1.Mind Activities in Both Teaching and Singing;论声乐教学与演唱中歌唱心理的作用
2.Processing and Performing Songs in Singing;谈演唱中歌曲的处理与表现
3.Emotion and Charm:Essential conditions for the Saccess of Singing;“情”与“韵”:演唱成功的重要条件

1.The singer gave an erratic performance.演唱者未唱出水平.
2.The choir gave a ragged performance.合唱队演唱得很不和谐.
3.The choir give a ragged performance,ie the singer be not following the conductor合唱队演唱得很不和谐
4.The choir give a ragged performance,ie the singer is not following the conductor.合唱队演唱得很不和谐。
5.A body of singers who perform choral compositions.合唱团演唱合唱作品的歌手团体
6.To sing or play with modulation.变调用转调演唱或演奏
7.request an encore, from a performer.要求表演者再演唱一次。
8.To sing or play a descant.演唱(或演奏)高音部
9.If you like singing or playing,如果你喜欢演唱或演奏,
10.a group of musicians playing or singing together.在一起演奏或演唱的一组歌唱家。
11.Analysis on the Style of Opera-Performance with the Basis of the Three Arias;从三首咏叹调的演唱谈歌剧演唱风格
12.Impact of Psychological Factors on Concert Performance;论声乐演唱中紧张心理对演唱的影响
13.The choir gave a ragged performance,ie The singers were not following the conductor.合唱队演唱得很不和谐(歌唱者不听从指挥).
14.The choral society sang the new cantata composed by its leader.该合唱队演唱了他们领队编写的大合唱。
15.A singer in a choir, especially a choirboy or choirgirl.合唱者唱诗班中的演唱者,特指小男孩或小女孩
16.The choir gave a ragged performance, ie The singers were not following the conductor.合唱队演唱得很不和谐(歌唱者不听从指挥)。
17.A Brief Review on Bel Canto and Popular Singing in Sing Art;简析声乐演唱艺术中的美声唱法和通俗唱法
18.The spontaneous applause cut the singer short.自发的掌声打断了歌唱家的演唱

1.Elaboration BERLIOZ S Voice Divertimento 《LES NUITS D (?)T(?)》 S Style and Sing;论柏辽兹声乐套曲《夏夜》的风格与演唱
2.The paper has analyzed the creation of literary work,the composition of music and the artistic features of singing skills from the perspective of aesthetic meaning and expression.当代抒情歌曲《梅花引》是近年来推出的一首雅俗共赏的歌曲佳作,拟从审美的立意和表达的角度,分析其歌曲文学、音乐的创作以及演唱方法上《梅花引》的艺术特色。
3.There exist some similarities and individualities in singing Chinese and foreign works of vocal music.中外声乐作品的演唱有着其共性与个性。
1.On the Composition and Performance of Chinese Art Songs in the Early 20th Century;浅谈20世纪早期中国艺术歌曲的创作与演唱
2.The aesthetic appreciation of singing and performance contains a lot of different aspects.演唱艺术的审美是多侧面的,是综合性的体现,要求演员具备一些相应的综合素质。
3.In this paper, I will analyze in details this opera s social impact, composition characteristics, and performance, in following sections: introduction, three analysis sections, and conclusion.本文主要围绕《霍夫曼的故事》深刻的社会意义、创作特征及演唱特点这几个方面来分析研究,主要分为绪言和三个主要章节,以及结语进行论述。
4)singing and performing演唱与表演
5)singing skills演唱技巧
1.As for singing in vocal music,superb singing skills and techniques are the important pre-request for re-creation;as for the techniques of re-creation in vocal music,it lies in the quality and volume of the performers voice.对于声乐演唱而言,具有高超的演唱技巧与技术是进行再创作的重要前提。
2.Taking their producing style as the starting point, the writer studies their singing skills from certain classical works.本文综合了两位作曲家的社会背景和创作历程,对他们的歌剧创作风格进行了比较和分析,并以威尔第和普契尼歌剧的创作风格为切入点,比较了威尔第和普契尼歌剧的演唱风格,对他们歌剧中的部分经典曲目的演唱技巧进行了探究,简要总结出演唱威尔第和普契尼歌剧应具备的能力及条件,对读者透彻地了解和掌握威尔第和普契尼歌剧的演唱有一定的借鉴。
6)singing of Nanyin music南音演唱
1.And bosed upon the characteristics of the Quan tune and singing of Nanyin music,This paper aims to probe and develop the vocal art.南音演唱长期停留在"真声演唱"的层面,缺乏系统、科学的演唱训练,给古老唱腔声乐艺术的发展带来了消极的影响。

演唱1.讲唱。演释唱诵。 2.谓表演戏曲﹑歌曲。