、石景山钢铁厂、北支株式会社等为重点,辅以其他工矿企业,对抗战胜利后国民政府对河北平津区工矿企业的接收情况作了详细论述。
2.The take-over played an important part in the work of the postwar National Government.抗战胜利后,国民政府及收复区各省市对敌伪产业进行了大规模的接收处理。

接收①收受:~来稿 ㄧ~无线电信号。②根据法令把机构、财产等拿过来:~逆产。③接纳:~新会员。