1.Experimental research on the intelligibility of bandpass speech;带通滤波后语音可懂度的实验研究
2.The intelligibility in the laboratory and on the shipboard is studied,which is intended to prove that the system is provided with powerful anti_environmental noise function.高频语声级 85、90、95dB(A) ,分别对应环境噪声 95、10 0、10 5dB(A) ,语音可懂度达 90 %以上 ;高频语声级 90dB(A) ,舰船主机噪声 10 5dB(A)的现场试验 ,结果也达到 90 %。
3.According to collecting real data of aviation noise, comparing the outcomes of classical spectral subtraction and modified algorithm, the result showed the modified algorithm could eliminate aviation noise effectively and improve the intelligibility and SNR of speech signal.文章提出了一种新的改进谱减法,根据采集的真实航空噪声数据,将传统谱减法和改进的谱减法结果进行了比较,计算结果表明,改进形式的谱减法可以有效降低航空噪声,提高语音的可懂度和信噪比。

1.Speech Intelligibility of SiVo Hearing Aids赛佛(SiVo)助听器的言语可懂度测试
2." ""RASTI"" method for the objective estimating of speech intelligibility in auditoria""GB/T14476-1993客观评价厅堂语言可懂度的""RASTI""法"
3.(3)Polysyllabic words gain higher intelligibility increment than monosyllablic words do by using SiVo aid;(3)赛佛助听器可使单词可懂度提高40%,音节清晰度提高25%;
4.The speech intelligibility tests were conducted under three different conditions:(1)The listener used the lip reading only;在三种不同的条件下进行可懂度测试:(1)不带助听器;
5.I caught on right now.我可一下子就懂了。
6.Not to know what happened before one was born is always to be a child.不懂世故,幼稚可笑。
7.Still he knows his own business best.可他最懂得生意经了。
8.The English understand each other, but I don' t understand them !英国人彼此间听得懂,可我就是听不懂他们的话!
9.It tryes to design double arc gear transmission of the best technology and economy effect making the best of speed, simpleness and u nderstandability and feasible method.试图用尽可能快的速度、单、懂、行的方法设计出技术经济效果最佳的双圆弧齿轮传动。
10.let alone make any sense of the company's quarterly financial report.更别说看懂公司的季度财务报表了。
11.We need to keep our incentive program sweet and simple.我们必须让我们的奖励制度丰厚易懂。
12.They have no idea what good taste and manners are;她们不懂得什么是风度,什么是礼貌;
13.Understanding without feeling like acting upon it-that is the problem with many Singaporeans.可惜,懂了不做,是太多国人的通
14.The porter, however, could not understand me.可是,那个搬运工人听不懂我的话。
15.She smiled the sweetest, most sensible smile.她露出了一副最可爱、最懂事的笑容。
16.People who don't understand the nature of flowers won't be able to grow them well.不懂花性的人可养不好花。
17.a Chinese license will be all right, but I can't read it.中国驾照也可以,但是我看不懂。
18.The courier know Greek, so he will interpret for us.导游懂希腊语,他可以为我们翻译。

1.According to that, the author has made an investigation of Middle-class Japanese students in speech articulation.另外,笔者还邀请了十位中国听者参加,对日本留学生的语音进行了辨听,最终得到一份“初中级水平日本留学生语音可懂度”的调查报告。
3)threshold of intelligibility可懂度阈
4)speech intelligibility语言可懂度
1.Measurement and analysis of speech intelligibility in a multimedia classroom;多媒体教室语言可懂度测量与分析
2.In the late eighties, method nvestigat- ing speech intelligibility are presented by speech transmission index(STI).80年代末,提出了用语言传输指数(STI)对语言可懂度作出评估的方法。
6)discrete word intelligibility单词可懂度

可懂度  听者能听懂通过一定传声系统传递的言语信号的百分率。例如给听者听100个单词,听对了50个,其可懂度就是50%。    20世纪20年代,美国贝尔实验室的工程师为了评定通讯装置的性能最先采用清晰度实验或可懂度实验来研究人的语音知觉。其方法是给听者念一张含有一定数量语音的测试表,固定一组听力正常的人作标准听者,以听者为常量,以通话系统或通话条件为变量,听者的不同可懂度即可作为系统或条件质量好坏的指标。当实验所用的言语单位的上下文关系对听者的理解起重要作用时,习惯上用可懂度这一术语,当所使用的言语单位(如无意义音节)的上下关系,对听者的理解不占重要地位时,则用清晰度这一术语。40年代以后,这种实验方法广泛应用于临床,以可懂度作为言语声压级的函数来测量人的言语感知阈(指可懂度为50%时的语音声压级)和超阈限的言语辨别率,还可判断人的听力损失或听力缺欠等。    进行言语可懂度实验的一项基本工作是编制测试材料。言语有不同的层次,因此,测试材料的类型也多种多样,有数字、单词、词组、句子以及一段连贯性的话语等。由于测试材料的类型不同,感知的难易也大不一样。在同一声压级条件下,有上下文的句子或双音节词显然要比单词的可懂度高。因此,可懂度不是一种绝对值,它只具有比较的意义。在度量一个通讯系统的性能时,为了比较不同情况的结果,实验必须采用同类的测试材料,对测试方法也须规范化。为此,40年代哈佛大学心理声学实验室编制了发音平衡50字单音节词表,通常称为PB字单,以反映英语日常会话发音成分的出现频率。1960年美国标准协会(A.S.A.)也公布过一个清晰度测试规范。同时,不同国家,不同部门也都根据各自的任务不断编制出各种测试材料,采用了不同的测试方法。