1.SNR analysis in MRI quality control;核磁共振成像质量控制的信噪比分析
2.The Monte Carlo simulation of SNR for thin NaI(Tl) detector;薄型NaI(Tl)探测器信噪比的蒙特卡罗模拟

1.pulse improvement threshold脉冲信噪比改善阈值
2.(3)S/N (signal to noise ratio) is low about from 1.315 to 1.668 (average S/N).(3)信噪比很低,估算平均信噪比在1.315一1.668之间。
3.Simulation and analysis of SNR estimation using iterative gradient at low SNR level低信噪比时梯度迭代信噪比估计仿真分析
4.Method of Improving SNR of Weak Signal with Wavelet Transform一种改善微弱信号信噪比的小波变换消噪法
5.Algorithms for Modulation Recognition of Digital Communication Signals at Low SNR低信噪比数字通信信号识别算法研究
6.Quantitative computation and comparison of S/N ratio in seismic data地震资料信噪比定量计算及方法比较
7.Research on Improving SNR in Acquisition of GPS SignalsGPS信号捕获中信噪比提高的研究
8.SNR estimation method of LFM signal detection线性调频信号检测的信噪比估算方法
9.Method for Parameters Estimation of PN Sequence in the Lower SNR DS/SS Signals低信噪比直扩信号PN序列参数估计
10.Automatic Recognition for Digital Modulation Signals at Low SNR Situations低信噪比下数字调制信号的自动识别
11.Modifying SNR-Independent Velocity Estimation Method to Make it Suitable for SNR Estimation in Shallow Water Acoustic Communication两种水声信道模型中信噪比估计算法
12.Research of carrier synchronization for low SNR and high dynamic signals低信噪比高动态信号的载波同步研究
13.An Algorithm of SNR Frequency-domain Estimation for SSB Signals一种SSB信号频域信噪比估计算法
14.Weak signal extraction and feature recognition to polynomial phase signal in low SAR低信噪比FPPS的弱信号提取与特征识别
15.Direct Acquisition of GPS P-Code Under Low-SNR低信噪比下GPS信号P码直接捕获技术
16.The Research on Osnr Monitoring Technique of the Receiving Electrical Noise基于接收端电噪声分析的光信噪比监测法研究
17.Low-SNR Image Noise Removal Based on Local Edge-preserving Function基于局部保边函数的低信噪比图像去噪
18.Signal to Noise Ratio( SNR): The ratio of the signal to the random noise in a set of data.信噪比:平均到一个数据单元的信号与随机噪声的比值。

signal-to-noise ratio信噪比
1.The estimation of signal-to-noise ratio and its use in high-resolution processing;信噪比的估算及其在高分辨率处理中的应用
2.Study on signal-to-noise ratio of drug-fluorescence imaging system;荧光法成像系统信噪比的实验研究
3.Clock jitter measurement technique based on signal-to-noise ratio;基于信噪比测量时钟抖动的方法
3)Signal to noise ratio信噪比
1.2-D tracing horizon filtering method to increase signal to noise ratio of seismic section image;提高地震剖面图像信噪比的二维沿层滤波方法
2.Improvement of the signal to noise ratio of CMOS image sensor by multi-frame-smooth FPN with microscanning;微扫描多帧平滑FPN提高CMOS图像传感器信噪比
3.A model of nonlinear anisotropic diffusion for increasing signal to noise ratio of seismic image;提高地震图像信噪比的非线性各向异性扩散算法模型
4)Signal noise ratio信噪比
1.A way to Improve Signal Noise Ratio of Sampled Data;一种提高测量数据信噪比的方法
2.New signal noise ratio adaptive Viterbi decoding algorithm;一种新的信噪比自适应Viterbi译码算法
3.Improvement of signal noise ratio of TMC optical system by SiC surface modification technology应用SiC反射镜表面改性技术提高TMC光学系统信噪比
5)signal-noise ratio信噪比
1.The processing techniques of low signal-noise ratio seismic data of plain marine strata;平原海相低信噪比地震资料处理方法
2.A method for processing the converted-wave data whose signal-noise ratio is low;低信噪比转换波资料的处理方法
3.By establishing the random signal model and introducing the noise and signal in the form of their product,signal-noise ratio has been raised apparently and total signal power has been promoted greatly.通过建立随机信号模型,将噪声和信号以相乘的形式引入,不仅使信噪比大大提高,还使总信号功率极大地得到提升,从一定程度上解决了测井中信号的误差问题。
6)high S/N ratio高信噪比
