1.The countermeasure of the development of Heilongjiang border transnational tour;黑龙江省边境旅游开发对策研究
2.Sub-regional International Economic Cooperation and Continue-ability Development of Border Nationalities Region;次区域经济合作与边境民族地区可持续发展
3.A Research of the Potential Risk of HIV/AIDS Infection among the Mobile Population on Border of Yunnan Province;云南某边境口岸流动人口感染HIV/AIDS的潜在危险性研究

1.The frontier or border of a country.边界,边境国家的边界或边境
2.Border Division [Immigration Department]边境管制科〔入境事务处〕
3.A man who lives on the frontier.边境居民居住在边境的人
4.Border taxes: Taxes levied at national frontiers.边境税: 在国家边境征收的税。
5.One who lives in a border district.边境居民生活在边境地区的人
6.Land located on or near a frontier.边疆,边境位于或靠近边界的土地
7.a border town, guard, patrol边境城市、 边防卫兵、 边防巡逻
8.The border or boundary of a country or an area of land;a frontier.边疆一个国家或一片土地的边界或边境;边疆
9.Border Intelligence Unit [Customs and Excise Department]边境情报组〔香港海关〕
10.named place of delivery at frontier边境上指定的交货地点
11.delivery at frontier指定边境地点交货(价)
12.Border point price进口港(或边境点)价格.
13.someone who patrols the borders of a country.巡视一国边境秩序的人。
14.Offence of Organizing Other People to Cross the National Border1973组织他人偷越国边境
15.Border District [Hong Kong Police Force]边境区〔香港警务处〕
16.Joint Commission on Border Incidents边境事件联合委员会
17.This district is contiguous to the border.这个地区接近边境
18.a delimited frontier through the disputed region.有争议地区的边境线。

1.Allan Poe is the father of the detective story, the patt er n of which Poe establishes still remains unchanged now; the frontier, city and “ hardboiled” detectives are various heroes in the detective story, reflecting the different social and p olitical backgrounds and different stages of development of the U.侦探小说为爱伦·坡所开创 ,现在仍未突破他所创建的这一模式 ;边境侦探、城市侦探和硬汉派侦探 ,是侦探小说不同类型的主人公 ,也反映了不同的社会政治背景和美国历史发展的不同阶段 ;侦探的智慧和侠义的英雄形象深受读者喜爱。
2.There was a special stag in the development of the frontier region in Xinjiang in Qing Dynasty .历来边疆和边境对于国家的统一、抵御外敌的入侵均有非常重要的意义。
3.The strategies on frontier safety are the whole strategy of our frontier safety,which are based on surroundings of our frontier safety and the facts of our frontier area.边境安全战略是维护我国边境安全的总战略,它是在综合分析我国边境安全环境以及边境地区现实情况的基础上制定的,同时也是符合我国的国情的。
3)China-Mongolia border region中蒙边境
1.The China-Mongolia border region and its neighboring areas are located at the convergence zone of Siberian platform, Tarim plate and North China craton, and serve as one of the most important copper metallogenic provinces in the world.依据金属矿床围岩岩性组合和成矿作用特征 ,将中蒙边境及邻区分布的斑岩铜矿床 (点 )划分为 3种类型 :①加里东期经典型斑岩铜矿床 (点 ) ;②海西期经典型和火山岩型斑岩铜矿床 ;③燕山期深成岩型和火山岩型斑岩铜矿床。
2.According to the study on the porphyry copper deposits in China-Mongolia border region,the authors try to summarize and study the typical porphyry copper deposits in the Paleoasian metallogenic domain through geochemistry method.依据前人对中蒙边境各典型斑岩型铜矿床的研究成果,对中蒙边境古亚洲洋成矿域内典型斑岩型铜矿床的含矿岩体进行了地球化学探讨,结果表明:1)区内岩石属于钙碱性-高钾钙碱性系列、低铝质岩石;2)岩石均呈现出轻稀土富集的右倾型模式,重稀土分布平坦,岩石矿化蚀变后出现明显的负Eu异常,同位素结果表明均来自地幔的部分熔融;3)区内矿床均形成于岛弧环境,矿床的形成具有多期、多源、多构造变化特征,是特定时期地壳演化阶段构造-岩浆-热液活动的产物。
4)border policies边境政策
5)Border area边境地区
1.The view on issues that affect the stability and development of Inner Mongolia border area and their countermeasures;影响内蒙古边境地区稳定发展的问题及其对策
2.Most border areas are remote districts, with inconvenient transportation and backward economy.我国大多数边境地区地处偏远 ,交通不便 ,经济落后 ,脱贫与发展面临着市场、技术、人力资源等方面的阻力 ,但许多边境地区都拥有文化、丰富独特的旅游资源和原始优美的生态环境 ,特殊的地缘关系促成了文化交流和边境贸易的发展 ,开发旅游业具带动地区经济发展的作用。
3.With the establishment and the development of socialist market economy,the scale and the conditions of secondary vocational and technical schools in border area have been increasingly improved.随着我国社会主义市场经济体制的建立和发展,边境地区中等职业技术学校办学规模也得到了较大的发展,办学条件也得到了较大改善,而与此同时,校园的和谐建设问题也日益突显,涉及到学生专业思想认识、教师队伍稳定、校园软硬环境建设等诸多问题,只有正确认识和处理这些问题,这类学校的和谐校园建设才能朝着良性方向发展。
6)Beiwan frontier北湾边境
1.Investigation of Aedes vexans growth and decay trend in day and night in Beiwan frontier of Xinjiang;新疆北湾边境地区刺扰伊蚊种群昼夜消长调查
