概率数据关联,probabilistic data association
1)probabilistic data association概率数据关联
1.The procedure applying the backward recursive probabilistic data association filtering algorithm based on multi-scan is presented.针对工程中普遍存在的非均匀采样目标跟踪问题,给出了基于多扫描的后向递归概率数据关联算法实现过程,讨论了判断目标丢失的准则。
2.The infrared maneuvering targets in dense clutter are tracked by using the current statistical model,the extended kalman filter algorithm and the probabilistic data association algorithm.在分析红外机动目标模型的基础上,利用扩展的卡尔曼滤波技术、红外目标的区域相关技术、概率数据关联技术等,实现了复杂环境下红外机动目标的跟踪。
3.This paper discusses PDA, JPDA and SPDA in detail and proposes a modified probabilistic data association algorithm.根据“全邻”数据关联算法的基本思想,采用关联城内回波似然函数的归一化处理,考虑关联城内所有回波的信息,对Fitzgerald提出的简化概率数据关联(SPDA)算法进行修正,得到修正概率数据关联(MSPDA)算法。

1.Probabilistic data association algorithm based on entropy weight and gray correlation analysis基于熵权的灰色关联概率数据关联算法
2.Research on Joint Probabilistic Data Association Algorithm for Multisensor-multitarget Tracking多传感器多目标联合概率数据关联研究
3.Extended Integrated Probabilistic Data Association Algorithm for Target Tracking of Sky-wave Over-the-horizon Radar天波超视距雷达扩展综合概率数据关联算法
4.Joint Probability Data Association Algorithm Based on Particle Filter基于粒子滤波和联合概率数据关联的目标跟踪算法
5.Performance Analysis of CFAR and PDA Based Techniques for Tracking of Point Moving Target in Heavy Clutter;基于CFAR和概率数据关联的点状运动目标跟踪技术性能分析
6.Research of Improved Probability Data Association Algorithm for Multi-target Tracking一种基于多目标跟踪的修正概率数据关联算法研究
7.A Method of Joint Probabilistic Date Association for Multisensor Data Fusion多传感器联合概率数据互联法的探讨
8.A New Probabilistic Data Association Filter Based on Probability Theory一种新的基于概率理论的概率数据互联滤波器
9.Centralized multisensor unscented joint probabilistic data association algorithm集中式多传感器无极联合概率数据互联算法
10.NOW Related-probability Based Indeterminate Temporal Data ModelNow相关概率不确定时态数据模型
11.Multi-sensor Order Statistics Unscented Probabilistic Data Association Algorithm多传感器顺序统计量不敏概率数据互联算法
12.Fuzzy Concept Association Rules Based on Data Mining of Quantitative Databases基于数量型数据挖掘的模糊概念关联规则
13.database system and programme probability数据库系统和程序概率
14.Tracking Dim Point Moving Target in Image Sequences Using Probability Data Associating Filter基于概率数据互联滤波器的序列图像微弱点状运动目标跟踪技术
15.Construction of Soil Database of Physical and Mechanical Parameters and Analysis of Its Correlation and Probability Statistics;土体物理力学参数的数据库开发及其相关性和概率统计分析
16.a branch of applied mathematics concerned with the collection and interpretation of quantitative data and the use of probability theory to estimate population parameters.有关收集数据,利用概率论估计总体参数从而阐释数据的一个应用数学分支。
18.Application of association rule in repast industry business database based on the concept hierarchy基于概念分层的关联规则在酒店餐饮营业数据库的应用

PDA[英][,pi: di: 'e?][美]['pi 'di 'e]概率数据关联
1.Combined with the Probabilistic Data Association(PDA) ,the likelihood function is denoted,and the optimal weighted probability is calculated using Lagrange way which causes the logarithmic likelihood ratio maximum.通过概率数据关联(PDA)求得等效的似然函数,利用Lagrange乘数法求得最佳的加权概率,使得对数似然比函数最大。
2.PDA is thought to be a very good method for tracking a target in clutter.概率数据关联(PDA)是在杂波干扰情况下,跟踪单目标有代表性的数据关联算法;但在密集杂波干扰环境下,该算法可能导致错误的关联,从而导致目标的丢失。
3.A hybrid MAP-PDA detection algorithm was proposed based on the original PDA algorithms.分析和仿真表明,该算法可以方便地调整控制参数,从而实现最大后验概率算法和概率数据关联算法之间不同程度的性能和复杂度折衷。
3)probability data association概率数据关联
1.This paper concisely narrate the probability data association (PDA) algorithm in multisensor data fusion, and simulate it by MATLAB computer language, obtain the satisfied target tracking curve and tracking error curv简述了多传感器数据融合中的概率数据关联算法,并采用MATLAB高级语言进行模拟,最后得到了满意的目标跟踪曲线和跟踪误差。
2.The performance of probability data association (PDA) can be improved by this algorithm.本文提出了一种基于强跟踪滤波器 (STF)的模型结构动态调整的概率数据关联算法 (STF PDA) 。
3.A probability data association method for tracking the wake target is presented.仿真结果表明,与标准概率数据关联跟踪方法相比,提出的新的数据关联方法可以有效地减少目标失跟的情况,逐渐增大量测噪声,该方法依然保持低失跟率。
4)probabilistic data association algorithm概率数据关联法
1.A hybrid algorithm of maneuver multi-target track is proposed,which is named as Interacting Multiple Models-Fuzzy Joint Probabilistic Data Association(IMM-FJPDA).提出了一种混合的多机动目标跟踪算法:交互多模型模糊联合概率数据关联算法(IMM-FJPDA),该算法将交互多模型算法(IMM)和模糊联合概率数据关联算法(FJPDA)相结合,它克服了IMM-JPDA算法计算量大和IMM-FDA算法在强杂波环境中跟踪精度差的问题。
2.Meanwhile, when data association is achieved in JPDA algorithm, the computational amount will increases in index following target’s amount increasing, and its presupposition is rigorous.针对群目标跟踪数据关联的特点以及多目标跟踪数据关联经典的联合概率数据关联算法存在的计算量大与假设条件苛刻等问题,提出了基于群目标的多目标概率数据关联算法GJPDA(Group-target joint probability data association)。
3.We will mainly focus on the Interacting Multi-Model Arithmetic (IMM) and Joint Probability of Data Association (JPDA).在滤波算法方面,介绍几种常用的滤波模型和滤波算法,着重阐述交互式多模型滤波算法(IMM),在数据关联技术方面,则重点分析了联合概率数据关联算法(JPDA)等问题。
6)joint probabilistic data association联合概率数据关联
1.It can achieve the better performance than joint probabilistic data association (JPDA) with slightly increased computational cost of probabilistic data association (PDA), and quickly.针对杂波环境中多机动目标的跟踪问题,本文首先引入一种自适应滤波算法,并与快速概率数据关联算法结合,提出一种适于实际应用的密集回波环境下机动多目标跟踪的新算法—快速自适应概率数据关联(FAPDA)算法,利用近似概率数据关联(PDA)算法的计算量达到优于联合概率数据关联(JP-DA)算法的跟踪效果,并能快速检测到机动。
2.This paper presents a comprehensible mathematics description of the joint probabilistic data association (JPDA) algorithm.本文以易于理解的方式给出联合概率数据关联(JPDA)算法一个清晰的数学描述,并提出基于回溯剪枝技术拆分有效矩阵,以降低JPDA计算的时空复杂度。

数据通信网(见数据通信)数据通信网(见数据通信)data communication network  shu)u tongxinwang数据通信网(datac。mmunicati。nne饰ork)见数据通信。