1.This paper aims at the producing of a game software which is characterized by its edutainment goal.本文以寓教于乐为特色的游戏软件为目标,采用3DSMAX进行场景与角色的三维建模,基于Virtools平台,进行《虚拟登月飞行》软件的设计与开发,并对开发中所遇到的问题进行分析并予以解决。
2.Horatius view of edutainment has been proved accurate by the course of teaching and learning.教育教学史印证了贺拉斯的“寓教于乐”观点的准确性。
3.And has an edutainment function in visual literacy education.辩证地思考这一现象,发现网络"恶搞"在视觉文化意义上体现为创新性,在视觉素养教育层面上体现为寓教于乐功能。

1.In classroom, he contains education in amusement.课堂上,他寓教于乐
2.An Analysis of Experiencing Teaching Method寓教于乐 体验教学——体验式教学法探析
3.The studying on teaching of gynecology and obstetrics with pleasure;“寓教于乐”在妇产科教学中的尝试
4.Horace s"Education"and"Entertainment"--Viewing"Edutainment"From the Perspective of Literary Creation;贺拉斯的“教”与“乐”——从文学创作的角度看“寓教于乐
5.Close to Life and Teaching in Easiness-An Enlightenment from the Novel The Tin Drum;贴近生活寓教于乐——由小说《铁皮鼓》谈起
6.Educational EF Magazine maintains a strong academic focus in every issue.寓教于乐:每期刊物都保留了鲜明的教学目的!
7.On the Psychological Pattern and Operating Utilization of "Combining Education with Recreation" in the Teaching of Chinese;语文教学“寓教于乐”的心理规律与操作运用
8.The Orientation and Features of University--The Enlightenment on the Observation of American Higher Education;寓教于乐是中学英语教学的一种重要手段
9.Intensive instructing with more exercises, combining teaching with recreation;精讲多练 寓教于乐——论综合英语课教学的策略
10.Integrate "Happy Teaching" into Moral Education: Mass Media Implications--for Moral Education;让“寓教于乐”走进德育——大众传媒对德育的启示
11.Applications of Speech Interface in Mandarin Learning Edutainment System语音接口在汉语学习寓教于乐系统中的应用
12.How to Create an Active and Colorful English Classroom Environment寓教于乐,创造丰富多彩的英语学习环境
13.Discussion on Teaching through Lively Activity--How to Promote the Interesting of Sport Class;寓教于乐——浅析在课改背景下怎样提升体育课的乐趣
14.The basic consideration of the red tour development should follow principle of "exhibit instruction in amusement, exhibit instruction in travel", so as to perspicuity the character of the products and combine the products properly;发展红色旅游应遵循“寓教于乐、寓教于游”的基本思路,明晰产品属性、合理拼装组合;
15.A Brief Talk of Happy Education Method That Be Operated inthe Ideological Education for the Workers and Staff Members;浅谈寓教于乐教育方式在职工思想教育中的运用
16.Taking Pleasure from Teaching and Learning--Improving College English Teaching with Multi-medium TechnologyWU Hui-qin (North China Institute of Water Conservancy and Hydro - electric Power, Zhengzhou 450045, Henan, China)寓教于乐,情趣盎然——利用多媒体技术优化大学英语教学
17.Education through Entertainment and Interest Stimulation;寓教于乐 激趣课堂——浅谈如何提高课改思想政治课的实效性
18.Strengthen Practicality, Combine Education with Recreation and Attach Importance to Developing Communicative Ability in Teaching Comprehensive English;综合英语课加强实践性、寓教于乐、注重交际能力的培养

instilling pleasure into teaching寓乐于教
3)principle of "combining education with recreation""寓教于乐"原则
4)instilling pleasure into study寓乐于学
5)Teaching activities being held in a nice environment寓教于境
6)Residence fines forfeit in religion寓罚于教

寓教于乐【寓教于乐】 古罗马诗人、文艺理论家贺拉斯在《诗艺》中提出的有关诗的作用的一个重要观点,即诗应带给人乐趣和益处,也应对读者有所劝谕、有所帮助。贺拉斯提出“一首诗仅仅具有美是不够的,还必须有魅力”,这样才能发挥艺术的教化作用。“教”,既指社会道德教育,又指文化开发,诗的“教”的功效应是崇尚美德、简朴、正义、秩序和法律,应促使人接受文明,为人神划界,为夫妇立定礼法。教是目的,教必须通过乐的手段才能实现,教化功能在诗和艺术作品中不应脱离使人获得愉悦的具体形象,欣赏者总是在审美体验和审美感受中得到陶冶、教化的。“寓教于乐”说同时也揭示了艺术的本质特征:艺术中所包含的普遍性的真、善、美必须通过明晰的个性化,转化为个体感性可以直接接受的形式,艺术作品必须是形式与内容的美的融合、统一。诗人如果想做到“寓教于乐”,要加强自身的人格修养和心灵净化,同时应严肃对待艺术创作,遵循特定规范,既顺应读者习惯,又左右读者的心灵和审美情感,引导读者趋善避恶。“寓教于乐”思想对18世纪启蒙运动以及古典主义的文艺理论和文艺创作产生了深远的影响,至今仍是衡量艺术作品优劣的标准之一。