1.Receiver-based trusted multicast non-repudiation service:MNORS;可信的组播接收方不可抵赖服务MNORS
2.Non-repudiation is one of the important questions of development of electronic business system.不可抵赖性是开发电子商务系统必须要解决的问题之一,不可抵赖分为发送方的不可抵赖和接收方的不可抵赖

1.Non repudiation consists of the sender's non repudiation and receipt's non repudiation.不可抵赖分为发送方的不可抵赖和接收方的不可抵赖 .
2.An Electronic Voting Scheme Based on Undeniable Signature and Threshold Scheme;基于不可抵赖签名和门限技术的电子投票方案
3.I will not rely entirely upon ``totally reliable`` spells that can be neutralized by relatively inconspicuous talisman.我不会依赖可以被不引人注目的护身符所抵销的万无一失的魔法.
4.He brazened it out as long as he could, but finally he had to admit his guilt.他一直厚着脸皮抵赖,但最后不得不认罪了。
5.He's not he sort of man to be trusted.他不是一个可信赖的人。
6.a deceitful and unreliable scoundrel.欺诈又不可靠的无赖。
7.The cargo vessel will arrive at the port within the next few days.那艘货船不日即可抵港。
8.Grandma had Billy bang to rights;she caught him with his fingers on the cake.奶奶叫比利无可抵赖了;当他正伸手拿蛋糕的时候,被她逮了个正着。
9.She looked at me with a sympathy in her eyes which more than compensated for Wolf Larsen's nastiness.她含着同情的眼光望着我,这倒可以抵过海狼赖生的侮辱而有余。
10.I just can't resist coca cola.我抵挡不了可口可乐的诱惑.忍不住.
11.You're the one that's responsible.谁都不赖,就赖你。
12.Her husband disavowed her after 30 years of marriage and six children.她的丈夫在和她结婚三十年有六个孩子后抵赖不认她。
13.Under close questioning, the bad egg caved in and confessed all his misdemeanors.经过仔细盘问,那个坏蛋不敢抵赖了,供认了全部罪行。
14.They' re not to be trusted / not people I would trust.他们不可靠[不是我信赖的人].
15.I don't like Debuggers because they aren't reliable.我不喜欢调试器,因为他们不可信赖。
16.No matter what he says or does, do not trust him .不管他说什么做什么都不可信赖他。
17.Otherwise, you risk coming across as unreli able.不然,你就要冒风险,被人视为不可信赖。
18.The statistical analysis is untrustworthy.这个统计分析是不真实不可信赖的。

non repudiation不可抵赖
1.Non repudiation consists of the sender s non repudiation and receipt s non repudiation.不可抵赖性是开发电子商务系统必须要解决的问题之一 。
1.Besides, non-repudiation of data sent by both sides is provided with digital signature.该方案可以实现通信双方的相互认证,同时产生双方认可的会话密钥,并且会话密钥的产生不需要其他第三方的参与,可以提供业务的不可抵赖性。
2.This paper describes the design and implementation of the non-repudiation scheme.文中针对SIP协议的安全性设计并实现了不可抵赖性的解决方案,对使用SHA-1/MD5的算法在不同的硬件配置下实现不可抵赖性进行了性能分析。
3.As an important data security technique, digital signature plays an important role in ensuring integrity, confidentiality and non-repudiation of transmitting data.数字签名作为一项重要的数据安全技术,在保证网络通信数据的完整性、保密性和不可抵赖性方面发挥着重要的作用,并且随着网络技术的发展和普及,将会发挥不可替代的作用。
4)non reputation communication不可抵赖的通信
5)transistor and receiver non-repudiation双方不可抵赖
