弹道目标,ballistic target
1)ballistic target弹道目标
1.A Robust RCS periodicity estimation algorithm for ballistic target;一种鲁棒的弹道目标RCS周期估计方法
2.After the characteristic of ballistic target recognition was analyzed, it was pointed that alleging decoys was a Neyman-Pearson decision in essence, which sought the least cost of recognition.分析了弹道目标识别的特点,指出弹道真假目标识别在本质上是一个风险最小的寻优过程,等同于Neyman-Pearson决策。
3.It is of great meaning to research the ballistic target recognition technique.研究弹道目标识别技术具有十分重要的意义。

2.A Study on Nutation Property of Ballistic Target and its Micro-Doppler弹道目标章动特性及其微多普勒研究
3.Research on the Motion Compensation of the Ballistic Target's High Resolution Range Profile弹道目标高分辨一维距离像运动补偿研究
4.Confirm target package SLBM 647 41 /2请确认弹道飞弹,第64741/2目标区
5.Study on Simulation of Dynamic Radar Characteristic and Recognition of Missile Target;弹道导弹目标动态雷达特性仿真与识别研究
6.Analysis of Target Features and Identification of Tactical Ballistic Missiles战术弹道导弹的目标特征与识别途径分析
7.A Fast and Steady Method of Precession Angular Estimation for Ballistic Missile Warhead弹道导弹中段目标进动角估计的新方法
8.Characteristics and Feature Analysis of Range Profile for Ballistic Missile Target弹道导弹目标的距离像特性与特征分析
9.Analysis of Minor-motion Feature and Its Parameters Extraction for Ballistic Missile Target弹道导弹目标微动特征分析及参数提取
10.Application of Target Measurement Techniques to Ballistic Missile Defence Radar目标测量技术在弹道导弹防御雷达中的应用
11.Anti-ship Missile Ballistic Programming When Ship Formation Attacking Target Colony编队攻击集群目标时的反舰导弹弹道规划
12.Feature Extraction and Recognition of Targets in Ballistic Midcourse in Polarization-Domain;弹道中段目标极化域特征提取与识别
13.Study on ISAR Imaging and Feature Extraction of Midcourse Ballistic Target;弹道中段目标ISAR成像与特征提取研究
14.Speaking of the benefits of using the ballistic missiles, Younger said that the speed of these missiles could reach faraway targets.杨格说,使用弹道飞弹的好处,这种飞弹的速度可以到达很远的目标。
15.Image Method to Measure Target Position in Prajectory Correction by Single CCD目标位置在弹道修正中的单目测量方法
16.For all practical purposes a ballistic missile such as Atlas is guided to its target.根据各种实用目的,可使象“阿特拉斯”这样的弹道导弹导向其目标。
17.Using parabolic trajectory of ballistic missile, surface to air missile with solid propellant can realize the aim of lesser weight and farther range.地空导弹采用弹道导弹的抛物弹道技术,能够实现应用固体推进剂达到低质量远射程的目标。
18.Firing Times Model of Air Missile Based on Multiple Target Passages基于多目标通道的防空导弹射击次数模型

Ballistic target弹道式目标
1.This paper discusses the theory method calculating surface temperature of ballistic target above aerosphere, and analyses the effect of dimensional orientation of target s flight gesture and sun radiation direction on its surface temperature.论述了大气层外弹道式目标表面温度的计算方法,对某弹道式目标大气层外飞行过程中当太阳 辐射方向改变时其表面温度的变化情况进行了数值计算,分析了目标飞行姿态与太阳辐射方向之间空 间方位关系的变化对目标表面温度的影响。
3)ballistic target tracking弹道目标跟踪
1.In order to overcome the disadvantage of the common used filtering algorithms that can not achieve the tracking accuracy and effectiveness at the same time,a finite-difference extending Kalman filter algorithm was proposed for ballistic target tracking problem in the re-entry phase.针对目前常用的滤波算法不能同时做到精确和高效跟踪目标的缺点,提出一种有限差分扩展卡尔曼滤波(FDEKF)算法用于再入阶段的弹道目标跟踪。
2.Under the background of tracking ballistic missiles by ground-based radar systems, the maneuvering ballistic target tracking, the multi-target tracking algorithm and multi-sensor track fusion method are studied in this thesis.首先讨论了非线性滤波的基本原理以及常用的非线性滤波器,继而讨论了交互多模型结构并将其用于对机动弹道目标跟踪。
4)Mid-course missile弹道中段目标
1.This paper is for the identification from the RCS sequence of the Mid-course missile.针对弹道中段目标RCS序列识别问题,在分析其运动特性与电磁散射特性的基础上,结合传统的基于椭球体的目标形状反演模型,提出了一种新的利用RCS幅度相对于目标姿态角变化率反演弹道中段目标长短轴比值和目标相对于雷达视线姿态角的方法,克服了传统方法需要观测到目标RCS极大、极小值的缺陷。
5)Spatial ballistic target空间弹道目标
6)Exoatmospheric ballistic target大气层外弹道式目标

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