DES算法,DES algorithm
1)DES algorithmDES算法
1.An Improved DES Algorithm Based on Weighted Directed Diagram and Fibonacci Array;基于有向赋权图和Fibonacci数列的DES算法的研究及实现
2.A high efficient FPGA implementation based on an improved DES algorithm一种基于改进DES算法的高效率FPGA硬件实现
3.Realizes the integrity of the document detection research Based on the DES algorithm基于DES算法实现文件完整性检测方法的研究

1.Design and Implementation of High Speed Triple-DES Algorithm IP Core;高速3-DES算法IP核的设计与实现
2.3-DES-Based Design of the Encryption and Decryption Chips for Hard Disk Data;基于3-DES算法硬盘加解密卡的设计
3.The Design and Implementation of Hard Disk Encryption Based on DES Algorithm;基于DES算法的硬盘加密设计与实现
4.The realization of DES algorithm in the embedded DSP chip;DES算法在嵌入式DSP芯片中的实现
5.Secure RFID System Based on DES Encrypt Algorithm基于DES算法的RFID安全系统设计
6.Java Code Encrypt Technology Base on Triple DES and RSA Algorithm基于Triple DES算法和RSA算法的Java代码加密技术实现
7.Realizes the integrity of the document detection research Based on the DES algorithm基于DES算法实现文件完整性检测方法的研究
8.A high efficient FPGA implementation based on an improved DES algorithm一种基于改进DES算法的高效率FPGA硬件实现
9.Design and implementation of DES demonstration platform based on MFC基于MFC的DES算法演示平台的设计与实现
10.An Improved DES Algorithm Based on Weighted Directed Diagram and Fibonacci Array;基于有向赋权图和Fibonacci数列的DES算法的研究及实现
11.Research and Implementation of Safe Communication between On-board and Track-side for Train Operation Control System Based on 3-DES Algorithm基于3-DES算法的列控系统车地安全通信研究与实现
12.Research of Mixed Encryption Arithmetic Based on DES, RSA and ECC;基于DES、RSA和ECC的混合加密算法研究
13.Research on ECC Digital Signature Algorithm Combined with DES基于DES和ECC混合型数字签名算法研究
14.Research on DES Symmetric Encryption Algorithm and C++ ImplementationDES对称加密算法研究及C++编程实现
15.The improvement of DES algorithm applyed in Bluetooth wireless system蓝牙系统中DES加密算法的应用与改进
16.Realization of DEMA for DES ImplementationDES加密算法的差分电磁攻击实现
17.An Image Encryption Scheme of DES Algorithm and Chua’s Circuit基于蔡氏电路和DES的图像加密算法
18.Implementation of DES Algorithm in JavaDES加密算法及其在Java中的实现

1.A DES Algorithm of Ciphers Keyspace Expand Based on Chaostic;基于混沌映射密钥空间拓展的DES算法
2.An Pipelined High-speed Implementation of DES;DES算法的高速流水线实现
3.3-DES-Based Design of the Encryption and Decryption Chips for Hard Disk Data;基于3-DES算法硬盘加解密卡的设计
3)DES arithmeticDES算法
1.Design and Implementation of High Speed Triple-DES Algorithm IP Core;高速3-DES算法IP核的设计与实现
5)DES encryption algorithmDES加密算法
1.The DES encryption algorithm,the mysql + apache + php and other ways are used in the process of achieving File encryption and transmission in order to protect the high reliability and high security of the information and communication.针对信息使用安全的考虑,采用DES加密算法,通过mysql+apache+php等实现文件加密传输,以保障其信息通信的高可靠性和高安全性,同时,实现相应的文件存贮的后台管理。
2.Finally,it gives a brief description of security risks that existed in DES encryption algorithm and proposed the application errors of DES encryption algorithm.原始的DES加密算法一次加解密64位,本文介绍了如何使用C语言实现改进的DES数据加密算法,使其可以方便的加解密任意格式任意大小的文件,确保文件传输中的数据安全。
3.On the basis of analyzing the existing RFID tag security policy,a new security policy based on DES encryption algorithm was put forward to solve information security issues of the RFID tag effectively without the high strength operation and encryption techniques.射频识别(RFID)是一种非接触式的自动识别技术,在分析现有的RFID标签安全策略基础上,提出一种基于DES加密算法的安全策略,有效解决RFID标签信息的安全问题,并且不需要高强度运算和加密技术。
6)DES encrypt arithmeticDES加密算法
1.A three-layer DES encrypt arithmetic is presented based on the CPLD for the online education system.针对网上教学系统关键技术,提出了一种采用CPLD来实现三重DES加密算法的设计方法。

bisoflex desCAS: 110-40-7 分子式: C14H26O4 分子质量:258.35 沸点: 312℃(10 熔点:1-2℃ 中文名称: 癸二酸二乙酯;皮脂酸乙酯;葵二酸二乙酯 英文名称: Diethyl sebacate;Decanedioic acid, diethyl ester;Ethyl sebacate;sebacic acid, diethyl ester;bisoflex des;diethyl 1,10-decanedioate;Decanedioic acid diethyl ester;diethyl sebate;Sebacic acid diethyl ester;Decanedioic acid,diethyl ester 性质描述: 无色或浅黄色液体。熔点5℃,沸点约307℃(有分解现象),相对密度0.9646(20/4℃),折光率1.4369。微溶于水,该品溶解于约700份冷水,50份沸水;能与乙醇;乙醚混溶;不溶于苯。 生产方法: 由癸二酸与乙醇在硫酸存在下酯化而得。 用途: 用作塑料耐寒增塑剂,溶剂和有机合成中间体。还可用于医药工业。