1.Fuzzy controller with compromise factor;一种带折衷因子的FUZZY控制器的研究
2.Discussion on the compromise expression of urban architectural culture after modern commercial port open浅析近代开埠后城市建筑文化的折衷表现
3.Based on the fuzzy importance degree and some compromise strategies, an effective multiobjective optimum design approach, combined with the genetic algorithm, is developed to implement the multiobjective optimum design of.在此基础上提出了一种基于模糊评判的多目标折衷策略,并与遗传算法相结合,发展了一套多目标模糊折衷优化设计算法,通过包括损伤容限目标在内的多目标复合材料层板优化设计的算例,证明了该方法能给出指定设计要求下可能获得的最满意解。

1.An eclectic system or method.折衷主义折衷的体系或方法
2.method of time-cost tradeoff时间、费用折衷值法
3.His habitual touch was that of the eclectic.他惯用的是折衷的语言。
4.How about meeting each other half-way with the price gap?我们折衷一下如何?
5.Why don't we compromise on this?为什么我们不折衷一下?
6.a compromise between the two measures两种方案的折衷方案
7.I submit myself to the compromise.我甘心忍受了这个折衷
8.There should be no in-between, no compromises.不应有折衷,不应有妥协。
9.a face-saving compromise.顾全体面的折衷办法。
10.One that follows an eclectic method.折衷主义者以折衷兼容的方式工作的人
11.The Compromised Key List for the certificate has expired. Reload a new Compromised Key List.此证书的折衷密钥列表已过期。重新装入一个新的折衷密钥列表。
12.They have mediated a compromise settlement经调解他们已找到了折衷的解决办法。
13.It later became more eclectic but retained a harmonious overall townscape.它成为了更加折衷但保留一和谐整体。
14.Bobbie: That seems a pretty reasonable compromise.巴比:这折衷方法看来颇为合理。
15.There was little possibility of compromise.折衷调和的可能性是很小的。
16.You must try to strike a happy medium.你必须设法采取折衷的态度。
17.The manufacturer will have to find a compromise.厂商总是设法找出一个折衷方案。
18.harmonize two different opinions把两种不同意见调和折衷一下

1.After analyzing the concept of "zhong" and "eclecticism" which Liu Xie has given in his book WenXinDiaoLong,the author of the present paper finds that "zhong" refers to those that determine the nature of an article,and that Liu Xie s "eclecticism" is based on "Shi" and "Li".“折衷”是《文心雕龙》的主要论文方法。
4)surrogate worth trade off technique替代折衷
5)the compromise school折衷派
6)compromise selection折衷选择
