1.Comparison and Analyzation of DVB Simulcrypt,Multicrypt and POD Techonology;DVB同密、多密技术与POD技术的比较分析
2.The Design and Realization of Conditional Access Set-Top-Box Based on Multicrypt Technique;基于多密技术的条件接收机顶盒的设计与实现
3.This paper introduces work theory of conditional access system in Digital Video Broadcasting,expounds multi CA system work mode using front end of operating network,simulcrypt and multicrypt are recommended by DVB cooperated with multi CA system work mode,synthesizes both excellence,advances simulcrypt model based on currency interface.介绍了数字视频广播中条件接收系统的工作原理,阐述了在运营网络前端,多个CA系统的协同工作模式,通过对DVB(DigitalVideoBroadcasting)标准推荐的两种多个CA(ConditionalAccess)系统协同工作模式——同密和多密的深入研究,综合两者的优点,提出了基于通用接口的同密模型。

1.The Seal Structure Improvement of Multi-Seal Fuel Gas Separates多密封燃气隔断闸阀密封结构的改进
2.Clustering algorithm for multi-density based on grid relative density基于网格相对密度的多密度聚类算法
3.Dozens of Braids hung thick from the Back of her head.她脑后密密梳了很多的辫子
4.Design and Realization to Prevent to Feel Out the Password Combination Lock Based on MCU能防止多次试探密码的单片机密码锁
5.the seal of the air-balancing cylinder adopts multi-stage seal;气平衡缸密封部位采用多级密封装置 ;
6.All sponge rubber packing for watertight doors need to be renewed.所有水密门的多孔橡皮密封垫换新。
7.The Study and Application about Public-Key Cryptography Based on Multinomial;公开密钥密码编码学多项式应用研究
8.Mercury has a much greater density than water.水银的密度比水大得多。
9.The sea contains many mysteries.大海包藏着许多秘密。
10.multi-variate probability density functio多变量概率密度函数
11.The informer has done dirt to her.告密者说了她很多坏话。
12.blabbermouth ( person who blabs)多嘴人、碎嘴子、泄密者、多嘴婆(多嘴的人)
13.What softness and furry thickness of the tall pines about the shore!两岸挺拔的松树多么柔和,多么浓密!
14.Research of Multilevel Security Network for Multimedia Service;面向多媒体业务的多级保密专网研究
15.Multi-level threshold multi-secret sharing scheme with proactive security动态安全的多级门限多秘密共享方案
16.Verifiable hierarchical threshold multi-secret sharing scheme可验证的多等级门限多秘密共享方案
17.The idea and way of secret sharing, threshold schemes, multisecret sharing.秘密共享的思想和方法,门限方案、多)密共享。
18.To specify the genetic code for an amino acid or a polypeptide.指定遗传密码确定氨基酸或多肽的遗传密码

1.This paper introduces the theory on head-end and receiver of the conditional access system,which is the synchronous working among all of the modules including conditional access systems(CASs),subscriber management system(SMS),entitlement control message(ECM),entitlement management message(EMM) and DVB-CSA in a DVB simul-crypt and multi-crypt system.主要分析了条件接收系统前端和接收端的工作原理,以及条件接收系统(CAS)、用户管理系统(SMS)、授权控制信息(ECM)、授权管理信息(EMM)和通用加扰算法等在DVB同密或多密系统中的协同工作,并重点介绍了授权控制信息(ECM)、授权管理信息(EMM)之间的相互关系。
2.The CA(Conditional Access )System is the main frame in the DVB technology,the article mainly introduces several part including that the CA system frame part,the typical system constructions,the system working principal,the analyze of key security system,the scrambling technology and the encryption technology which concerning the concept of Simul-Cryption and the Multi-Cryption etc.CA条件接收系统是数字电视技术的重要一环 ,着重介绍数字电视技术DVB中CA系统的组成框架、典型的系统结构、系统工作原理、系统所使用的密钥安全体系分析以及加扰技术、加密技术 ,其中包括同密与多密的概念等。
3)Multiple secret keys多秘密密钥
4)multi-key encryption多密钥密码
5)multi-hole concentration多孔密集
1.The paper introduces the design course of the modular machine tool for multi-hole concentration gearbox.介绍了多孔密集型箱体组合机床的设计过程,实际证明该机床设计严谨规范,又有技术创新,使用效果良好。
6)close multihode密排多孔
1.The design of a continuous transferable lacunaris composite punchmould is introduced,and the technics,mould structure and the problems must noticed to punch close multihode on plate in multibreed middling or small batch manufacture are dissertated as emphases.介绍了一种连续转位多孔复合冲裁模具的设计 ,重点阐述了多品种中小批量生产中在平板上冲制密排多孔的工艺方法、模具结构及应注意的问

多苯基多亚甲基多异氰酸酯 多苯基多亚甲基多异氰酸酯,简称PAPI,或称粗MDI,浅黄色至褐色粘稠液体.有刺激性气味。相对密度(20℃/20 ℃)1.2,燃点218℃。PAPI实际上是由50%MDI与50%官能度大于2以上的多异氰酸酯组成的混合物。升温时能发生自聚作用。溶于氯苯、邻二氯苯、甲苯等。PAPI的活性低,蒸气压低,只是TDI的百分之一,故毒性很低。 用于制造聚氨脂胶粘剂。也可直接加入橡胶胶粘剂中,改善橡胶与尼龙或聚酯线的粘接性能。贮存于阴凉、通风、干燥的库房内,远离火种、热源。严格防水、防潮,避免光照。