1.General Research on Compromised Paradigm in Criminal Law;刑法研究的折中范式初论
2.On one hand,he is a good person of contrasting with other characters; on the other hand,he embodies the compromise tendency of the author.他一方面作为很好的陪衬角色,另一方面体现出作者的折中倾向。
3.Not only can it be used as a tactic for translation, but also can be changed into the compromise standpoint of translation and a flexible handling method in language and culture translation.“中庸”就是“执两用中、权变、中和”,它不仅仅是一种策略,它还可以转换为语言文化的翻译中折中的翻译立场,并在翻译中使用变通的操作手段。

1.A middle course of action or thought.折中办法,中间道路行动或思想的折中办法
2.My adviser was always ready to split the difference.我的顾问总是搞折中
3.The eventual answer was a compromise.最后的办法是折中
4.Can we meet each other halfway?我们能折中一下吗?
5.Surgical Analyses of 38 Cases of Thoracolumbar Fracture and Dislocation Treated by Fixing the Pedicle Screws into Fractured Vertebrae骨折椎固定在胸腰椎骨折中的应用分析
6.folding intermediate折叠中间体,折叠中间态
7.Fractures of the calcaneus are the most common type of tarsal bone injuries, and about 75% of total calcaneal fractures are intraarticular.跟骨骨折是跗骨中最常见的骨折,约75%的跟骨骨折为关节内骨折。
8.Fractures of the nose may be associated with septal tractures and hematomas.鼻骨骨折可伴有中隔骨折和血肿。
9.Treatment of Colles fracture with manipulation of angulation折顶成角手法在Colles骨折复位中的应用
10.The foremast carried away in the strong gale.前桅杆在大风中折断了。
11.She suffered a fracture in the accident; He had an insulin shock after eating three candy bars; She got a bruise on her leg; He got his arm broken in the scuffle.她在事故中遭受了骨折。
12.the torments of the damned地狱中的人受的折磨.
13.a folding seat in an automobile.汽车中能折迭的座椅。
14.fly front skirt前身中间折暗裥的裙子
15.Either half of a double or folding door.双道门或折门中的一扇
16.turning-point in a course of events事情发展中的转折点
17.quench smoking flax使有希望的事中途夭折
18.They twisted their way through the crowd.他们在人群中曲折穿行。

performance trade-off性能折中
1.Then the performance trade-offs and related security issues among existing technology are discussed and analyzed.进而分析和讨论了现有算法所存在的性能折中和安全问题,并对目前流行的图像篡改检测算法通过实验进行深入评估和分析。
3)Compromising Thinking折中思想
4)tradeoff design折中设计
5)trade-off strategies折中策略
6)time memory trade-off时空折中
