1.Application on self-adaptive functional-link neural network in speaker-independent speech recognition;自适应函数链神经网络在非特定人语音识别中的应用
2.Application of Speaker-independent Speech Recognition in Embedded Systems;小词汇量非特定人语音识别在嵌入式系统中的应用
3.Study of self-learning and speaker-independent speech recognition based on neural networks;基于神经网络的自学习非特定人语音识别研究

1.Person-Dependent and Person-Independent Facial Expression Recognition Based on 2DPCA Complementary Subspace基于2DPCA补空间的特定人与非特定人的表情识别
2.Study on Speaker-Independent Isolated Words Speech Recognition System;非特定人孤立词语音识别系统的研究
3.Study of speaker-independent tone recognition based on support vector machine基于SVM的非特定人声调识别的研究
4.The Theory, Analysis and Experiments about the Speaker-Independent Continous Speech Recognition;非特定人连续语音识别的理论、分析和实验
5.Small-Vocabulary Speaker-Independent Isolated-Word Recognition Implementation on FPGA;小词汇量非特定人孤立词语音识别的FPGA实现
6.The Research of Small Vocabulary Speaker-Independent Continuous Speech Recognition System;小词汇量非特定人连续语音识别系统的研究
7.Manifold Structure Analysis and Recognition for Signer-Independent Sign Language Data;非特定人手语数据的流形结构分析与识别
8.Research on Algorithm of Speaker-independent Isolated-words Recognition非特定人孤立词语音识别算法研究与实验分析
9.Research of Small Vocabulary, Speaker-independent Chinese Keyword Spotting Algorithm汉语小词汇量非特定人关键词检出算法研究
10.Embedded Speaker-independent Continuous Speech Recognition System Based on OMAP5912基于OMAP5912的嵌入式非特定人连续语音识别系统
11.Improving and applying a signer-independent sign language recognition parameter training model非特定人手语识别参数训练模型的改进及应用
12.Recognition of Discontinuous Numeric Speech by Nonspecifical Person Using Support Vector Machines基于支持向量机的非特定人孤立数字语音识别
13.Research and Design of Small Vocabulary and Speaker-independent Isolated Words Speech Recognition System;小词汇非特定人的孤立词语音识别系统的研究与设计
14.Research and Design of Embedded Speaker-independent Isolated Words Speech Recognition System Based on DSP;基于DSP的嵌入式非特定人孤立词语音识别系统的研究与设计
15.Study and Design of the Speaker-Independent Isolated Word Speech Recognition System Based on DSP;基于DSP的非特定人孤立词语音识别系统的研究和设计
16.Researching and Building of the Mongolian Large Vocabulary Independent Continuous Speech Recognition System;蒙古语非特定人大词汇量连续语音识别系统的研究与实现
17.The Research on Speaker-Independent Greeting Speech Recognition Based on the HDSVCT;基于高维空间点覆盖理论非特定人问候语的语音识别
18.Determination of terfenadine concentration in human plasma by LC-MS人血浆中特非那定的LC-MS测定法

speaker independent非特定人
1.The algorithm is speaker independent and robust for different sample rate and background noise, which defines the proper scale of DWT adaptively.采用离散小波变换 (DWT)实现汉语普通话音节的清 浊音分段 ,算法根据信号性质自适应地确定离散小波变换的尺度 ,具有较好的非特定人性质 ,并且对不同采样率及环境噪声有较强的适应性 。
1.In the signer-independent sign language recognition research, the lack of training data and the signer-independent sign language data variation bring a challenge to the effectivity of the existent research frame.非特定人手语识别是推动手语系统实用化所必须解决的问题。
4)Speaker-Independent Recognition非特定人识别
5)Limited independent speaker有限非特定人
6)speaker-independent speech recognition非特定人语音识别
1.An improved algorithm for HMM speaker-independent speech recognition based on wavelet denoising;一种改进的基于小波去噪HMM非特定人语音识别算法
2.Proposed in this paper is a novel speaker-independent speech recognition system, which is command-variable and suitable for realization based on embedded platform.本文首先给出了一种适合于在嵌入式平台上实现的可变命令集的非特定人语音识别系统 ,同传统的基于PC的非特定人语音识别系统相比 ,该系统具备内存消耗小 ,运算速度快的优点。
3.By adopting the fast NN algorithm, a speaker-independent speech recognition system based on a BP NN is set up.将步长看作误差和网络节点输出的函数 ,对各权值按不同步长进行动态调整 ,并将其应用于一个基于前馈神经网络模型的非特定人语音识别系统。

皮米诺定 ,去痛定,匹米诺定药物名称:匹米诺定英文名:Piminodine别名: 皮米诺定 ,去痛定,匹米诺定外文名:Piminodine 适应症: 为强效麻醉性镇痛药,镇痛作用较呱替啶强。用于胆囊炎合并胆结石、胰腺炎、癌症等引起的剧痛。 用量用法: 1.皮下注射或肌注:1次10~20mg,必要时每4小时1次。 2.口服:1次25~50mg。 注意事项: 有成瘾性。 规格: 1.片剂:25mg。 2.注射液:10mg。 类别:镇痛药\阿片受体激动药