1.Architecture and Magic -Primary Research on the Application of Psychological Accordance in the Reconstruction of Old Architecture;建筑·魔术——心理依据在旧建筑改造中应用初探
2.Bringing magic into classrooms is always one of hard efforts in physics teaching, but it is not easy to design better magic for physics teaching and to create scenes for it by performing magic.将魔术引入课堂一直是物理教学努力的一个方向之一,然而如何才能设计出比较好的物理 教学魔术以及如何利用魔术来创设物理教学的情境是件不容易的事情。
3.The text carries on detailed analysis about a poker card magic and provides one realization of algorithm by program C++.文章对一种扑克牌猜牌魔术进行了详细的分析,给出了一种实现的算法,并用C++语言实现。

1.The magician was doing magic tricks.魔术家正在变魔术
2.Of, relating to, or produced by magic.用魔术变成的,与魔术有关的,魔术
3.The art, skill, or practice of a wizard;sorcery.魔术技巧魔术师的艺术、技巧或实践;魔法、妖术
4.conjuring trickph.1. 魔术戏法
5.alladian was enchanted by the magician to get the lantern for him阿拉丁被魔术师施了魔法要他为魔术师取神灯。
6.A feat of magic or legerdemain.魔术,戏法魔术或戏法的技艺
7.A male witch, sorcerer, wizard, or demon.男巫师、术士、魔术师或魔鬼
8.The magician changed the flower into a bird with his magic.魔术师运用魔术将鲜花变成了一只鸟。
9.The magician performed his tricks with professional skill.魔术师以娴熟的专业技巧表演魔术
10.The magician thrilled his audience with his feats of magic.魔术师用他的魔术技艺使观众们激动。
11.The act or art of conjuring.耍魔术的行为或艺术
12.Did you use magic and witchcraft?你使用了魔术和巫术吗?
13.The magician make the rabbit disappear with a wave of his wand魔术师把魔杖一挥, 兔子就不见了
14.The magician made the rabbit disappear with a wave of his wand.魔术师把魔杖一挥, 兔子就不见了.
15.The magician displayed his charms and potions.魔术师展示了咒符和有魔力的饮品。
16.mango trick(印度魔术)现结芒果
17.a trick performed with playing cards.用玩纸牌进行的魔术
18.The magic show enthralled the audience.魔术表演吸引住了观众

magic wind-wheel魔术风轮
1.A magic wind-wheel phenomenon is introduced.介绍了“魔术风轮”的现象,对其建立了物理模型,并动用数学手段进行了推导,得出了风轮的物理本质。
3)magic wand魔术棒
4)magic labeling魔术标号
1.Since graceful labeling of graph were introduced by Rosa in the late 1960s, Kotzig and Rosa, Bange et al defined magic labeling; k-sequential labeling and k-sequentially additive labeling.自从上世纪60年代末,Rosa引入图的优美标号概念以来,Kotzig和Rosa,Bange等人又定义了图的魔术标号,k-序列标号以及k-序列加法标号。
5)Makyoh technology魔镜技术
6)card's magic纸牌魔术
