1.Design of Reconfigurable System with FPGA Readback Function;实现FPGA回读功能的可重构系统设计
2.LTC2704-16 with readback is very simple and communicates with controller by serial interface,it can be used in many kinds of data acquisition system.LTC2704-16结构简单,并带有回读功能,与控制器之间采用串行通讯的方式,可广泛应用于各种数据采集系统。
3.It describes the XC4000 LCA device Readback capability and its use.论述了XC4000系列LCA器件的回读功能和使用。
2)read back读回

1.B: All right, now let me read it back ...乙:好.现在我读回给你听……
2.V. Read the passage and choose the correct answer.读短文,回答问题。
3."By going to school, I fancy, and by studying," she answered.“我看是读书,学习,”她回答。
4.Read the story and answer the questions on the next page.读故事,回答下页的问题,
5.dress in his hands. They are my sister's.四、阅读对话并回答问题。
6.He went home and read far into the smallest hour.他回到家中,攻读到深夜。
7.Request a read receipt for this message请在阅读此邮件后给出“已读”回执
8.Request a read receipt for all messages I send请在阅读所有邮件后给出“已读”回执
9.Return to Reading--Rethink on Infant Early Reading;回归阅读——对早期阅读的重新思考
10.I asked him if he read newspapers."Not much," he answered indifferently.我问他读不读报,“不大读”,他漠然地回答说。
11.A Shortcut for Research of Hui Nationality回族研究入门捷径──《回族史指南》读后
12.You should go back and finish grammar school, and then go through to high school and university."你应该回头去读完小学课程,再读中学和大学。”
13.The Degeneration and Return of Reading;阅读的退化与回归——兼谈大学生阅读兴趣的培养
14.Go Back to KANT" and "Go Back to MARX": Two Visions and Two Misunderstanding;“回到康德”与“回到马克思”:两种视野与两种误读
15.Review of Huihe(Ouigour) s historical documents and their culture;聚合与波散之间:感受回鹘文化——读杨富学先生《回鹘文献与回鹘文化》
16.7. Read the dialogues and answer the questions.读对话,根据对话和图回答问题。
17.The daily echo have a readership of over ten millions.每日回声报》拥有读者逾一千万人。
18.The daily echo have a readership of over ten million《每日回声报》拥有读者逾一千万人

read back读回
3)data-read-back routes数据回读
1.The schematic diagram of three-loops and data-read-back routes in an RF system are presented, which has been developed with help of a control computer.文章描述了高频系统中三环路 (幅度、频率及相位控制环路 )的示意结构及远程计算机监管三环控制回路和数据回读通路的基本方案 ;作为应用实例 ,给出了幅度控制环路的实用方框图。
4)echo checking回读检测
5)readback signal读回信号
